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Oh God! This movie was so much fun!!! I loved it ♥

The Olsen Twins are so talented! Sad they moved on but hopefully they are happy ♥

Thank you Raquel for sponsoring this film!


+ OneDrive: https://1drv.ms/v/c/328a1a97025d62a9/EXS-xCpcs09Mnc1zxm49b_kBIwUAKyGL5HmPUrRZpD-uBw?e=YrlDud

+ Google Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/hp4bXZQTjecYUiXz5

+ Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l-3iR65h0XfU1HB4q1zvYz5exnwapoNK/view?usp=sharing

+ Mega: https://mega.nz/file/BWFGVLpK#79iWaGwbcRXPQvcYyMd-vE5TNoboh1d7ZB71ECejDc8

+ Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fu1ks3b70vk9yndxs6scs/ITT-1995-MR-1.mp4?rlkey=16n2ve9xf0vkly38ef9otr405&st=7r05qcr7&dl=0

+ Direct Download Link: https://we.tl/t-QEsyCOppNf



Raquel Perodin

Omg i did not notice before but now while watching, I realized that’s Carol Ross’s ex wife from friends! lol I’m watching it now with a few different reactors. Also glad you liked the movie!


For anyone who is looking for a movie that one of the Olsen twins has done more recently I recommend if you haven’t already seen it the 2011 movie beastly that Mary-Kate was in where she played a witch named Kendra She doesn’t get a lot of screentime but she definitely owns the scenes that she’s in