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My God everyone on this show is INSANE! lol

But, whatever her motivation was I think Adrian was the only one letting Amy make her decision.

Also... be kind to Ashley pls!!


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+ Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/09uilrca9trj8rokt3ap2/106-L32W.mp4?rlkey=v2ebg7yzp3hl6lzp0ukn62sj2&st=kjg43cvd&dl=0

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Bailee (Cayden)

What a wonderful thing to wake up to!! Gonna watch your reaction now Juli!!!

Nikki S

Been loving these reactions! And love everything you said at the end!! My mom also didn’t have that talk with me, I had watched a baby be born in class on a movie and went home and asked my grandma how babies were made lol I was at an embarrassing age like most kids knew already and i was really grossed out for awhile when I found out lol! Glad they started the episode with Amy telling her mom and getting a packed episode finally. Of course grace made me so mad with the Jesus stuff. Don’t like abortion? That’s fine, don’t have one. Don’t tell other people they’re going to hell for it lol glad we didn’t really see Grace’s parents, they annoy me lol

Fay K

Ashley was my favorite to a point, but not spoiling when

Caitlyn Skiff

I remember the antisipation for this episode. We were all wondering if she was going to tell her mom or not. I love that she did right at the beginning of the episode. Also, I always loved Adrian in this episode. She barely knows Amy, but is the only one who was actually helping her. Sex ed barely existed in my school. It was very much a wait until marriage conversation. Probably why we had so many teen pregnancies in my high school. I was lucky because my mom never hid anything about it from me or my brothers. If we had a question about sex we could just ask her and she would answer it honestly with no shame. I don't understand parents that hide those thing from their kids. Expecially nowadays with the internet they are going to find some things out. Better they here it from their parents instead of google.