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And we reach the end... I can't believe it!

I'm happy with the ending but it made me want more!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who joined me during this entire ride.


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I felt vibes between Felice and Sara too!

Pamela Chandler Rash

You know how they tell parents to put the oxygen masks on themselves before putting them on their kids in airplanes. I feel like Wilhelm's parents would put on their masks but wait until they were safely on the ground before realizing their son might need oxygen too. I don't really think either of them redeemed themselves even at the end. Only halfway through the reaction so don't know what you think yet.


Just finished watching all of your reactions s1 through s3 and thoroughly enjoyed them! I really hope you consider watching Young Royals Forever, the documentary. It’s such a good little behind the scenes, get to know the cast and the process kind of thing. I agree, going into s3 I definitely felt like something would happen between Sara and Felice but we end up realising that friendship prevails through it all. In episode 3, we see Micke talking to Sara about how they both experience feelings more strongly than others because of their diagnosis so I think Sara saying she had stronger feelings for Felice, herself and Simon than she does for August just shows that she’s figured out she doesn’t feel those types of feelings towards August anymore, she realises what is most important to her which is friends and family. It touches on Sara and Felice’s storyline a bit more in the documentary and what the outcome should feel like and what it ends up being. This episode really gives the audience a ‘had you in the first half’ type of feeling. The storylines were very quickly tied up and set aside without having to prolong it too much. I agree, there are a few things that could’ve been expanded on but nothing that the audience interpretation couldn’t figure out for themselves. Lisa (the writer) always envisioned this story being told over three seasons and that it didn’t need to be dragged through loads of seasons like so many other shows and I think she did a great job at wrapping it up the way she did. At some point, we just have to let the characters do their own thing, only we as an audience don’t get to see that. Augusts ending is bittersweet. We get a semi redemption this episode but I don’t think he can be granted a full redemption for what he’s done. He still did what he did, regardless of his backstory. We are left with that gaze into nothing after he notices Wilhelm running from the car which hints to me that he realises he’s stuck with the crown now because Wilhelm has abdicated and that he doesn’t actually want it because of the pressure and what he can and can’t do. He’s always been used to being freelance at school, partying, drinking but now he can’t do any of that under the eyes of the crown. That’s also touched on in the documentary. We kind of get the hint of abdication all throughout the show as we see Wilhelm struggling with his anxiety and his mental health because of it. He’s brainwashed and persuaded by his mother and the royal family not to abdicate but eventually he realises he just can’t handle it anymore. He doesn’t abdicate because of Simon, he abdicates for the benefit of himself and his well being, but he can be with Simon now because the stress and pressure has been taken away from him. A lot of people misinterpret Wilhelm abdicating for Simon’s sake but it was never for Simon’s sake, it was for his own. I can guarantee that when Simon asks ‘did you do it for my sake’ that if Wilhelm said ‘yes’ then Simon wouldn’t of accepted him back so I think it’s nice to see Wilhelm finally taking a stand in what he wants. Simon’s family spoke Spanish all throughout the three seasons but in season 3 we see a lot of Linda speaking Spanish and Simon replying in Swedish (in fact, the only Spanish that Simon says in s3 is happy birthday to Wille and that last line ‘were grown ups now’ during Linda’s last scene) and Simon’s actor stated in an interview recently how they wanted to find a balance between the two languages because Simon and Sara are Swedish kids, living in Sweden so they’re going to speak Swedish a lot more and they knew it was important to include some Spanish in the last season. Thank you for the reactions Juli! I can’t wait to watch your reaction to the documentary if you consider reacting to it, it’s 100% worth the watch!