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What was Jen doing there¡?! That's sus as hell!!!

I loved the OG PLL call back tho! I can't wait for more ♥


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Jen asking Noa why she slept with HER OWN boyfriend annoyed me but also made me laugh like you're the side piece Jen not Shawn. Honestly I prefer Shawn over Jen (I don't like Jen all) and this cheating plot line is really unnecessary and feels unlike Noa. And honestly even if noa and Jen do end up together this season, I don't see them being endgame for the next (for a hopefully season 3) due to the fan reception of them (most don't like her) Anyway I'm still staying strong and shipping Tabogen & Faran/Kelly!! Idc, Those are the queer ships we DESERVE ❗


I really really think Karen's alive!!

Kin Phillips

Yeah I am really hoping Tabogen happens but the writers throwing two random love interest in that are guys 🙄is disappointing ash and making me think it won’t happen. The new love interest all just seem so forced. Maybe if we ask enough we can get Tabogen and other good couples in season 3?! 😭