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Okay, for my pldege process, it seems there are new method payoneer is using, by sending the pledge to 3rd party, and to me. Which means I would lost income about 25% between Patreon, Payoneer and SWIFT(The 3rd Party). Other than that, the pledges can be processed, albiet more slow than usual.

As for the Tier, I'm afraid I have to close down the Client Tier, since I dont provide enough services for them to make their money worth in time. 

For next month, it will only be;

 Support Tier, where they  will have access to my full res Gallery

 Artist Tier, where they will have access to my full res Gallery, and raw files.

Be sure to change your pledges accordingly.  I am sorry for any inconvenience that happen because of this. 

Thank you all for your support, and patience.



Thanks for the update, JD. I am sorry that you have to deal with all of this. :(