Lewd pack 13! (Patreon)
Little light on Selena and Amina since they were the focus of the last pack. I will probably do another focused pack next week! Not sure on what yet. Any ideas I am open too if you wanna drop me a line. xP I have enough ideas for a lifetime but outside perspective is always welcome!
Thank you all for the input this week! Remember if you're shy my DM's are always open too. This has yet to be a problem at all but just remember if you're commenting to be respectful of me and each other! I'm not saying that for any reason in particular other than the patreon is growing very fast and we all should play nice with one another. : D
So I keep going back and forth on this JPG vs PNG question. The main sticking point there is Patreon's file size limit. It's not so much an issue for the lewd packs since they tend to be lighter than the weeklies. I work off of a giant 4k monitor ( it helps to catch little details that stick out ) and can't tell the difference in an end product. PNGS also tend to be *much* higher impact on storage, not withstanding I can't use them as previews in image posts because of the file size. In any case, I uploaded both types of files as an example for this post! It's the same exact pictures, just the two different file types. You can decide for yourself if the PNG size is worth it to you! It doesn't make much difference to me since I keep all my original files in case a meteor hits a Patreon server or something.
Oh yes! Sorry for the delay on Sabine's lore drop. ;-; She was being super nitpicky about her armor design. It's done, just going to upload it tomorrow once I grab her intro posts! Luckily Sabine is a relatively new character to our roleplay, so her intro posts are available and easy to find! Whereas like with someone like Selena who has been around for years, it's hard to dig through to find good examples sometimes.
Finally just a quick shout out to everyone here! I get the weirdest fucking messages on Twitter and Instagram, some of them not so nice, some of them wildly inappropriate. That has literally not happened with a single patron yet. I appreciate the support and kindness. ^_^
Upscale pack shortly after this post!
セレーナとアミーナについては、前回のパックで焦点を当てたので、少し控えめにしている。来週はまた焦点を絞ったパックをするつもり!何をするかはまだ決めてないけど。xP 一生分のアイデアはあるけど、外部からの視点はいつでも歓迎だよ!