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Safe from Nicole, Mason lay on his back with his head turned to the side, his face buried into his arm to protect his eyes from the sunlight. He tried to move his chest as little as possible and enjoy the sun’s warmth, and was on the verge of dozing off when he felt a wave of coolness suddenly wash over him. He moved his arm away and opened his eyes to find Skye standing in front of him, blocking the sun and projecting a shadow all around him. She’d come outside to try and tan, so she was only wearing a skimpy blue bikini, and Mason found himself distracted by the generous amount of underboob she had bursting out the bottom of her top. Those definitely weren’t that big the last time I saw her in a bikini, he thought.

“I thought you two were gonna do some gardening together?” she asked. “You already get pooped out?”

He frowned, “No. She accidentally sat on me and bruised my ribs.”

“Aw, and it hasn’t even been like 15 minutes. That sucks. Are you okay?”

He nodded and rolled his head to the side. “Yeah. I mean technically no, cuz I thought she cracked my ribs at first so they’re kinda sore, but I don’t think they’re actually broken.”

“So you think you’ll be fine?”

Mason nodded again, and Skye took it as an approval to laugh at the situation now that she knew nothing too serious had happened. “In that case, I think it’s kinda funny. I feel like me or Mikayla sit on you at least once every couple weeks, whereas the person who's super uptight about caring for you just had to sit on you one time to nearly crush you!” Mason winced at her comment. It’s true, he’d been sat on so many times by Mikayla and Skye that he pretty much wasn’t scared of them accidentally killing him at this point. But now that he’d actually been hurt, he wasn’t so sure anymore that he’d be indifferent the next time around.

“Well maybe you guys shouldn’t sit on me anymore then,” he told her defiantly.

“Eh, the only problem with that is that sitting on my older problem is way too fun to never do again.” She peered over to where Nicole was. “Where’d she sit on you?”

“On the edge of the planter.”

She shrugged, “Alright, so then I just won’t sit on you when you’re on hard surfaces like that anymore. But usually you’re on the couch or the carpet or something, so that’s probably why it normally doesn’t hurt you.”

“Or you could not sit on me at all from now on,” he muttered.

“Well I could, but Mikayla definitely wouldn’t be able to have that much self control, and if she’s gonna keep doing it then I should be able to do it too.” She laughed when he groaned in response, which slightly jiggled her her boobs, causing her to look down at bikini and adjust it a bit. It gave Mason a few seconds to catch a glimpse, before she looked up again and sighed. “Anyways jokes aside, I hope you get better though,” she told him with a smile, and headed over to the bigger lounge chairs. He turned to watch her go, staring at her butt’s micro-vibrations as she walked along. Despite his injury, butts like Skye's nearly made him wanna get sat on all over again, but eventually he let her be and closed his eyes to go back to relaxing in the sun himself.

While Mason had been talking with Skye, Nicole spotted what she thought were tiny footprints around some of her plants, but they didn’t all correspond with fruits that had been chewed on, so she assumed at first that it might just have been Mason's. But as she was picking the strawberries, she realized that some of the footprints seemed to lead away from the vegetables towards the back of their property. She couldn’t be completely sure since their yard was mostly grass, but she did her best to follow what she assumed were tiny people’s footprints. There was a wire fence at the back of their yard, beyond which was a bit of forest land, and she opened the gate to venture past their yard. And then, only a few feet beyond their property, she found a tiny makeshift shelter hidden behind one of the trees. It was built out of twigs and leaves mostly, but had a cardboard roof, cardboard from a cereal box that she knew her kids liked to eat.

Just as she was stepping up to it, Nicole saw a tiny person darting away from the entrance, like they’d been watching her approach and had to hide inside now that the giant woman was outside their home. “Can I please have a word with whoever it was that just ran inside?” she asked, getting on her knees and inspecting the exterior of their house. But nobody made an appearance. “I know you’re in there,” she said, somewhat impatiently this time, “I saw you at the doorway. Stop hiding.” But still nothing.

Scowling at the tiny’s refusal to speak with her, she reached down and grabbed the cardboard roof off their little structure. It had been tied down with intertwined pieces of grass that were woven into a kind of miniature rope, but the knots were so weak compared to her size that she didn’t even have to consciously make an effort to instantly rip them apart. Inside were three tiny people cowering in the corner, along with two of her strawberries and a couple basil leaves in a stack.

“You little shits really did steal from my garden!” she exclaimed, and they squeaked out in surprise, shaking in fear at Nicole’s wrath. “So I guess I don’t even need to ask whether or not you guys are the ones that ruined a few of my other strawberries by eating part of them, huh?” She picked up one of the strawberries to get a better look at it, seeing that the chewing marks looked the same as the ones in her garden, and the three tinies used her distraction as an opportunity to bolt out of the shelter. But she noticed them trying to run and stood up, slamming her foot down in front of them and nearly causing them to trip to avoid running into her. Two of them changed course back for their tree, but Nicole smashed her foot on top of the remaining twigs and leaves, instantly crushing them. The other strawberry exploded beneath her foot, squirting out and nearly hitting one of the tiny people. With the same kind of sigh she used on her kids when they were younger and would try to lie about something obvious, she stooped down to pick all three of the tiny people up and deposit them into her palm.

“Just because you guys are harder to see doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to trespass on other people’s property,” she told them, heading back to her yard and walking to the front of the house with them. “And just because you guys don’t eat as much food doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to steal some of ours. I waited months for those to grow and now even the ones you didn’t take look like they got eaten by bugs.”

One of the tiny people had the courage to speak out and ask the woman a question. “What are you gonna do to us?” he asked, his little voice wavering.

“Call the police, same as anyone else who breaks the law,” she answered as she arrived at the front lawn, and began pulling out her phone.

“Wait!” one of the other tiny people exclaimed. “We’re not, um, we’re not registered with the government.”

“Yeah, we don’t have any ID’s or anything,” the third one chimed in.

The first one spoke up again, “And if the cops take tiny people that there aren’t any record of, then… mmm…” He didn’t want to say it out loud.

“They could kidnap or hurt us without anyone knowing, even kill us if they wanted to.”

Nicole frowned, “Not my problem. Don’t be a hippie who lives in the woods if you don’t want to suffer the consequences.”

The second tiny person fell to their knees. “Please don’t call the cops ma’am,” she cried. “We know you have a tiny living with you, that’s why we felt like we could trust living near you. But none of us had the luxury of being born into a regular family. Our parents were tiny just like us and we grew up in a tiny encampment til it got destroyed. And we can’t just go get an ID, because we have to go to the police to do that, and the police are the ones who are such a big risk to us. I had a cousin who didn’t believe my mom about how dangerous they are, so a few years ago he left to go get registered, and we haven’t heard from him since. And if he is okay, he never tried coming back to the camp to tell us the good news. We have no way of knowing what happened to him.”

The tiny person’s appeal to Nicole’s emotions had worked, and she hesitated before putting her phone back in her pocket. “Fine. You won me over.” They sighed with relief, but Nicole lifted them close to her face. “But I don’t want to ever see you again. And that includes out in the woods around my house?” The quickly nod and she leans in even closer, nearly baring her teeth and she glares down at them. “Cuz if I find you again, you’re all going to beg that I call the police.” To emphasize her point, she grabbed the arm of the one she’d spotted first, the one who’d initially ran inside and refused to talk to her, and squeezed his forearm between her fingers, easily breaking it and causing him to scream. “Got it?” she growled.

The other two yelled out in worry over their friend, but Nicole crouched down to set them on the sidewalk before standing back up. “Now get out of here.” They crowded around the arm she’d just broken, trying to see how bad it was and asking if he was okay, so Nicole lifted her foot and slammed it down so close to their huddle that she came within millimeters of squashing them. “LEAVE.” They didn’t need to wait around for the woman’s next warning, and took off running down the sidewalk.

Watching them run along for a minute, Nicole’s temper started to dissipate, and eventually she chuckled at how comical they looked trying to get away. She sighed, shaking her head, and walked back to the backyard to check in on Mason.

“You feeling a bit better?” she asked Mason sympathetically, any hint of her recent anger towards the tinies now gone.

“I guess,” he said. “Can you take me inside though? The tree’s about to get in the way of my sun.” He pointed over at the shadows of some leaves that were gradually inching closer to him as the sun moved across the sky.

“Are you sure? I was almost done in the garden, and then I was gonna get my swimsuit on and join Skye next to the pool. There’s still plenty of sun over there, you can just join us.”

He took a deep breath before he relented and decided that he might not hate having to lie in between two women in their bikinis. “Alright, I guess.” Nicole turned to head back to the garden but Mason spoke up before she was out of ear shot. “What were you holding earlier? I noticed you headed past the gate and then saw you carrying something in your hand to the front yard.”

“Oh, I thought I saw a deer in the woods,” Nicole lied, “and I tried bringing it some of the strawberries that the bugs had gotten to, but it ran off. So instead I just figured I’d take the more funky looking berries to the neighbors cuz Mrs. Grantham was telling me they use their food scraps on their chickens.” Nicole didn’t feel very guilty about how she’d treated the other tinies, but she knew Mason definitely wouldn’t approve, and obviously couldn’t tell him the truth. Even telling him that I found tiny people at all might get his hopes up, she thought, and then he might go off into the woods to try and find them again.

Mason was suspicious of her response; whatever was in her hand didn’t look very red, although he was so far away relative to his size that it wasn’t impossible. And he also wasn’t convinced that it had even been bugs that had gotten to her plants. But he was equally unsure of the other possibility, and he trusted her, so he let the subject go.

When Nicole had finished bringing in her herbs and fruits, she went to get changed and came back out in a black two-piece, immediately catching his attention. Why am I so horny today? he wondered, and decided not to give in to his perversions, at least for the day. “Actually, I changed my mind again,” he told her before she could pick him up, “I decided I really do wanna head inside.”

“Aw, are you sure?” she asked. She felt her bikini strap digging into her back, so she reached behind to adjust it, then adjusting the rest of her swimsuit to try and fit more comfortably. She looked down at her boobs, having to hold them upright for a moment while she moved the top to a better fitting position. The whole time, Mason gawked up at her, marveling at how good she looked for her age, not even bothering to answer the thing she’d asked him. And then Skye called her name to ask her about sunscreen, and Nicole turned around, and the humongous ass of hers that had almost crushed him less than an hour ago swiveled into view right in front of him. She wasn’t even thinking of the boy, and absentmindedly reached behind to pull her bottoms out of her crack. They’d been buried so deep between her cheeks that they weren’t even providing the coverage they were supposed to anymore, and she shook her hips like she was pulling on a pair of tight pants, trying to make them fit her oversized bum.

Mason had only barely managed to turn his head away just as Nicole turned back around, and luckily she didn’t seem to realize the show that she’d inadvertently given to the boy. Setting her palm in front of him, he climbed aboard, and she lifted him up to her chest. He was directly in front of her boobs, and they aggressively bounced up and down as she walked, yet again hypnotizing his gaze. What if those had crushed me instead… But within a few seconds Nicole had arrived back inside, and she set the boy down in the living room. Just like Mikayla that morning, the bottom of Nicole's bikini stretched tight against her hips as she squatted down, and he noticed how thin the fabric became between her crotch and her ass, where it ultimately disappeared and became lost within her cheeks just moments after trying to rescue it. She grumbled and tried resetting its position again as she stood up and went to grab Skye some sun lotion, and once she headed back outside, Mason sighed and began the journey back to his room and the little house within.




So, the first chapter that implemented the new guidelines. Let me know what you think, I think there's barely even a difference!


pink panther

I honestly feel its kind of distracting because it's very obvious that you are trying to avoid saying "his sister" and "his mother" and it feels kind of awkward them calling their mother by name lol but hey if it's the only way to continue this story then I would take this over canceling it. but it would be really awesome if you could talk with patreon and go back to the old style because as you said others are doing it and nothing happened to them.


i actually made sure that they would never call nicole by her name because you're right, that would be weird. if you ctrl + f and cycle through all the uses of her name, it's only ever used by the narrator. and i cant talk with patreon. this whole thing started because they said they'd suspend my account if i didnt fix it. me emailing them saying "pleeeeeeease" isnt gonna convince them to rewrite their whole terms and conditions lol


I wonder if Mikayla might stumble upon any unfortunate (or fortunate lol) tinies in the near future…