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Being worn in Olivia’s clothes in the past had already been an embarrassing enough ordeal for Reese, but those times had been in private. If they were headed to Kora Point, that meant a good deal of walking on the beach, with potentially dozens of people witnessing Olivia’s casual dominance of Reese. But of course, she didn’t seem to care; if anything, the publicity would actually make the whole thing that much more exciting.

“Arms up!” she instructed, and then lifted him up from behind, her hands roughly grabbing ahold of his armpits. As if he weighed nothing, she quickly hoisted him high into the air before sliding his feet through the bottom of the skimpy, V-shaped swimsuit, and then pushed his head backwards directly between her breasts. In a matter of seconds, she’d positioned him so that he was perched inside her bathing suit, with his legs dangling in front of hers, and his head being squeezed by her boobs. Compared to his measly little head, her tits were so huge that they were able to keep him upright just from the pressure caused by them pressing against his head, and they took up the majority of his vision as they molded around the front of his head. All in all, it kind of looked like she was wearing a baby pouch, except way more risqué. It even looked like Reese was naked, since his speedo was so tiny that it was covered by the bottom of Olivia’s swimsuit.

Olivia took her boy-pouch for a test run by walking back and forth a few times to make sure he wouldn’t fall out. She was worried he might be heavy enough to cause her swimwear to sag, but apparently Reese in shrunken form didn’t weigh enough to make much of an effect. Either that, or her boobs were providing enough grip against the sides of his head to alleviate some of the weight. Regardless, she was able to walk completely normally, much to the amusement of Jordan and Elle.

“I guess we’re ready to go then!” Olivia announced excitedly, leading her friends to the sliding glass door that opened onto the path towards the beach. The girls started talking about fitness, initiated by how Jordan and Elle thought Olivia’s swimsuit looked on her, and how smart she was for becoming a personal trainer. “It’s not like you weren’t always the hottest bitch in high school,” Jordan was saying about her friend, “but your abs look so good now too. I’ve been like low-key jealous ever since you came home from college.”

“I mean, you definitely don’t need to work out as much as I do to be hot though,” Olivia responded. “And besides like, your ass looks great Jordan, I can tell you’ve been putting more work into it lately and I’m really proud of you.”

“Well thanks,” Jordan rolled her eyes, “cuz I feel like that’s all guys seem to care about nowadays. Although it could still never compare to yours.” She slapped Olivia’s butt, prompting a quick squeal out of Olivia before she stepped back and returned the favor to Jordan. Determined to one-up Olivia’s one-up, Jordan paused and reached her hand behind Olivia’s ass, bringing it down with such a smack that Reese could feel it vibrate the swimsuit.

She bit her lip, and before she could deliver the fourth booty slap, Jordan hopped in front of Olivia and bent forward, shaking her butt as she presented it. “Here, you should let Reese watch this time,” she teased, and Olivia laughed, lifting her hand up high so she could swing it down and cause such a thunderous clap that the sound carried back to the house. Reese’s eyes were magnetized to the girl he used to have a crush on, and the resulting jiggle of her butt just a few feet in front of him. Her head whipped around in the midst of his staring, and she broke out into hysterics over how much of a trance he seemed to be in, pulling laughter out of Olivia and Elle too. “Oh, he wishes,” she smirked, and he blushed, finally finding the strength to cast his eyes aside as she continued jeering at him. “See? I told you that’s all that guys care about.” She spun around and leaned forward, close to Reese’s face, a sly grin on her own. “That’s OK though, I guess her tits are the next best thing, huh?” she teased, and suddenly reached up to push inwards on Olivia’s boobs, smothering Reese’s head so much that they completely obscured his vision, causing him to squirm in discomfort. Olivia gasped and slapped Jordan’s hand away, but she wasn’t really that offended, and couldn’t keep from chuckling at her friend’s behavior.

She turned back around and they continued on their way to Kora Point, although the relief Reese felt from being left alone again was short-lived. As they walked along the beach, Olivia proudly displaying her improvised method for carrying the shrimpy boy, he became the subject of several glances from the other beach-goers, and most of the glances turned into prolonged stares. In fairness though, it really was a sight to behold. His hairy, somewhat pale, and relatively skinny legs were a stark contrast with the smooth, muscular, and deeply tanned thighs that they awkwardly bounced against. He didn’t know what to do with his arms, so they just appeared to hang loosely next to his stomach, which looked mediocre against the toned backdrop of Olivia’s stomach. And of course, the prize jewel of their whole setup, the element that caused so many people to take pictures of the two—Reese’s head, buried uncomfortably and forcefully all the way between the largest pair of breasts most people had ever seen, while he was worn like some kind of toy. He was lucky that nobody knew he and Olivia were related, but even that couldn’t do much to temper his embarrassment.

Finally though, the four of them arrived at their destination, and they settled down at a midpoint between the water and the shining brown cliffs behind them. It wasn’t that crowded, but Reese was still surprised by how many people seemed to be out at the beach on a weekday, although he realized the fresh arrival of summer was the main reason why. Lots of college-aged kids, fresh on summer vacation, who had taken a trip during the week, thinking it wouldn’t be as crowded, along with a few families of kids who had finished school earlier than Reese’s school district, their parents holding the same mentality of trying to beat the crowd. But the sky was mostly clear, letting the warm sun shine down on all the beach patrons, and Elle dropped the skimboards on the sand as Jordan set down their beach bag.

“OK, I’ll do you first,” Olivia told Reese as she pulled him out of her swimsuit, depositing him on the sand and grabbing the sunscreen out of the bag. She kneeled down and sat on her ankles, the sunscreen in one hand, and then patted her knee a couple times with the other like she was beckoning a dog. “C’mere!”

“I can put sunscreen on myself,” he whined indignantly, truly not seeing why she felt the need to treat him like a child.

“Hmph,” she said as she quickly leaned forward, grabbing ahold of his arm and yanking him closer while Jordan tried her best not to laugh at the juvenile display Reese was putting on. “Just get over here and turn around.” Not wanting to be manhandled any further, Reese did as he was told and spun around, flinching slightly as Olivia squirted out a wad of SPF onto her hand. “You might be able to do your arms and legs,” she explained, slapping her hands lightly against his back and forcefully rubbing the lotion around his skin, her impatience evident by her slight forcefulness. “But you can’t reach your back. So I might as well do your whole body, right?” She grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, and he suddenly became so close to her boobs again that he instinctively tried to take a step back, if it hadn’t been for her hands on her shoulders firmly keeping him in place. “Then you can put mine on,” she said with a smile, slapping her giant hand back onto his bare chest and dragging it down his torso, coating him in the rich, creamy lotion that was making him smell like dragonfruit. Each of her hands wrapped themselves around his upper arms as she did his limbs next, and she cheekily squeezed his biceps, surprised by how small they were compared to her own, even considering his size. He was reminded of their shower that morning as she pulled her hands down his arms as if she was stroking them, her fingers easily wrapping all the way around and making him feel bony and small despite how fit he used to be. And then she moved onto his legs, completing the same motion up to his knees with a new squirt of sunblock, before finally coming back up to his face to rub the remaining bits into his forehead, cheeks, nose, and neck. “There,” she said with pride, standing up to look down at her work, then dropped the bottle into his hands, and turned around expectantly. “Lower half, then my top half.”

With a reluctant sigh, he squeezed some of the lotion out into his hands, and began returning the favor by starting at the bottom, using both his hands to grip her ankles and rub the sunscreen up her long legs. When he arrived at her thighs, they looked so thick compared to him that he had to coat them up and down multiple times just to cover them all the way around. He then stood back up, but he was so close to her leg that he bumped his head on her butt, scaring him so much that he fell on the ground in surprise. “Hey, you’re not done just yet,” she cooed, taking a step back before squatting directly above him, and suddenly her ass loomed huge in his vision, threatening him just inches from his face. “I guess I wouldn’t need to put sunscreen on it though if it’s not gonna get much contact with the sun,” she thought out loud, “but the only way it wouldn’t get much contact with the sun is if I was sitting down the whole time. Is that what you’re suggesting, Reesie?” To emphasize her point, her monumental cheeks slowly started descending again, scaring Reese so much that he literally yelped out in fear. He tried backing up, but his head hit the beach bag, so in a last ditch effort he dove forward instead, genuinely unsure if her teasing would go so far as to actually sit on him. As soon as he sprung out of the way, Olivia kicked her legs out from under her, and her ass crashed down where Reese's terrified face had been just moments ago, instead catching his ankles in between her crack. He tried crawling away, but realized that she had him stuck, and her weight was so immense compared to him that there could never exist any reality where he ever stood a chance of slipping his feet out from under her, no matter how much he tried. He was sprawled out between her legs, his fingers uselessly clawing in the sand, when suddenly the weight on him increased, as she rested her legs on top of his body, with her feet crossing themselves right on top of his head and pushing his face into the ground. His body went limp, submitting to the power of her weight without even attempting to fight back, knowing that he had no power to obstruct her idea of having fun and toying with him. “Oops, didn’t see you there, my bad!” she joked, lightly stepping on his head as she stood back up to her full height. “Now if I remember correctly, you were about to lotion up my butt next, right?” Although he knew it wasn’t a question so much as a command, and he nodded, grabbing some more sunscreen and standing up to rub it on her body.

He was glad that she didn’t tease him during the rest of the time that he spent applying her sunblock, but he was still annoyed that she made him rub it in everywhere, no matter how uncomfortable it made him. He felt like he was groping her butt as he struggled to slather each humongous cheek with a healthy amount of lotion, and rubbing lotion on her boobs wasn’t much different. She left the straps of her swimsuit in place to keep her nipples covered, but with 80% of the rest of her tits exposed, it didn’t do much to help how awkward Reese felt. They’re literally too big, he thought, as he inadvertently jostled the breasts that had kept him prisoner just a few minutes ago. Bigger isn’t always better. With Olivia, there’s a limit.

Jordan and Elle finished applying their own sunscreen around the same time that Reese was done. “Everyone ready to head to the water?” Olivia asked, and before he had any time to wonder if there would be a catch for him, she picked him up again and set him back inside her swimsuit, right where he belonged. “I think keeping you in here worked out better than I was expecting,” she told him, ruffling through the beach bag til she came upon the two pieces of string she’d brought. “I was thinking I might need these,” she murmured, tying each of them around each of Reese’s wrists. Then, without bothering to instruct him, she grabbed his arms and pulled them up so that they made a T-shape with his torso, and then forced his hands to point up into the air. “Jordan, can you come tie these together behind my neck into a figure eight knot for me?” she asked, and turned around to let her friend help. Reese wasn’t sure what she was doing at first, but the realization began to dawn on him just as she decided to explain it to him. “I don’t have any problems with wearing you inside my bikini, but I do have some issues with my like, actual bikini itself. I guess just wearing a regular two-piece would’ve provided better support, but we’re already here, and I only packed the one swimsuit anyways, so I figured I’ll just let you help me fix the problem.” He could hear in her voice that she was smiling, as if it was an honor for Reese to help her and she was glad to bestow him the privilege, but once Jordan tied the knot and Olivia stopped holding his arms up, he realized that what he’d have to do would be more of a chore.

“Lemme explain a little bit about being a woman, since I don’t know how long it’s been since the last time you had a girlfriend,” Olivia chuckled. “Every time women go for a run without a bra, or workout without a bra, or really any kind of major physical activity without a bra, their boobs sometimes feel kinda sore afterwards. Cuz they’re just like, bouncing all around and stuff. But they don’t flop as much—and therefore won’t always feel sore—if they have something properly supporting them.” As she said that, she reached behind her back and pulled the bow knot tighter, forcibly hoisting Reese’s arms higher, and in turn lifting her boobs up in the process. “I can already tell this isn’t gonna be the best solution, your arms are seriously so skinny,” she laughed, “and it’s probably gonna hurt my neck a little bit. So I’d appreciate it if you tried to bear some of the weight yourself, mkay bud?” His only response was a series of silent, uncomfortable squirms, as he tried to get used to his new position, so she pressed her tits inwards to crush his head a little bit and let him know it wasn’t meant to just be a question.

“Okay,” he mumbled, and she fought back a chuckle as she heard him grunt, straining to try and lift the enormous weight of her tits. It didn’t do much, but at least he was able to relieve some of the strain against her neck. She grinned and reached into her cleavage to adoringly scratch his head, proud of him for trying his best, and then turned to address her friends.

“Now let’s try and find some boys to hang out with!” she exclaimed, and led her friends down towards the water, while her bra of a boy struggled with his measly arms to support her tits, so bountiful on her giant body that each breast seemed to overflow and spill out from either arm, threatening to sag back down if he didn’t do his best to carry their impossible weight, while she went back to ignoring him in favor of having fun with her friends.



Great chapter! Is this roughly part 5 in the outline?


yeah pretty much. i try to make the chapters 3-5,000 words cuz i got other stories obviously, so if i get ideas in the moment like i did with this one, i'll sometimes cut stuff off early