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“Welcome home, Ryan. Have you met my friend Monica yet?”

Ryan froze as he stepped through the front door. He hadn’t expected company. He had just self-diagnosed himself with some kind of shrinking condition—a diagnosis that Trish was obviously well aware of—and yet she’d thought it would be fine to invite someone over… What the hell?

“Uh, mm… no I haven’t,” he said, pocketing his keys and reaching out his hand to the blonde woman smiling next to his roommate. She looked to be in her late 30’s, and was wearing a low-cut top that challenged Ryan’s ability to maintain eye contact with her. “Nice to meet you,” he said, although his tone wasn’t showcasing very much friendliness. Monica was even taller than Trish, he realized as she stepped closer; probably around 5’8. Although it was hard to tell for sure, since Ryan didn’t know how much he’d shrunk today yet.

“Nice to meet you too,” she replied, with a high-pitched voice that didn’t feel like it matched her apparent size. The shadow of a smirk lay on her face as she shook Ryan’s hand, and he wondered if he was paranoid for assuming it had something to do with his size. Do all short guys get treated like this? he wondered. Or did Trish tell her? “Trish told me about your little condition,” she said with an empathetic tone, answering Ryan’s thoughts for him, but then giggled as she realized her accidental pun. “Sorry, poor choice of words.”

“Wow, that’s…” he began to say, biting his lip and glaring at his roommate, who didn’t seem to be very apologetic. “I have told any of my friends yet, and I’m the one it’s happening to. My parents don’t even know.” He didn’t have the self control to keep the dry sass out of his reply.

“Oh come on, Monica’s my best friend,” Trish said after rolling her eyes, “it’s not like I announced it on Facebook or anything. I figured you’d tell a few people rather than just bottling it up inside.”

“You literally just told my last night that I shouldn’t tell anyone or else the government might wanna do experiments on me,” he bit back, narrowing his eyes.

Monica laughed and playfully slapped her friend. “Seriously? You told him that?”

“I said you shouldn’t tell any doctors,” Trish corrected him. “I didn’t say don’t tell anybody ever. I mean you have to tell some people, cuz who’s gonna take care of you if you wind up the size of a tiny little bug?” She tried to keep herself from laughing, but Monica didn’t have the same temperament and cackled even harder than before.

“Gosh Trish, you don’t need to be so mean, geez.”

“I’m not being mean! We have no idea what’s possible.”

Ryan cut in, “Well you don’t need to be so blunt about it. I’m still a normal size for now, that’s why I haven’t told anyone.”

“Well, define normal,” Monica snorted. “Most guys are like six feet tall, right? Or almost six feet? And you’re…” She glanced between him and Trish, trying to gauge his size. “Well you’re shorter than Trish, so maybe 5’4 now or maaaaaybe 5’5. I’d say that’s pretty below normal to me.”

“There’s plenty of guys who are my height, how many guys are like two feet tall though?”

“Awwww, that’d be such a cute height though,” Trish cooed. “I could just pick you up and swaddle you like a baby.”

“You gonna take care of him when he’s that small?” Monica asked her friend. “You used to talk a lot about wanting a kid.”

“Fuck no,” Ryan answered for her, “I’d want my actual family to take care of me. If my parents can’t then I could ask my aunt, and if she couldn’t then… I don’t know. But I don’t even know Trish that well.”

“You don’t have a girlfriend who could take care of you?” Monica asked with a sly smile, eying him up and down.

“No,” Ryan grumbled.

“Well I’d be willing to fill the position if you want,” she said, glancing at Trish with a chuckle, who winked back at her.

Ryan scoffed and shook his head. “No, I mean no offense, but you’re like twice my age,” he responded, looking somewhat weirded out.

Monica rolled her eyes, dismissing the issue of her age. “The fact that I’m older than you is exactly what would make me a better partner than some dumb college girl. It’s more than just maturity; you learn a lot when you’re in your twenties.”

“And thirties,” Trish added.

“Yeah, that too. All joking aside, if you actually shrunk down to a size where you’d need someone to take care of you, who would you want it to be: a person who’s responsible and has taken care of people before? Or some teenager who isn’t even old enough to drink yet.”

“Plus the sex is way better when you’re older, cuz you know what you’re doing,” Trish said, causing Monica to snicker.

“I mean, she’s right,” her friend shrugged. “You’d want someone like that on your team… assuming you don’t shrink aaaaaall the way down.” More snickering, this time with Trish joining in.

“Well I definitely wouldn’t complain if that had to happen,” his roommate told Monica under her breath.

Ryan was confused what she meant for a second, before the realization hit him and he took a step back in revulsion. “Ew! What the fuck?!” The two women cracked up again, endlessly entertained by the boy. “It’s not funny, that’s so gross… and weird.”

“Oh, don’t be so offended,” Trish sighed. “You know we’re just messing around.”

“Come on,” Monica said, “you wouldn’t even wanna think about it?” She looked to her friend, “You said he’s shrinking by one or two inches a day, right?” Trish nodded, and Monica turned back to Ryan, stepping forward. “So that means that a week from now—maybe even before then—you’ll be as tall as my tits. And if you were my boyfriend, I’d let you motorboat them aaaaanytime you want.”

“They’d look even bigger than they do now,” Trish chimed in. “And believe me, they’re already pretty big.”

“Yeah, she’s seen me topless before, she should know,” Monica laughed. All that talk about breasts had been too much for Ryan to ignore, especially all the hype that Monica’s were getting, and he couldn’t keep himself from looking down at her shirt finally. As soon as he did, the two women immediately noticed and cheered, laughing at the evident magnetism of Monica’s boobs on the helplessly curious 19 year old. “See? You like them, of course you do,” she teased, cupping them in her hands and jiggling them to make sure his eyes stayed glued right where she wanted. “And whoever I’m in a relationship with gets free access to them whenever they want—assuming I get access to that person too, obviously.” Ryan was still staring, wanting to look away and yet also feeling like as soon as he did, he’d have to confront his actions and be filled with embarrassment. But as long as his gaze was under the older woman’s hypnotic spell, he was safe to stare and dream and fantasize. “You could be my personal little boy toy,” Monica continued, and then pulled her shirt up and crossed her arms, covering up her assets and breaking Ryan away. “Or you can just head back home to live with your parents for the rest of your life, letting them control your every move and never allowing you to ever have any real fun again.”

The first option, as daunting and unsure as it sounded, was obviously exciting and intriguing to some degree. But Ryan was also mature enough to consider the “boring” option of going back to live with his parents. With Monica (or Trish), he couldn’t be 100% sure of what life would be like if he shrunk down to just a couple feet, or even less. But at least with his parents he knew that he’d be looked after and properly cared for. It was a placid, gray, dull possibility. But it was safe. And he knew that there was a part of Monica, even if only a tiny fraction, that wouldn’t be.

Trish didn’t want to be as outright as her friend was being, since Ryan was her roommate and she still was polite enough to have some sense of boundaries. But she secretly felt the same way as Monica. Every day that passed, and every little bit more than he shrunk down, Trish found herself thinking more and more about Ryan, in a way that she’d never felt about a man before. Part of it was sexual, of course, since he was younger than her and pretty cute. But there was also an element of maternal control she wanted to exert over him, along with a more universal sense of power, and the desire for him to depend on her.

“Um… well, this has been weird, but I’m just gonna head to my room,” he told the two women. “It was nice meeting you… I guess.”

“You too, cutie,” Monica winked, and then turned to Trish to share in further amounts of laughter, as Ryan retired to his personal chambers to think about what he’d do.


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