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Mason’s nightmare stayed on his mind for the rest of the day. He wasn’t a stranger to having terrifying dreams that involved his family members; he’d been born at a naturally perilous size, and he spent the vast majority of his time around them. But the dream last night felt different, and he suspected it had to do with how he saw Mikayla treat the boy outside the Bayview building. It wasn’t far off from how she treated him, to be fair, but they were siblings, and that other person had been a complete stranger. Does she always treat other tinies that way? he wondered. Or maybe she was just having a bad day. I hope she was just having a bad day.

He sensed the familiar feeling of wanting to just spend time in his head, thinking about his life, so rather than watching TV or playing video games, he spent the better half of the day cleaning his house and working on his model plane. Sweeping floors and painting a wooden miniature weren’t tasks that required much brain activity. But when he eventually heard Mikayla come home from work in the early afternoon, he hesitated and paused his painting, before ultimately putting down the brush and heading back inside his house.

It ended up being the right call on his part, because only a minute later, Mikayla came into Mason’s room, stopping a couple feet away from the front door to his cabin. “Hey, I was gonna have some hummus and pita bread,” she announced, “want me to tear you off some chunks?”

From inside on his couch, he glanced out the windows, unable to see any higher than her knees. “No thanks,” he called out back to her.

Without saying anything, she turned back around and headed out his door to return to the kitchen and make her snack. She didn’t say anything back, should she have said something? Is she annoyed at me? Maybe I should’ve just said yes. His mind was more paranoid than usual, overthinking his actions and her actions and their simple 8 second interaction. But his reasonable sense prevailed, and he let the matter go.

Skye came home from school a couple hours, along with Nicole sometime close to 5:40. She made dinner for everyone, but when she came in his room to get him, he told his mom that he wasn’t hungry yet and would eat later. It was a lie; he was hungry, but in the hours since Mikayla came home, Mason hadn’t felt like eating the filler food he had stocked in his kitchen, or taking the time to make a meal himself. Only after everyone had finished dinner did he finally decide to get off his ass and made the trek to the main kitchen, where Skye had left her plate on the table with just enough scraps for her brother to eat.

On his way back to his room, Mason walked in the middle of the hallway at a leisurely pace, not actually thinking about anything size or family related for one of the few times that day. And he’d almost made it back to his room too, until Mikayla suddenly emerged from her own. Her unexpected presence interrupted his thoughts, and he quickly hurried to the edge of the hallway. His sister had noticed him, and snorted derisively at his tiny dash to safety (his family was used to subconsciously watching their step wherever they went in the house, and Mason was obviously impossible to sneak up on, so he was never uncomfortable walking “out in the open” and didn’t often act skittish).“What are you doing?” she chuckled, watching him continue to hurry back to his room. “You look like the tinies at Bayview whenever anyone normal walked by them.” But then, seconds later, he was back in his room, and he slowed down a bit, although still walked briskly across the expansive floor towards his house. He recognized that it might have been rude of him to ignore Mikayla’s question—and besides, what could he have said as an excuse?—but he heard her scoff out in the hallway and continue on to the family room, evidently not caring very much anyways.

Although not necessarily tired physically, he was tired mentally, or maybe emotionally, and looked forward to waking up tomorrow to a refreshed brain that will have undoubtedly moved on from the gloomy demeanor that had seized his current day. So after a half-hearted attempt to watch Parks & Recreation, he headed to bed earlier than normal, optimistic that his incoming dreams would return to their normalcy.


Lo and behold, Mason had been right. By the time he woke up the next day, he felt refreshed, and was glad to be back in a comfortable headspace again.

He was almost done painting the tail, after what had been several weeks of intricate decorating off and on, so he got to work with finishing up the final touches on the rear after he’d had breakfast. He’d only just gotten into building models a couple years ago, and was excited to finish up his first. Growing up, constructing building out of LEGOs had been his creative outlet, and he’d even kept a couple in the room’s closet—there were several in Skye’s room too that he’d gifted to her. But once he was done with the plane, he’d considered building a hanger with which to store the model and several others he wanted to build in the future. I’d need to find a way to build the hanger first though, and I already have another car waiting to be built, he thought, taking a quick glance at the electric vehicle Mikayla had bought him at the mall over the weekend. But he hesitated on making it his next project. There’s so many electric parts though, it’s gonna be so much more complicated than my other ones, he told himself, deciding he didn’t want to start such a complex project so soon.

Mason scurried back to his house again when Mikayla came home, but she wasn’t hungry so she didn’t come to his room to offer her brother a snack. Although since he was feeling more like himself today—and he was really close to finishing the tail—he eventually came back out to finish painting.

When Skye came home from soccer practice a little after 5, she dropped her backpack and gym bag off in her room and then immediately pivoted towards Mason’s, listlessly knocking on the open door before coming in and crumbling onto the floor. “Auuuuuuuuuggh,” she moaned, laying herself out on her stomach next to where Mason was working. “I honestly, truly, from the bottom of my heart, genuinely just had I think the worst day of practice in my life,” she announced. “Or at least the worst I can remember.” Mason was about to speak up when Skye continued, “The fact that we got a new coach was already annoying enough, but it’s like, every day he just keeps getting worse. Remember a few months ago, on our first day of the season, when I came home and mentioned how it seemed like the new coach didn’t even wanna be there? Well he just kept becoming more like, apathetic, as time went on. But not in an emotionless way, cuz he’s also an asshole most of the time. Like last week, one of the girls—her mom’s in the hospital, with cancer, by the way—she went over to her bag to text her mom, cuz like I said, cancer, I think she had a chemo treatment that day or something, but anyways he immediately got pissed and started yelling at her and made her do extra laps for breaking the rule about no phones. And when she said she was checking up on her mom who was literally in the hospital, he just said that there were no excuses, like he didn’t even give a shit. But even besides all of that, the way he looks at some of the other girls, me too actually, we think he’s a huge fucking creep too. Like since he’s so shitty at coaching some of us think he only took the job so he could perv on a bunch of teenage girls after school. So today, me and a couple other girls met with the athletic director once school got out, to tell him that some of us were uncomfortable around him, but Mr. Hastings said that since he hasn’t actually “done anything” then there’s nothing he can do about it. And then as the cherry on top, the meeting was so long it caused us to show up late to practice, which obviously meant we all get to run extra laps!”

She turned onto her back and covered her face with her hands, letting out another exasperated and angry groan after the long-winded rant. “It’s all just so annoying, he's ruining the whole year! I can’t even remember the last time I hated someone so much. I just wanna… ugh.” She was going to say she wanted to shrink him down and stomp on him, to finally have the upper hand for once, but with her tiny brother listening nearby, Skye figured it was best to keep it to herself.

Mason assumed she was done, so he scratched his neck and looked over at her. “Sorry to hear about that.” He waited a moment, not wanting to make it seem like he hadn’t cared to pay attention, and then: “Um, but… I can kinda smell your sweat, like pretty strongly.” Since it was springtime, the sun had been piercing through the clouds more often lately, making Skye’s usual sweatiness worse than normal. He hadn’t wanted to interrupt her, but the tangy odor of her sweat was hard to ignore, and he found himself wincing in disgust from how much her shirt had darkened in areas from the extra perspiration.

“Oh. Yeah, sorry,” she sighed, heaving herself up. “I just had to get that out of my system.”

“That’s OK, I get it.”

“I’ll be back in a bit.” Her brother relaxed as she left his room to go take a shower, already noticing how much cleaner the air smelled with her gone.

He was beginning to feel hungry, but figured he’d wait til Skye was out of the shower to ask her to grab him something. When he heard the bathroom door open some time later, he jogged over to the entryway to his room and flagged her down to get her attention. Her hair was tied up in a towel, with a second one wrapped around her torso, but she spotted him waving his hands and went over to see what he needed. “Yeah?” she asked, standing a few feet in front of him; she was conscious not to stand too close, or else he’d be able to see up the towel.

That being said, he was still close enough to catch a glimpse of several other things. Her legs, a little bit of her thighs, her shoulders and collarbone. She’s so clean and fresh looking. And I bet her skin feels so soft. Actually, I know it does. But she was looking right at him, so he couldn’t give himself any more than a couple seconds to discreetly gawk before asking his question. “Can you get me some chips from the kitchen? After you’ve changed, of course.”

“Sure!” She smiled and turned back around, giving her brother the freedom to gaze at her legs and upper back for a few seconds longer before disappearing into her room.

A few minutes later Skye came back out of her room, dressed in denim mom shorts with a cute yellow top, and headed to the kitchen to make Mason’s snack. After fetching a bag of Tostitos from the pantry, she grabbed a tiny dipping bowl, only about an inch across, and carefully crushed one of the chips above the bowl into dozens of pieces that’d be small enough, but not too small, for her brother to eat. Then she grabbed the bowl and chip bag and headed back to his room.

“Are you tired of hearing about me complain about my coach, or can I rant some more?” she asked him once she returned, setting his bowl down near him before laying down on her back to gaze up at the ceiling.

“Now that you smell better and I have some food, you can rant for as long as you want.” His response satisfied Skye and made her smile, so she started back up on sharing some more after-school stories she’d kept pent up over the last few weeks, glad that she could rely on Mason as her impromptu therapist whenever she needed one.

After eventually getting everything out of her system, Skye decided to change the subject. “Hey you know what I saw online when I was researching some colleges? There’s a new housing project being built for tinies. They’re building a bunch of regular apartments over near Cascade Park, but then one of the units is actually gonna technically be dozens of tiny units or something.” She paused, “I’ve been thinking a lot recently about when I move out. But when I saw that place, I was like ‘hey, wouldn’t it be cool if I moved in to one of the regular apartments and Mason moved in to one of the mini ones?’”

She’d piqued her brother’s interest, but unfortunately Mason had had some musings of his own lately that conflicted with Skye’s idea. “I mean it definitely sounds like it could be cool… but I just visited Bayview a few days ago. I kinda think I wanna live there.” Skye was a bit disappointed, but also wasn’t surprised. “But who knows?” Mason added. “I could never be around family in Bayview, so living in the same complex as you could be fun too.”

“Also, that kinda reminds me,” Skye continued. “Mom’s paying for me to fly to New York this summer and stay with Aunt Monica so I can tour some of the colleges in the area. If I did end up going somewhere on the east coast, would you wanna come visit me, even though it’s on the other side of the country?”

Mason had only flown once before, but that had been with his family, and even with them around it was one of the few experiences that made him unreasonably anxious. But he wouldn’t wanna only be able to see his sister for the few weeks a year that she’d come home for the holidays. Maybe he wouldn’t feel as bad on a plane the second time anyways, so he agreed. “Sure.”

Skye let out a deep exhale and sat up, taking a look around the room: his house near the center of the wall, a handful of LEGO sets which included a dragon and the Taj Mahal, the remains of two demolished buildings in the corner (both the work of Mikayla playing a little too rough with Mason’s things), the model plane he was currently working on. He even had a basketball hoop and above-ground swimming pool that Nicole had given to him as presents a few years ago. “You should build some more houses,” she thought out loud. “Like you have all these little things here and there, but imagine if you combined them altogether one day and made a little neighborhood for yourself.”

Mason stopped what he was doing and looked around with Skye, but shrugged at the idea. “Well I wanna build a hanger after this so I can keep my planes in it after I’ve built a couple. But I don’t wanna build any other actual houses. I mean this is where I live, right? It’d feel like a ghost town.”

“Not if you invited other people to live in them,” she suggested with a smile. Mason chuckled at her response, but he didn’t bother with a response since he assumed it was a joke. But she wasn’t trying to be funny. Whether it was a makeshift neighborhood in their house, an assortment of tinies in the new apartment complex, or even a Tinytown like Bayview, she still longed to know what it would actually feel like walking amongst a community of little people.

“Speaking of ‘all these little things,’ can you help me move some of them around? The dragon feels out of place, and I wanna make room for the hanger in case I go ahead with building it.”

“Oh, sure.” She grabbed the dragon to start with and walked on her knees over to the closet, stowing it with his other creations. “Where were you gonna build the hanger?” He gestured to the area around him, so Skye crawled back to his side of the room.

First, she delicately picked up his plane and crate of tools, setting it down a few feet to the side. And then with a cheeky grin, she picked him up to set him aside too, causing him to roll his eyes. Next, she pointed to the nearby LEGO structure, “Just this one?” He nodded, so she picked that up too, and then turned 90 degrees to place it closer to some of the others. When she turned, still on her knees, her legs swung horizontally towards Mason, not realizing he was in their way, and he dropped to the floor suddenly to allow them to whoosh over his head. They ended up coming to rest on either side of him, and he cautiously stood up again, realizing he was standing between her ankles. Since she had her back to him, he was given a moment to ogle her legs again, admiring the definition of her calves. His eyes trailed up her lightly tanned skin towards her butt, where her shorts were somewhat loose-fitting, and yet, because of Skye’s predilection for leg day, her ass was still perky and clearly very (very) pronounced from where it stood above him.

She’d been absentmindedly gazing at his things, biting her lip with her hands on her hips, when she felt her phone vibrate. She grabbed it from the back waistband of her shorts and saw that her friend had snapped her, so she unlocked the phone to reply back. Mason was still behind her, lost in the opportunity to gaze up at his giant sister, when she decided to stop standing on her knees and suddenly sat down without even realizing where her brother was positioned. As the girl’s butt suddenly rushed towards him at a terrifying speed, he freaked out and fell over, bracing for the uncomfortable impact of being sat on. But then… nothing. She hadn’t sat on him. She couldn’t, since she’d sat on her heels, so her feet had stopped her bum from actually reaching the ground. But there was only a few inches of space beneath Skye’s butt, and Mason figured that if he stood up he’d hit his head on it. So I have to stay laying here then, he told himself, his heart still racing as the spike of fear dissipated. But what was happening was still thrilling, and he rolled his head around in a circle so that he could fully take in just how enormous his sister’s butt was from this vantage point. He was almost never this close, and the fact that his sister apparently didn’t realize he was there just made it all the more exciting. He felt himself growing hard…

But then reason took over. He’d be tremendously embarrassed if Skye sat up again or asked where he’d gone, and she found that he’d been laying under her butt (with plenty of time to escape). So with frustrated reluctance, he started shuffling on his back out from beneath her.

“Hey, let’s take a selfie for Kylie,” he heard her suddenly bellow from above, as her butt soared up and away from him. Startled by how close she was to finding out where he’d been, he scrambled to stand up, backing away at a nervous speed. Just as he’d cleared past the tips of her feet, her legs swung up and around as she turned to find where he was. Startled by their size and alarming speed—and still backing away from her at a nervous speed—he tripped over himself and fell onto his back just as she’d spotted him. “Oh wait, did I almost knock you over?” she realized, breaking out into a fit of giggles at seeing him on the floor, totally unaware and unsuspicious that anything had happened. Before he could reply she held her phone up, puckered her lips while tilting her head, and snapped a photo while he was still sprawled on the floor with a surprised expression. After reviewing it, she giggled some more at how ridiculous he looked, and then sent it off to her friend.

Mason stood up and recomposed himself. “Hey, the last thing I was gonna ask is if you can move my house over there,” he said, pointing to the spot opposite where the house sat now.

Skye looked up, and then turned her phone off and tossed it aside. “Oh yeah, sure.” She stood up this time, going over and squatting in front of his house (giving Mason another peek at her rounded glutes as her shorts stretched against them), and unplugged the electrical and water systems from the back of his living quarters. Then she gripped the sides of the roof and bounced back up, clearly not needing to exert almost any strength to lift the structure up. But Mason was captivated; that was the house he spent hours of every day in—that was his house, a full-sized, real house—but she required such little energy to carry it that he couldn’t help but feel weak and trivial by comparison.

Instead of taking it to where he wanted though, she spun towards the corner of the room that contained the only regular-sized piece of furniture, a plain wooden desk, and went to set it down on top of that instead. “What are you doing?” Mason asked, walking closer.

She donned a coy smile and shrugged, turning towards him. “I dunno, I just think it looks better there,” she grinned. He marched over to her in an exasperated huff, but that only made her giggle even more. “Look, this is a better height for it. Now me and Mom and Mikayla don’t have to get on our hands and knees and crouch down real low just to see you all the time.”

“Yeah, doofus, but I can’t climb up there myself,” came his retort. “You gonna lift me up to bed every night and bring me down in the morning for breakfast?”

Her open hand suddenly rushed towards him as she bent down, and he found himself being held firmly between her fingers as Skye carried him up to his house like a personal elevator. “Sure, why not?” she smirked, putting him down on the table. She knew the idea wasn’t feasible though. She just wanted to tease him.

He turned around, but before he could say anything, he was greeted by Skye’s shorts being just 20 or 30 relative feet in front of his face, so wide that his field of view couldn’t even take it all in without turning his head. More specifically though, her crotch was right in his line of sight. He recalled what she looked like whenever she wore her yoga pants, especially a specific gray pair that she often lounged around in on weekends.

But then her hips flew backwards, as Skye bent over with her hands on her knees to get a better look at her brother. Her shirt hung from her chest, and instead of his sister’s crotch, Mason was instead given a glimpse down her shirt. Even with a bra on, he was transfixed by what he saw, and couldn’t pull his eyes away at first. Suddenly, as impractical as it sounded, the idea of having his house at waist level didn’t sound so bad.

It hadn’t been Skye’s intention to give him a show, but it wasn’t hard to see where he was looking. She didn’t blame anyone if they gave a quick glance now and then, but Mason was clearly doing more than just glancing. Does he have a thing for giants? she wondered, recalling her conversation with Mikayla a few days prior. Or maybe he’s just looking cuz they’re boobs.

“All jokes aside, I do like having the house up here instead,” she remarked, giving him an outlet to finally pry his eyes away.

“Oh. Yeah. I mean, maybe,” he mumbled awkwardly. “I guess if you really want to. Maybe someone can build a ladder into the side.” Having to climb up and down fifty feet of rungs the dozen times a day he went to and from his house would be a pain in the ass though; it was still an impractical idea. But horny minds say impractical things.

She might not have known whether or not Mason had a size fetish, but she certainly did, and since he was evidently susceptible to the allure of her body that day, Skye turned back around and stooped down to pick her phone off the floor, knowingly giving her brother a huge and prolonged look at her massive rear. She felt a tad guilty, mostly because he was her brother. But I’m not doing it because he’s my brother, he just… is. And it’s not like I have any other tinies I can tease. Of course, she didn’t have to tease anyone at all. It’s just my butt though, and I’m wearing pants. It’s not that big of a deal.

When she stood back up, she set her phone down on the desk, placed her hands on the edge of the table, and then hoisted herself onto it. Her arm muscles flexed as they held her body in the air for a brief few moments, before her butt crashed down right behind where her brother had been standing, beefy thighs landing on either side of him.

“What the fuck?!” he yelled, having watched her ass fly over his head and thinking (for the second time that day) that she’d been about to sit on him. “Were you trying to sit on me?”

Instead of answering him directly, she brought her legs together, pinning his little 3-inch body between her thighs and muffling his ability to keep complaining. “Shhhhhhhh,” she cooed, smirking as he squirmed about. “Relax. Stop yelling. No, I wasn’t trying to sit on you.”

Mason’s heart raced as he was suddenly squished between her smooth thighs. It was like his dream come true; just a few hours ago he’d pined to feel his sister’s skin after her shower, and now she was granting that wish without even realizing it. Oh my God, she’s so soft… and warm, he thought, not sure how to publicly react. She gradually parted her legs, freeing him for a moment, and he cautiously looked up at her, suspicious of why she was letting him go. But she couldn’t keep her grin from growing, and crashed her legs together again, bouncing them into his body and laughing as she did it a few more times. And he laughed too, admittedly having fun with whatever it was they were doing.

Just then, Mikayla’s head popped around the corner of Mason’s doorway. “Hey, whatcha guys up to in here?” she asked, noticing her brother stuck between Skye’s thighs.

Skye shrugged, “I dunno, we’re just messing around. Why, you need something?”

“Naw, it just sounded like you guys were having fun.” But it seemed to be the weird and random type of fun, the type that Mikayla couldn’t just join in on. There was an awkward moment of silence, before Mikayla spoke up again. “Why’s his house on the desk?”

Her younger sister shrugged again. “Just trying something new I guess.” There was another mutual pause, and then Skye took a deep breath, releasing Mason for good this time before hopping to her feet. “Anyways, I gotta get started on some homework,” she stated, grabbing her phone and heading for the door.

“OK, see ya,” her brother said, watching as she left. Mikayla took that as her cue to leave too, so she headed to her room and thought about what she’d seen. There it was again, that feeling of jealousy that her siblings had such a better connection than she did, especially considering Mason had plenty of free time and emotional availability. Maybe I’ll try and hang out with him tomorrow when I come home from work, she decided, retiring to her room to focus on something else.

Back at his house, Mason grumbled, realizing that not only were he and his house still on the desk, but that Skye hadn’t plugged the electricity and water lines connections back in. “Dammit,” he sighed, and headed in to wait til she remembered and came back to save him.


That night—after Nicole had come home and been the one to put his house back—Mason was lying in his bed, scrolling through social media before heading to sleep. He opened Instagram, which he mostly just used for celebrities and brands since he didn’t know very many people, and noticed Skye had updated her story sometime that day. He tapped on it and saw that she’d shared the selfie she’d taken with him that afternoon, where she was all smiles and he had fallen clumsily to the ground. He blushed, but wasn’t upset enough to feel very embarrassed.

The next photo automatically loaded, and it was a photo of her in front of her mirror, showing off her outfit and tagging one of her favorite bands. Apparently the yellow shirt she’d had on was one of their merch. This time, he held his thumb on the screen to pause the story and keep it from skipping, taking a moment to look at her more. All alone now, in complete privacy. Her outfit, that familiar skin, her pouty lips. God, he thought, she’s just so cute. He hated to admit it, but it was true, and the feeling wasn’t something he could just switch off. And she’s so nice to me, and fun to be around. Ugh… He sighed, dreamily, but also minorly heartbroken too. He wished he could find somebody else like her, but how long would that take? Even if he moved to Bayview, it wasn’t like it was a huge city, and there would only be so many eligible girls that he could meet there. Fuck, she’s so perfect. I love her so much. Maybe too much, I guess. A tear rolled down his cheek, and he decided it’d be best to exit her story and not dwell on the subject too long.

Back on his main feed though, he didn’t even have to scroll down through others’ posts for more than 10 seconds before he came to one of hers. It was from earlier that day at school, with “gainz” as the only caption, and was a boomerang of her posing in one of the school bathrooms, lifting her shirt up a little to show off her abs, before twisting to the side to show off her butt. The short gif reversed back to the beginning, and then played again, and then back. Her tummy and then her butt, on an endless loop, and all while she winked in the mirror and playfully stuck her tongue out, proud of her accomplishments. That was when he felt himself growing hard again—but unlike before, he was completely alone, with nobody to judge him except himself.

He reached down and gripped his dick, feeling it stiffen as he stared at his little sister. Memories of jerking off in the shower after seeing Mikayla naked tugged at his mind, but he wasn’t under threat of time here. He could feel himself up slowly, and he did, as the video played back and forth, her tummy, her butt, her abs, and then her ass. This is so wrong, he told himself, but that didn’t slow him down. You already think she’s hot, you know she’s hot. Masturbating isn’t gonna change that, cuz it’s already a thing. He tried to convince himself as to why it wasn’t that big of a deal, as his pumping motions grew faster and faster.

Tummy, butt. Tummy, butt.

She’s so strong. He recalled when she lifted up his house, his impossibly heavy house. What could she do to me with that kind of strength, he wondered, his breathing growing heavier.

Tummy, butt. Tummy, butt.

God, her ass is so big. I wish she had sat on me today. I wonder if I could trick her into doing it on purpose sometime in the future. Or even on accident. Actually, yeah, that’d be even hotter.

Tummy, butt. Tummy, butt. Tummy, butt.

She’s just SO. FUCKING. PERFECT, the thoughts returned, his speed really picking up now as his hand tightly gripped his cock, feeling utterly shameless at this point.

She’s so cute,

she’s so big,

she’s so hot,

she’s so nice,

she’s so fun,

she’s so cute,

she’s so strong

she’s so kind,

she’s so big,

she’s so cute,

she’s so cute,

she’s so cute,

she’s so—

And then it happened. He gasped, his breath shaky as load after load spurted onto his chest, so forcefully he even surprised himself. Mason put his phone aside and closed his eyes, basking in the cooldown, before grabbing some nearby tissues to wipe himself off.

But even after he’d cleaned himself, turning off his phone for the night and snuggling into his covers, he couldn’t get her out of her mind. He was obsessed, infatuated, addicted. For better or worse, he really was in love. Impractical, perverted, and humiliating love.

She’s so strong, she’s so big, she’s so cute…



I love teasing and playful bigs, and the thigh squishes were heavenly!