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An hour and a half of being trapped inside his sister’s suitcase was far from his list of ways Reese had expected Olivia might treat him. Nevertheless, it certainly wasn’t an enjoyable experience. Since the three girls were traveling in Olivia’s Camry (which had a trunk already filled with various workout gear, clothes, and other things she’d been too lazy to empty from her car yet), the only suitable place to put the suitcase was in the back, next to Elle. With Olivia driving, and Jordan sitting in the passenger seat, Elle got the whole back row to herself, which she took advantage of by unbuckling once they were on the freeway and laying her legs out across both seats, with her feet crossed on top of the luggage where Reese was secretly stowed. He knew the girl didn’t know he was in there, but it was easy to imagine that she did, and that her feet resting on the suitcase cover was like a way for her to remind him that he couldn’t get up, and that he had to just stay relegated inside the clothing capsule til he was allowed out. Of course, he also knew better than to speak up or make any movements that’d be noticeable by the others in the car, so he just lay there on his side, curled up in a ball, while he listened to the three girls singing along to Jordan’s road trip playlist. When “Adore You” by Harry Styles came on—Elle’s favorite artist—she nodded her head along as she belted out the lyrics, drumming her heels on top of Reese in sync with the beat. Olivia noticed what her friend was doing in the rear view mirror, but knowing that Elle was unaware of her trapped brother just made the situation even funnier to her, so she said nothing and sang along with Elle instead.

Once they arrived at the beach house, the crew unloaded from Olivia’s car, and she grabbed her suitcase with a smug expression on her face, following the others inside. Already knowing the door code to her best friend’s family’s vacation property, Jordan sighed dialed in the combination to get inside, sighing wistfully as she opened the doors for the others. “Obviously it’s nice to get away and have some time for just us girlies,” she joked, “but it kinda would’ve been cool if you’d brought Reese along too. It was kinda fun getting to mess around with him, but it could’ve been even better here since there’s no chance of your mom walking in on us.”

“Funny you should say that,” Olivia chuckled, heading to the dining room and heaving the suitcase onto the table. “Cuz I figured you might feel that way, so I have quite the surprise for you…” Jordan and Elle gathered around curiously as Olivia unzipped the luggage, and then flung the cover back to reveal the curled up body of her shrunken little brother, surrounded by several towels and the girls’ swimwear (the family kept plenty of spare towels, sunscreen, and other beach necessities at the house, but Olivia had wanted to pad out the inside anyways).

“Oh my God, look at you!” Jordan remarked with excitement, poking the boy like he really was just a toy that Olivia had surprised them with.

“Man, I had my legs on you practically the whole ride and didn’t even realize it,” Elle mused as she crossed her arms, impressed with his ability to stay silent.

As he stood up on the table, Jordan saw that he was slightly taller than him now thanks to his three extra feet, so she picked him up without asking and set him down on the floor. “There we go, that’s better,” she said, grinning now that she was able to look down on Reese again.

“How’d you get him to agree to come along,” Elle began to ask, “especially being all cramped in that suitcase?”

“He came to me a couple weeks ago and told me that he was failing a few of his classes,” Olivia explained, “so I helped him out by sharing some of the classwork I still had saved from when me and Jordan were in high school. Some of the stuff was different, but I guess a lot of the teachers just reuse the same assignments. Anyways, yesterday I guess he decided that he didn’t trust me, and he tried logging into my MacBook to make sure I’d done the assignments he needed—which I had, obviously.”

“Ohhh, suspicious of your own sister, huh?” Jordan teased, raising an eyebrow; Reese hung his head, still embarrassed by his earlier paranoia.

“And then I guess at some point while he was using it, he accidentally knocked a glass of water on the keyboard,” Olivia continued, “which totally fried the whole thing. Like none of the keys work, and I’m assuming all the insides are busted now too. And obviously none of it’s under warranty anymore, although even if it was it’s not like there’s just a crack on the screen or the touch pad is glitching out; literally the whole computer is ruined.”

The two girls gasped, judgemental of Reese and sympathetic to his sister’s plight. “Is he gonna buy you a new one?” Elle asked, familiar with how expensive a replacement would be.

Olivia shook her head, “He doesn’t have the money, and even if he got a job as soon as school got out, it’d take him at least a month before he had enough. I can’t wait that long.” She sighed, before adding, “But… I know that it was an accident, so we came to a deal this morning: he’ll be my servant for the rest of the day, and he has to agree to go along with whatever I tell him to do—and whatever you guys tell him to do too.”

Just the rest of the day?” Elle asked. “Not like, a week or two? That seems like it’d be more fair considering how much a new laptop is gonna cost you.”

“And whateeeever we tell him to do?” Jordan chimed in, smirking as the possibilities ran through her mind.

“I mean, yeah, but don’t be too weird with it,” Olivia answered. “Whatever you tell him to, subject to a veto by me. Anyways, we shouldn’t waste time talking about it; my back is kinda hurting from the car ride so I’m ready to head down to the water! It’s only gonna be light out til 7 or 8, so we should all get changed and leave right away.

“Sounds good to me!” Elle said, grabbing her bikini set and investigating the hallway to find a good room to change in. “I’m gonna assume the room with the twin beds is yours and Reese’s and change in there,” she said, closing the door behind her as she entered. Jordan followed suit, grabbing her beach attire and opting to change in the bathroom.

“Did you bring my swim trunks?” Reese asked, standing on his tippy toes so he could peruse what Olivia had packed in the suitcase.

“No, they’re not mine, I only brought my own stuff. You knew we were coming, you had time to pack.”

Reese backed away from the table, realizing he didn’t have anything to wear to go swimming. “Oh.” He turned to look up at her, “Would you even have allowed me to go swimming with you guys, or is that not something that ‘servants’ do?” There was a sliver of bitterness in the question, and Olivia raised her eyebrow in surprise.

“First off: attitude. Secondly, yeah, of course you can go swimming a little bit. It’s not like I can think of things to keep you occupied with 24/7. But don’t worry, I expected that you might forget to bring your swimsuit, so I brought a spare one that you can use.” She unzipped a side pocket of the suitcase and pulled out a small pink speedo, grinning as she teasingly stretched it back and forth in front of him, emphasizing how small it was. Taking a deep breath, he rolled his eyes but grabbed it from her anyways, turning to head down the hall to go change in their parents’ room.

But Olivia reached out and placed her palm on his head, twisting him back around so he was facing her again. She shook her head, “Nuh-uh, you can change in here.”

Reese’s eyes widened, “Seriously? You didn’t make me change in front of you when we took a shower this morning.” But his older sister merely shrugged. He swallowed anxiously, feeling his small helplessness as he asked in an embarrassed, awkward tone, “Can you at least let me turn around?”

She crossed her arms and held her chin high, regarding him like he was a town peasant, and she was the queen making an important decision for him. “Mmmmm…”

“Please Olivia,” he whispered breathlessly, sincere desperation in his eyes.

She reveled in the power she had over him in that moment, knowing that if she told him no, he was likely obedient enough at this point that he’d actually strip in front of her. “What do you have to worry about? Is your dick really small or something and you’re self conscious?” He blushed a deep red and looked down, causing her to burst out into laughter. “Okay okay, I’m just kidding. Yeah, you can turn around—but only because your master has given you permission,” she joked. He was about to mumble out his gratitude when a thought crossed her mind. “Actually, that just gave me a new idea. How about for the rest of the day, you have to call me master. I mean, you are my servant after all, right?” She grinned mischievously, and he sighed.

“Alright, fine,” he grumbled, and began turning around again when Olivia reached out and grabbed his chin, spinning him back to her and forcing his head to look up at her. She had a stern look in her eyes, clearly upset with his attitude the last few minutes, and he suddenly felt his body tense up as he remembered that his sister was only being relatively lighthearted about the whole thing as long as he played along. But once he stopped putting in the effort, she’d have no problem reminding him the reason why he was even here in the first place. He swallowed nervously before slowly opening his mouth: “Yes master. And thank you… master.” Upon witnessing his new infusion of loyalty, Olivia let go of her little brother’s face, and was all smiles again.

“Oooooh, I like the sound of that,” she giggled, and then spun around to grab her own swimsuit as Reese turned his back to her so he could get changed. He took his pants and underwear off first, thinking it’d be less embarrassing if he at least was half-dressed with his shirt on. He heard Olivia chuckle behind him, no doubt from seeing the wag of his little bare bum as he hastily pulled up the speedo, wincing at how surprisingly tight it felt. He heard Jordan and Elle emerge from their changing rooms as he was taking off his shirt, at which point he turned back around and slipped off his socks as they entered the main area again.

Jordan had donned a fairly revealing red and black two-piece, while Elle had chosen a bright yellow bikini, simple but fun looking. Olivia was wearing a black one-piece, but it definitely hadn’t been picked for the sake of modesty; the swimsuit was in a slender V-shape, with the top ends—which were held together with a strap tied into a bow knot—merely serving to cover up her nipples, while still leaving the majority of her breasts on display. Her lower bits were only narrowly covered, ensuring visibility of the full width of her hips. When she spun in a circle to show off to her friends, Reese saw that the shoulder straps came down the length of most of her back before joining back up at the bottom to form rear coverage that was only slightly larger than a thong. Although “coverage” was an ironic term to use anyways, since the only thing being covered was essentially a little bit of her waist; Olivia’s actual butt itself was 100% visible (although Reese couldn’t tell if that was due to the swimsuit’s design, or was a result of how massive his sister’s ass cheeks were). And then of course there was Reese, in his little pink speedo, enough of his bulge visible that Jordan had to stifle her laughter at how skimpy it all was.

“Oh my God Olivia, knowing how conservative your mom is sometimes, I’m kinda surprised she lets you wear that,” Jordan mentioned, scoffing at her friend’s attire, but smiling nonetheless.

Olivia laughed, her confidence boosted by the other girl’s comment. “Oh, she definitely doesn’t. I was swimming in the pool last week when she came home and saw me wearing this, and she made me change!” Reese shuffled awkwardly nearby, remembering the encounter, and how angry their mother had been for how “indecent” his sister’s clothes were. “But I’m not a kid anymore, I can wear whatever I want—and she’s not around anymore.”

“Well, yeah,” Elle answered, “but… your brother’s here?”

Olivia shrugged, “So what? He’s not them, I know he’s not as conservative as they are.” She swiveled on her heels, turning to address him, and her boobs swung weightlessly within their meager confines, the momentum nearly causing them to hit the side of her torso, before they bounced back and settled in the middle of her chest again. “You don’t care what I wear, right?” she asked, as they finally stopped jiggling right in front of him. As she asked him, she took a step forward and placed her hands on her hips, and the three girls all looked down at him to hear his answer. He felt uncomfortable with how close her barely covered crotch was in front of his face, but looking up wasn’t much better considering the size of Olivia’s tits, only a hair’s breadth away from where he had to look to maintain eye contact.

“No, I’m wearing what I want, you should do the same,” he replied, hoping he was coming off as cool and collected as he was trying to be.

“There you go,” she said, grinning wide and tussling his hair, proud of his response, and turned to Jordan. “Perfect answer.”

“Well aren’t you two a cute pair of siblings,” Jordan mocked, and Olivia squatted down so she could wrap her arm around Reese’s shoulder and squeeze him to her side, her eyes squeezing shut as she grinned back to her friend, like she was posing for a picture. “Wow, that’s how you hug your sister?” Jordan remarked, since Reese wasn’t reciprocating the affection.

“Yeah, that’s how you hug your sister?” Olivia asked in agreement, releasing him from her side hug and cocking her head to the side, evidently expecting Reese to hug her back somehow. He couldn’t tell whether or not she was picking up on what Jordan was doing.

“No…” he sighed, but hesitated to advance. “It’s just harder when—” He stopped himself, realizing that his excuse of their size difference wouldn’t really work; he was 3 feet, not 3 inches. But he couldn’t come up with a reason—or at least, not one that he knew they’d accept. Well you see Olivia, Reese thought, pretending to explain it to her, it’s because when you squat down like this, my head is at the same level as your tits, which are fucking massive, by far the biggest I’ve ever seen, but you’re my sister, so I don’t wanna squish my head between them like a fucking Oreo. And the alternative is hugging you when you’re standing up straight, which means my head gets rubbed where your vagina is. Are either of those good enough reasons for you? Of course, he could never say that though.

“He’s gotten a little more shy after he shrunk, which I’m sure is pretty common to people with his condition, it’s understandable,” Olivia explained to the others. “But you don’t need to be shy of me, Reese.” He gazed into her big, beautiful blue eyes that regarded him with sincerity, displaying the genuine care and love she had for him underneath all the teasing (and other events) that had transpired the last few weeks. She would always be his sister, and he would always be her brother. Nothing could change that.

With an encouraging smile on her face, still squatted down, Olivia held her arms open wide, welcoming him to come forward. He pursed his lips, but took the reluctant first step. Since her knees were in the way, she opened up her legs to allow him forward, before he too opened up his considerably shorter arms and continued into her embrace. With his sister’s boobs in his direct line of sight, he could do nothing other than close his eyes just as he reached her, and Jordan and Elle watched as he pressed himself against Olivia’s monstrously huge, fleshy globes, his arms half-heartedly wrapping around her torso. His loving big sister responded in turn, easily encapsulating him as her arms closed against his head and her legs closed against his lower body. He was suddenly trapped, captured by her thick thighs holding his waist hostage as her arms pushed against the back of his head, burying him deep into her smooth cleavage. The string between the two top ends of her bikini was already stretched tight on the Amazonian’s frame, but with his head pushing against it, the string slid to the point of least resistance—his mouth—and forced itself past his lips, like she was somehow gagging him. The bottoms of her breasts rested on his comparatively skinny arms, and he imagined what might happen if Olivia’s boobs were to drop onto his arms without warning, the possibility that his sister’s tits were so heavy that they could bruise him.

Elle, still a newcomer to the siblings’ dynamic, was slightly weirded out, but didn’t say anything. Jordan on the other hand was watching with a smirk. She couldn’t even see Reese’s head anymore, but it gave her unwarranted satisfaction to see her friend’s little brother uncomfortably but willingly nestle his tiny head inside Olivia’s gargantuan cleavage.

“There you go,” Olivia cooed, her long, slender hands rubbing circles on Reese’s bare back, as she proudly watched his loving embrace and encouraged him to feel more comfortable around her. She lightly patted his back a few times, and each time she did it would cause his entire body to vibrate, barely jostling her boobs that he was burrowed so lovingly between.

He finally let go, and Jordan giggled at seeing how red his face was (from lack of air, or embarrassment?) as he retreated, taking deep breaths to relax himself again. “So uh… can we just head to the beach now?” he asked, eager to head to the waters already.

“Great idea!” Olivia cheerily replied, and stood up to grab her beach bag, complete with towels, sunscreen, lip balm, some hats, and some snacks and water bottles. “Here, we can all put our phones in here,” she instructed, dropping her own in as she passed it to Jordan, Elle, and Reese do the same. “Can you carry this, Jordan? And Elle, we have some skim boards in the closet over there, can you grab one? Then I’ll carry my brother.”

Reese froze, looking up at her with a confused look. “What do you mean? I can help carry things too if you need.”

Olivia shrugged, “That’s OK, Jordan’s already got the bag and the boards would be too heavy for you. I appreciate the offer though!” He blushed, feeling weak for his inability to provide any substantial help. “But don’t worry about it, cuz you’re gonna be with me anyways. I know the beach is only a few minutes away, but I wanna head to Kora Point, and I definitely don’t trust my Camry to be able to drive on the sand without getting stuck. So we’re gonna have to walk.

“I was thinking about when we went to the mall, and how hard it was for you to keep up at your new size, which, like… you obviously shouldn’t feel bad about by the way. So rather than having you trail behind us, and since I’ve already experimented with wearing you in my clothes before, I’m gonna put you in my swimsuit. Yeah, I guess ‘carry’ might not be the most accurate term then—you’ll be ‘riding’ along with me instead.”


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