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Denver spent the next few hours in his new, cubic home, baking in the heat of the sun while Jackie got some chores done around her apartment. All he was doing was hanging there, but it was enough to make him exhausted and feel like panting—and of course, that just made him breathe in his sister’s toxic fumes at an even faster rate. Every once in awhile, he watched as someone outside passed by his window, and he’d hope that they’d look inside and somehow see his diminutive little form, shackled like a prisoner on his sister’s desk. But they never did.

The vacuuming sound of the filtration machine broke Denver out of his spell, and he sighed with relief as Jackie lifted the lid off his chamber and unhooked him from it. Her hair was done up in a ponytail, and she was wearing shorts and a sports bra. “I just realized I haven’t given you anything to drink yet today,” she remarked, “so since it’s pretty hot out, I figured we could go on a jog together and I’d let you drink some of my sweat!”

Jackie grabbed a razor from on top of her dresser, and then lifted one of her arms up as she applied some moisturizer to her pits. She seemed to be so obsessed with using her ass to torture her older brother that he assumed she’d make him drink sweat from between her ass, but it was clear now that she had a new location in mind that he hadn’t experienced yet. For a moment, Denver felt glad that she was at least making sure her pit would be smooth for him so he wouldn’t have to rub up against her stubble, but then he realized just how low he’d sunk that his sister was about to torture him in the sweltering summer heat, and he was glad just because she was abstaining from the one thing that could make the experience worse. Was she doing it on purpose—choosing such gruelish fates for her brother, and then giving him the smallest of perks so he’d feel grateful to her, like Stockholm Syndrome? Or was she simply doing it because running with a fresh shave was more comfortable, and she didn’t actually care in the slightest for his comfort? He wasn’t sure which would be worse.

When she was done shaving, she presented an elastic wrist band to him. But it was much thinner than a typical wrist band, barely even an inch wide. She took a pair of scissors and snipped it in half, and then grabbed his body, pushed his arms over his head, and used her needle and thread to attach his tiny bound wrists to one end of the arm band. Then his ankles were attached to the other end of the band, so that his body effectively made the strap circular and whole again.

“Wouldn’t it have been easier to just tie me right to it instead of cutting it in half?” he asked in a dejected tone, as Jackie stretched the band to ensure that it would hold.

“Yeah,” she shrugged. “But then you’d just have a bunch of fabric against your back. This way will allow both sides of your body to have skin-on-skin contact.” She grinned, as if the idea was cute, and Denver rolled his eyes. He changed his mind from a minute ago when he wasn’t sure whether Jackie was shaving for him or for her: considering her apparent commitment to making sure her brother got smothered in as much armpit as possible, he decided the shaving had definitely been solely for her benefit.

“Time to see if you fit!” she chimed, and slid her hand through the band, pushing it up her arm until it was forced to stretch itself to fit. After arriving at her armpit, she rotated it to make sure Denver would be at the bottom, and then slid the top past her shoulder bone. At that point, the wristband was stretched so tightly that she wasn’t sure if it could stretch anymore, which helped it stay anchored in position so she wouldn’t have to keep pushing it up.

Jackie hadn’t even started sweating yet, but already Denver was overcome with nausea from how her armpit smelled. Her last shower was a couple days ago, which had left several layers of dried perspiration coating the contour that her brother was effectively adhered to. Since his stomach was empty, he dry heaved a few times, but that only exacerbated the headache and thirst he’d developed since hanging in the sun. In a state of delirium, he was embarrassed to admit that he was actually looking forward to Jackie starting to sweat. If she wasn’t going to treat him humanely and let him drink clean water, the least she could do was get started on her jog so she could start producing the slick and salty nourishment he’d need to survive.

“Let’s hope you stay on!” Jackie chuckled as she headed outside, breathing in the fresh air with a smile on her face while she locked the door behind her. As she turned towards the street and made her way towards the sidewalk, Denver could already feel the effects of the humid air taking its toll on his body. “I just realized, it’s actually kind of a good thing you’re in there,” Jackie quietly told him. “Since you’re underneath my arm, you won’t have to worry about the sun beating down on you, or getting sunburned or something. But I do, I don’t get to just hang out in the shade like you. So trust me, I’m having it much worse right now.” She laughed at the idea as she put in her headphones and selected a playlist, and then started off on her jog with an excited spring in her step.

Denver’s body was thrown into a whirlwind of stomach churning motion, his body shaking up and down as Jackie’s body bounced while trotting down the sidewalk. He also had her rotator cuff to thank for his tiny body’s twisting, smearing his skin against her own. And for the first minute or so, the rough contact of being ground against Jackie’s pit was painful on his skin, but it didn’t take long for her to begin sweating. Once her pores started leaking her body’s natural grease, the movement became more slick and thankfully stopped hurting as much. That was when Denver knew it was time for his first meal of the day.

He didn’t stick his tongue out because he was worried about it getting ripped off, or sorely damaged like some kind of rug burn, so instead he opened his mouth and let his sister’s sweat naturally seep in instead. It was a slow trickle at first, but as the time wore on, the salty moisture would seep in faster, until eventually he just had to open his mouth to allow a stream of thick sweat to flow down his throat, quenching his terrible thirst.

Although as good as it was for Denver to drink something that could keep his body functioning, the high concentration of salt in what he was drinking just made him thirstier, like a shipwrecked sailor trying to drink from the sea. But he had no other option. And of course, the heat just kept getting worse. Between the triple-digit weather and the surface of Jackie’s body feeling like it was burning, Denver felt like he was getting cooked alive.

It was a multi-layered curse that just kept gradually growing; the heat was such a drain on Jackie’s body that it had to unleash buckets worth of sweat in an attempt to keep her cool, the sweat was so plentiful that the cave beneath her arms was effectively wet and her skin was completely oiled up, and all that increasing sweat and bacteria made her armpits emit a revolting stench that could only build upon itself. After an hour had passed, Denver was thoroughly miserable, and he couldn’t wait for her to return him to his box, the lesser of two evils. He’d even prefer the days of last winter, where she would alternate between burying him between her ass cheeks or strapping his body against her pussy. As torturous as it was, at least he hadn’t felt like his body was on the verge of failing him.

Except his body didn’t fail him; it kept him alive and plenty conscious for the duration of Jackie’s run. At one point while she stopped to rest, Jackie took a healthy swig of clean water from her cool water bottle, and then squeezed her arm to her side with a smirk. Denver’s body suddenly found itself completely encapsulated within her armpits, and with his air supply temporarily cut off, he gasped for all the sweat-stained, pit-infused oxygen he could inhale. She didn’t want to make her brother pass out though—how else would he get to experience her jog?—so she lifted her arm after a few seconds and started back up on her route.

But Jackie couldn’t run forever, and eventually she’d returned to her apartment, where Denver felt the strong blast of cool air send tingles throughout his body in contrast to what he’d been through. “Ugh, that air feels so good, doesn’t it?” Jackie sighed, slipping her shoes off by the door. She removed the armband and inspected her brother as she untied him from it; his body was completely red now.

Instead of depositing him back in his cage though, Jackie sat down with her back against the wall and placed Denver on the floor in front of her. She unpeeled her socks, as they’d been so thoroughly doused with her sweat that they clung to her damp skin while trying to take them off. “Now that you’ve had something to drink…” Jackie started to say, and placed her moist feet on either side of her tiny brother, “I think it’s a good time for me to give you something to eat!”


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