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Meanwhile, Skye had gotten held up behind her siblings for similar reasons, but had responded entirely opposite to her older sister’s attitude. A boy who looked to be about college aged hadn’t been paying attention when Mikayla had come proudly strolling through the lobby (she expected the tiny people to automatically get out of her way and only paid half-attention to the floor), and he’d had to dive out of the way last minute to avoid getting accidentally knocked aside. But in doing so, he’d landed right in front of Skye, and his partially opened backpack had spilled out some of his books. “Wait!” he yelled up at her desperately, cursing to himself and scrambling to stuff everything into his bag.

“Oh!” Skye had been watching the floor more closely, not just out of politeness but out of fascination with all the tiny people, and had stopped herself as soon as she’d seen the boy stumble into her pathway. She squatted down, and he stepped back as her gigantic body suddenly rushed unnervingly close to him. “Do you want—” she began to say, but he’d already finished zipping up his backpack again and slinging it over his shoulder. “Oh, I guess it’d be easier for you to do anyways. I can take you wherever you were headed though?” she asked, and picked the boy up without a second thought.

His eyes bulged out and he instantly started squirming frantically. “Hey, whoah whoah whoah, please, can you…” he glanced nervously at the ground, already dozens of feet below him. “Put me down!” he yelled, his voice cracking, looking up at Skye. Seeing her giant face, even as sympathetic as it was, caused him to second-guess his tone of voice, and he shakily tried a second time. “Please, um… can you please put me down, you just—why’d you pick me up?”

From closer up, Skye was able to get a better look at the tiny guy, and was only halfway into thinking how cute he was when his panicked pleas interrupted her train of thought. For some reason, Skye felt the urge to just kiss him all of a sudden, to just smush him against her lips and smooch his entire body. Obviously he wasn’t the first cute boy she’d ever seen, but seeing one that was so tiny like this made him seem all the more precious and adorable. But she knew better than to do something like that, and his calls for her to put him down snapped her back to reality.

“Oh, sorry,” she blushed. “My brother’s tiny too, so I’m kinda used to just picking him up I think.” She set him back on the ground and giggled with embarrassment, and was about to introduce herself, but the boy turned awkwardly and began briskly walking away. She was upset as she watched him go, but didn’t say anything. “I wasn’t even being mean,” Skye quietly pouted to herself as she stood back up. But in doing so, she unconsciously took a slight step backwards, just by a few inches, and caused the back of her heel to collide with a car that had been driving past, knocking it onto its side.

“Oh my God!” she exclaimed, twirling around and squatting back down again to inspect the car. She was worried she’d just caused them to crash, and maybe seriously injured them, so she picked the car up carefully to look inside and make sure everyone was OK. There were five people in the car; a man, a woman, and three kids, and Skye realized they must’ve been a family, every single member of which was shrunken just like her brother was. “Are you guys OK?” she asked, eying the passengers through the open sunroof. But the kids looked up and started freaking out at the gigantic eye peering back at them, so she set it back on the ground and grimaced, feeling bad at scaring tinies a second time. Sounds like they’re fine I guess, she thought as she pulled her hand back. “Sorry for picking you up, I just wanted to make sure you guys weren’t hurt.” The wife yelled something up to Skye that sounded like an apology (even though Skye was the one who’d run into them), and within seconds the toy-like car had veered off again.

Skye stood up, a puzzled look on her face, reflecting on the interactions. She’d gotten so used to growing up with Mason, it was so easy to forget how scary she could seem to others. Especially to those kids; since their parents were shrunken like they were, they’d probably lived at Bayview since they were born and had had barely any interaction with normal sized people their whole lives.

It made Skye feel suddenly mystical and special. The idea that, to some tinies out there, a normal person like her was someone they rarely interacted with. She went to catch up with Mikayla, who was having similar thoughts. Except her older sister had an increased feeling of superiority over everyone around her. It wasn’t that Mikayla thought she was better than them, but just being in their presence gave her an enlightened sense of self-worth. Normally, their brother was the outlier, since he was always the uniquely small one around the house. But here, they were the special ones. Around so many people a fraction of their size, Skye felt like a mythical Amazonian queens. And Mikayla felt like a god.

As they made their way to the front of the lobby, Skye continued to treat the tinies  more politely, smiling at all of them down below her and imagining she was the queen of a kingdom, meant to protect all the helpless peasants. But Mikayla pretended not to notice them, like they were beneath her. She certainly didn’t want to get needlessly distracted by another overly emotional person complaining about the way she walked.

When they arrived at the front desk, Mikayla intentionally squatted right in front of a little man, knowing how massive her ass would loom above him. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she barely heard him gasp beneath her, but pretended not to notice him either way as she set Mason down on the ground.

“Do you know when you want us to pick you up?” she asked, as her brother looked around the room in wonder—and he wasn’t even technically inside Bayview yet.

“No, not really,” he half-answered. “I’ll text you guys later today though. Or something, I guess.”

“Works for me,” Mikayla shrugged. She was about to stand back up when she noticed her reflection in a nearby mirror, and glanced behind her to see that several tinies had stopped and were gawking at her ass, her pants tightly stretched over her bum and leaving little to the imagination. “Like what you guys see?” she teased as she looked over her shoulder, and laughed as the handful of tinies scattered, all embarrassed to have been caught sexualizing a giant like her.

“Well have fun today,” Skye offered to Mason, but then got onto her hands and knees and bent all the way down to the floor to give her brother a quick kiss on the top of his head. Just like with her sister, Skye noticed a passerby almost trip over himself taking a glance beneath her shirt as she leaned over, although she was more successful in keeping herself from giggling.

“Okay okay,” Mason said with annoyance as he was gently pressed downwards, a pair of soft pink lips crowning his head for a second and staining it with Skye’s lip gloss. “I’ll see you guys later.”

“Byyeeeee!” his sister sang, before standing back up to join Mikayla. They both waved goodbye one last time, and then turned around to leave.

Both deep in thought over the same thing, neither girl said anything to each other as they headed back to the car. On their way out of the parking lot, they even passed by a row of various shops operated by tiny people with the specific intention of serving full-sized customers, offering everything from manicures to computer repairs, and other jobs done best by people their size. “Ohhhhhhh, now I know why there were like, so many people in the parking lot,” Mikayla mused, making a mental note that she’d have to come back to one of them sometime and try them out.

As if reading her mind, Skye added her agreement. “Yeah, I’m definitely gonna have to come back and try that nail salon out.” The two of them exchanged glances, seeming to understand the subtext of what they were each saying. “I just… I dunno, I wanna see a bunch of small people down at my feet, you know? Painting my toenails like they’re my servants,” she awkwardly laughed, before looking at her older sister to gauge her reaction.

Mikayla was silent for a moment, and then, “Yeah well, I wanna stick one up my vag.” She pursed her lips, surprised she’d even admitted that to her wide-eyed sister, but then they both burst out into laughter.

“Oh my God, really?” Skye asked incredulously. “I mean, I kinda… like I kinda understand what you mean, I wouldn’t say, like… I mean I don’t wanna force anyone though, it just seems like it’d be… claustrophobic?” She giggled at the thought, but felt a fluttering throughout her body.

“Not mine,” Mikayla chuckled, causing them both to break out into hysterics again. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. But…” She glanced at her sister, taking a leap of faith with what she was about to admit. “…I do wanna force someone though. Kinda. And I wanna stick one in my ass like they’re just a little dildo or a butt plug or something. I mean I’ve gotten myself off just thinking about being able to do that with one of them, I can’t imagine how it’d actually feel.” She paused for a moment, before clarifying, “Like obviously I wouldn’t, just to be clear, I’m not saying I’d rape a tiny person if I had the chance.”

“No no no, of course not, I know that,” Skye reassured her.

“But…” Mikayla took a deep breath, “I think about it. Like, fantasize about it. A lot.” She sighed with relief, “Jesus, I can’t believe I just admitted that to you.”

“It’s OK, I mean, I’ve had some pretty wild dreams too sometimes,” Skye admitted. “Except mine are always me being like, hundreds of feet tall, and running through cities and just like, kicking all the buildings over.” She sighed like she’d fallen in love with the idea. “And anyone who tried to attack me or anything, I’d just crush them, like I wouldn’t even have to stomp, you know? I just take a step forward and feel them splat.” She cringed, surprising even herself a little bit at how sadistic the idea was.

“So I wanna be a rapist, and you wanna be a mass murderer,” Mikayla joked, causing her sister to gasp at how dark her joke was.

“Oh my God, shut up,” Skye said, playfully shoving Mikayla. She glanced down at the floor, feeling guilty now for her fantasies. “Have you told Mason?”

“Fuck no,” the older girl scoffed. “He’d probably be scared to even be around me if he knew.” Skye nodded, somber at the thought of her brother not trusting her anymore. “That’s why I’m always shoving him in my tits and sitting on him,” she chuckled, “cuz I feel like that’s the most I can force him into situations without being like, too mean, you know?”

“Yeah, I feel you,” Skye replied. “We were playing Mario Kart a few days ago, and I sat on him at one point, but then his controller got stuck on my shorts or something.” She giggled at the memory as she recounted it for Mikayla. “So he ended up having to crawl like, right between my butt cheeks to retrieve it cuz I was laying on the floor. And ugh, yeah, feeling him wiggling around back there, I wanted so badly to just like, push him even deeper, just all the way in there, you know?”

“One million percent I know. I think I use my boobs on him a lot more than you do though. I mean I tried shoving him in them yesterday at the mall, not even all the way either, like just a little bit, just enough to be fun. But then he started complaining and guilt tripped me so I let him ride on my shoulder the rest of the day.” Mikayla sighed, as if it were a tragedy that she wasn’t allowed to abuse her brother more. “When you wanted to push him in your butt, or really any other time you wanna squeeze or hide him somewhere, do you like it when he struggles? Like does his resistance make it… hotter for you or something? I don’t know what other word to use.”

Skye paused to think about her answer. “You mean like, did I wanna stick him in my butt cuz he’s a person and he squirms around, or because I know he hates it?” she asked; Mikayla nodded. “I think the first one then,” the younger sister answered. “I mean, the fact that he doesn’t like it is why he squirms around in the first place, so kinda both I guess. But I don’t get off on his suffering like a sadist or anything.”

“Yeah, well… I do,” Mikayla admitted. “Like even if I knew a shrunken guy who liked being used like that, I wouldn’t have as much fun with them. If they like being toyed with, it kinda ruins the feeling for me. But when they’re scared—when Mason’s scared—it just makes the whole thing so much hotter to me. I lowered him into my mouth last week like I was going to eat him, and he really got pretty deep into my mouth too. And I couldn’t feel him. But I could hear him. It was like he really thought I might eat him, or even if he knew I wouldn’t, I was still triggering some kind of phobia of his.” She got shivers just remembering how good it felt. “I mean I really hate that he’s my brother, honestly, but at the same time I feel like because he’s my brother, he’s way more willing to put up with stuff I do to him. I can’t go full sadistic on him or anything—not that I’d want to actually torture anyone—but he’s really just the perfect candidate to get me close to that feeling without crossing the line.” She paused, then added, “And even if I do cross a line, I know he’s not gonna like call the cops on me or something.” She laughed awkwardly, while Skye was silent and thought about what Mikayla had said.

The two took a few minutes to both absorb each others’ admissions, until Skye was the first to speak up again. “So you think there are tiny people who like being used and stuff? Like obviously they don’t wanna get assaulted or die or anything, but do you think some of them fantasize about it… like, sexually?”

Mikayla didn’t even hesitate, “Oh, definitely. There’s so many masochists out there in the world, there’s bound to be some tinies that feel that way.”

Skye looked out the window wistfully, dreaming about being able to have a little boyfriend who’d let her act out her fantasies. Maybe Mikayla wouldn’t be able to find the perfect tiny partner, but Skye still felt like there could be someone out there that could fit her mold. Although then she could never have real sex, or get real kisses or go on real dates. Although maybe… nevermind, she thought. I honestly can’t decide which I’d rather have. A real relationship with someone else her size, or a boy who’d let her act out a wild array of fantasies that she couldn’t do with almost anyone else. The first was more practical, of course, but the second was awfully tempting. “Do you think Mason feels that way?” she wondered aloud, “like do you think he gets turned on by being toyed with by us?”

Mikayla shrugged. “Well if he does, he definitely does a good job of hiding it,” she replied, thinking about how much of a squirmer he was.

“Maybe Mason will make some friends at Bayview and invite some of them over for dinner or something,” Skye said hopefully. They wouldn’t need to be boyfriend material, but it seemed to be the only practical way she’d have a shot at acting out her fetishes.

“Honestly, I don’t even know if that’s a good idea,” Mikayla commented. “It’s easier to control myself around Mason, since we grew up together. I love him.” She sighed, “But honestly, if I was alone in a room with someone else who was his size?” She shook her head, “God, that’d be fucking torture.”


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