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Denver thought that his sister rescuing him from Aliyah’s vaginal clutches would signal the end to his short but horrific ordeal, but it seemed that there was still one play left in the bully’s book. “I’m gonna go get something from my room real quick,” she told them, and emerged a few seconds later with an odd looking contraption. “I had Darah 3D print this for me a few days ago,” she said, showing it off to Jackie, but Denver was able to get a good look too. It looked like a belt made out of fabric, but the buckle was a black, rubbery-looking disk, with a protrusion coming from the center and several thing parts hanging off of it. If that part wasn’t so thin and weird looking, Denver thought, it’d kinda look like a— oh, shit… That was when he realized with a creeping horror that it didn’t just look like a strap-on, it was a strap-on. And in keeping with the theme of the crazy afternoon, his body was meant to be the cock.

Jackie had realized what it was too, although she didn’t share his level of astonishment. She was impressed by her friend’s ingenuity more than anything, and suddenly the prior concern she’d had over how rough Aliyah was being went out the window. “I mean, it looks like it could be fun, but I don’t want it to feel—” She stopped herself as she realized that her problem wasn’t really a problem, and the two girls grinned at each other.

Aliyah had followed along with Jackie’s train of thought. “Don’t worry, I already thought of that too, although since he’s not exactly as girthy as the dildos I used on you back in college, I think you’re overestimating how short he’d need to be.” Jackie passed her brother back to Aliyah before turning around onto her hands and knees again. “So we’d probably only need to shrink him by an inch or two for him to be a perfect fit,” she said, carelessly grabbing ahold of Jackie’s brother and stuffing him back up against his sister’s asshole again. He didn’t bother trying to wriggle away; even if he was able to somehow prolong the inevitable, he’d never be able to keep Aliyah from doing what she was about to do, so he thought it best to just get it over with as quickly as possible.

After an awkward bit of waiting, Jackie finally concocted up a brief brew of airy intestinal waste, and Aliyah let the stink swarm his face for just a few seconds before pulling him away to keep him from shrinking any further. Once he stopped shrinking, she looked down at him smugly set him on the ground, placing the strap-on in front of him so that the protruding part was facing up. “Your body is supposed to wrap around it, and then I’ll use the little ring things to strap you in.” She nodded down at it, expecting him to get in position for her. He didn’t want her to force his body around the stub herself, and risk possibly hurting his arms or legs by twisting them at some odd angle, so he walked up to the platform and huddled in close to the silicone protuberance. It was like hugging a pole-dancing pole, except it only went up to his chest, ensuring that his head would operate as the tip. Once in place, Aliyah fastened him in with the rings, also made of silicone, and Denver felt himself get squeezed tighter around the rod.

“How’s he look?” Aliyah asked Jackie, who turned back around and watched as her friend put the belt on. Her brother’s body stuck out from Aliyah’s hips, rigid and pointing straight at her ass—but the strap-on (and Denver) was still flexible enough that it could be slightly bent if need be.

“Perfect,” Jackie laughed. “Here, I’ll get on the couch so you’ll be able to stand up.” With a spring in her step, she hopped onto the couch and got back into her hands-and-knees position, steadying her forearms on the cushions as her shins rested on the armrest.

Aliyah walked over to her friend, once again positioning herself in between Jackie’s legs, and looked down at Denver’s body. She wanted to watch him, to see his reaction to her every thrust. Grabbing ahold of him so she could line the top of his head up with Jackie’s asshole, she let out a cruel and maniacal laugh at how scared Denver looked, who was already able to feel the heat against his head. And then slowly, both so that she could be gentle with Jackie but also draw out Denver’s teasing, she pushed his head into Jackie’s anus.

Denver sucked in his last gasp of “fresh” air just before getting edged into his sister’s asshole. It was even hotter than her pussy had been. Aliyah pushed him in further—up to his shoulders, then his his chest, then his waist—and he just felt himself getting hotter as his body tunneled deeper within the confines of his little sister’s anal cavity.

Now that most of Denver’s body was inside Jackie, Aliyah didn’t need to guide the strap-on inside anymore, so she smacked her hand against Jackie’s jiggling cheeks before gripping the top of her waist and pulling the rest of herself in. “How you doing in there, buddy?” she teased, obviously making no effort to lighten his experience as she rammed him all the way inside.

Even though it had only been a few seconds, Denver’s body was starting to sweat, which acted as a kind of lubricant (something Aliyah should’ve used, but was too eager to). And of course, he wasn’t able to hold his breath forever, so he finally had to start breathing in, something he immediately regretted even though he didn’t have a choice. This deep into Jackie, the smell of literal shit was stronger than it had ever been. He couldn’t feel any (thank God), and he couldn’t see any (although his eyes were closed anyways), but the powerful odor crammed itself into his nostrils and made him almost cough. He was surprised he didn’t even throw up. Even though there wasn’t technically and poop present at the moment, he was still wedged up in the alleys where they slid along every single day. Hell, his own body—straight, thin, and several inches long—was literally shaped like a piece of shit. Aliyah had merely recognized him for what he was, and had returned him to his natural habitat, the space where he really belonged: tightly crammed up his sister’s asshole, with no means of escape.

As Aliyah picked up speed in pumping him in and out, Denver’s face got smeared along the walls of Jackie’s rectum, rubbing his naked body over and over against the tainted pink corridor. He knew that even if he’d be allowed to return home tonight, he’d have to spend hours in the shower to try and get himself clean—and even then, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to. His sister’s punishment this time around might have only been intended to last for a few hours, but Aliyah had ensured that it’d last days instead. He’d have to shed a layer of skin just to rid himself of the smell of his sister’s musk.

Jackie’s friend continued to fuck her for the next… 10 minutes? or 20? To Denver, it felt like hours. All he could think about was a nightmare scenario in which it never ended. He knew it would, but what if there was some alternate reality out there where time never ended, and Jackie’s asshole merely became his new home?

But eventually Jackie started to feel sore, and the session finally came to a close. Although Aliyah’s high of torturing her friend’s older brother had remained a constant. Denver had felt like the experience had lasted hours, but Aliyah was so addicted to the sensation of absolute power she had over him, she honestly would’ve let it last that long if she could’ve. Aliyah would’ve fucked him up his sister’s ass until her knees gave out if she could.

Once Jackie started to feel herself again, she instructed Aliyah to unstrap her brother and set him in another room so he could regrow. Unsurprisingly, the other girl had been reluctant to, but deep down she knew that the “fun” had to come to an end at some point, so that Denver could return to his old life.

Late that night, once he had grown back enough that he could safely drive his car again and head back home, he wondered when his next shrunken ordeal with his sister would be. It wasn’t even a matter of “if” to him anymore. His guard was up even more than it had been to begin with, but ultimately he knew that he’d see Jackie again. They were siblings, after all. Even Aliyah’s fucked up fantasies hadn’t been able to break that bond. And it was because of that bond that he knew he’d be seeing his sister again. Probably a lot sooner than he wanted.


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