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The smirking face of the biggest dickhead in class was the last thing Brian saw before falling into his teacher’s throat. His puny body roughly bounced back and forth a few times on its trip down the narrowing hole, until he managed to stick his arms out to try and stop himself from falling any further. But the edges of her throat were too wet for him to be able to stay in place, and he couldn’t stop himself from continuing to sink further. He felt her throat lurch forward and he could tell his positioning had been rotated somehow, and then he could faintly see her fingers up above him, scrambling to grab onto his body. But he’d fallen too far, and they were way too far away. She coughed a few times, but the vibrations only shook him, each croak seeming to shake him a few inches deeper despite his feeble efforts to keep himself from descending any more. He watched as she withdrew her fingers, and then her body lurched again as she sat back down. But this time, her crashing onto her seat ended up shaking her entire body once more, far stronger than any of her coughs, and Brian yelped out in fear as he was seemingly shoved out from his spot, feeling himself falling once again as he got dislodged out of the final stretch of her throat and sent into the woman’s stomach.

Brian landed with a splash in her stomach acids, and was simultaneously glad and grossed out to discover it was too thick to allow him to easily sink. He was able to easily float at the top by only lightly kicking his feet, and he wiped the muck from his face so he could blink his eyes as they attempted to adjust to the lightless cavern. Reaching down, he unzipped the pocket to his shorts and pulled out the walkie talkie that all the students had been given in case of emergencies. Mrs. J had a regular sized one that would be able to pick up its signal, and he fumbled blindly with the controls, trying to turn it on. Some beeps let him know that it was at least working, and when he pressed down on the proper button, he could hear static, which he hoped meant that it was picking something up. Or able to pick something up. He pressed down on the relay button, saying “Hello? Can anyone hear this, this is Brian.” As soon as his lips touched together when pronouncing the B in his name, he cringed from the bitter sensation of the fluid that lined them. Some of it had seeped into his mouth, and he dry heaved at the taste of what was essentially her vomit getting into his mouth. So he didn’t want to say anything further, and keep his mouth closed as much as possible. But there hadn’t been a response. He knew that his teacher kept her walkie front and center on her desk, and they had tested them out before everyone had gone into her mouth, so he knew it had worked just a short while ago. But now there was no reply on the other end. He knew she knew he was inside of her since he’d heard her speaking to the rest of the class, but still would’ve been nice to hear another person respond to him. To reassure him, and let him know he’d be alright. Because he wasn’t having a lot of faith that he would be.

* * * * * *

Irina’s boss hadn’t answered his phone, even after she called him half a dozen times, and he wasn’t responding to her emails. What the hell? she wondered. Ignoring a phone call was one thing, but in her mind, three calls made it clear that something was an emergency, so if he hadn’t picked up yet, she was confident that he still didn’t know she’d called him yet. All of the students had left except for Kevin. She’d asked the other four students who’d gone inside her mouth some questions to see if they might be able to provide any additional info, but they weren’t any help. And it probably wouldn’t matter anyways; regardless of why he fell in, he had still fallen in, and the only way he’d be coming out was by a doctor retrieving him—or the old-fashioned way.

She’d asked Kevin some questions too, and the more answers he gave, the more she began to suspect that maybe Brian falling into her throat hadn’t been an accident. She knew that he and Kevin didn’t get along, but she wouldn’t expect her student to stoop that low.

As she’d been lost in thought, her eyes had settled onto his shorts, staring right through him as she didn’t pay him any attention while thinking of what to do. But Kevin noticed her looking at him and assumed something else was on her mind. He sat up a little bit straighter. “Did you wanna…” he began to say, and she looked up at him, realizing she’d dazed off, and looked back at where her eyes had been. Her student’s bulge was slightly visible through his shorts, and as she looked at it, it began to slowly grow from the attention.

“That wasn’t why I was looking at you,” she replied plainly. “I’ve kinda got bigger shit on my plate at the moment Kevin.”

“Well you can’t really do anything til Mr. Wright gets back to you, right?” he replied. “So we’ve just gotta wait here til he does. Soooooo…” he trailed off, and reached down to scratch his bulge, shifting himself in his seat so he was more comfortable, but also so that the outline of his dick was more evident.

Boys are always so horny, she thought with annoyance. Even at a time like this, all he’s thinking about is my pussy. Not that she could really blame anyone but herself though. She eyed his shorts and bit her lip, thinking about the couple of times she’d kept the boy after class for some extracurricular activities with her. Kevin had only ever been a physical outlet, an easy way to satisfy her cravings after repetitive days that both of them hated. So why should today be any different? He’s right, I’m not really doing anything other than stressing out over the situation. “Fine,” she muttered, and stood up to head over to the visibly excited boy, kneeling down in front of him.

* * * * * *

Brian had tried wiping his face a few more times, but his arms had already been dipped into his teacher’s stomach fluids, so every attempt at cleaning his lips only resulted in replacing the old fluids with newer, fresher ones. He also had to actively fight the urge just to lick his lips; after licking his lips thousands of times to get food off of them, he had to constantly remind himself that for the first time in his life he wouldn’t be able to at the moment. He’d still tried a second time to reach Mrs. J with the walkie talkie though, but since she hadn’t answered, and he hadn’t heard her mention it from far above, he assumed that the acids of her stomach had somehow corroded the walkie’s interior, rendering it useless. The only thing keeping him sane at the moment was the knowledge that his teacher at least knew he was inside her though. He didn’t know how many hours it’d be until he was let out, but all he could do was wait. He could hear her talking every now and then, but she seemed less frantic now and she wasn’t moving about as much. Brian assumed she was waiting for the paramedics to come, or maybe she’d had to contact the school first. Either way, he wondered why she hadn’t just gone to the hospital instead. He loathed every minute he lay trapped in her stomach, surrounded by the hot and humid putrified air of her innards, while the stench of her chewed up, digested foods swirled around in his head.

He could tell most of the students had gone since she wasn’t talking as much, but he’d heard her mention Kevin’s name a couple times. I hope she realizes it’s him, he thought bitterly. He should get charged with fucking attempted murder for what he did. But that idea only scared him more, because his salvation wasn’t guaranteed—what if he did die? His thoughts were interrupted by Mrs. J speaking again to Kevin. He heard the shuffling of her body as up above him, her lungs filled up with air from what seemed like a deep breath, before her entire torso rumbled as she sighed and started moving again. Brian grunted with frustration as her stomach fluids began to slosh around again. Any of her biggest motions would cause the acids to ram into the side of her stomach like an ocean against a cliff, resulting in the liquids splashing backwards and covering him again in a fresh layer of his teacher’s digestive juices. He squeezed his eyes shut to prevent anything from getting in, and groaned as he shook his head, trying to sling the fluids elsewhere. But luckily his teacher seemed to stop moving. There was a few moments of peace, with the distant murmur of her heartbeat being louder than anything else he could hear outside her body. But then her stomach began to move again, albeit much slower and rhythmically. This time, it seemed to be moving back and forth, enough to swirl him around a bit but not cause any major splashes like before. What the hell is she doing? he wondered. He swam to the edge of her stomach and tried pressing his ear up against the slick, pink lining, hoping to hear some clues as to what was going on. Maybe she’s driving now? That would explain the minor movements, but not the back-and-forth feel he was experiencing too. Several minutes passed, and occasionally the rhythm would slow, or stop for a few seconds, but then it would start back up again. He didn’t even know if Kevin was still around, although Brian hadn’t heard Mrs. J tell the other kid that he could leave.

Suddenly the movements stopped completely, and he heard her throat up above begin to expand and contract again as it sent something down. She must’ve been eating, he though. Initially he felt hopeful, since he figured he might be able to somehow eat a bit of something before it sank into her acids and got its flavor tainted. But then he realized that her food would be all chewed up, infused with her spit and mashed into clumps that could probably knock him out if they landed on his head. Regardless, it might be better than nothing.

He heard her throat muscles overhead open up, and he looked above him to see if the slight bit of light from her mouth might lend some clues before the throat closed again and everything got really dark again. But just as his eyes began to adjust, he saw a giant glop fall down for a split second before it splashed onto his face. Except it wasn’t food. As the slime covered his nostrils, a disturbingly familiar, salty smell invaded his brain, and his brain connected all the dots with a disgusting realization; his teacher hadn’t swallowed food—she’d swallowed Kevin’s cum.


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