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Wednesday, June 2 (cont.)


“How about this one?” Olivia asked, grabbing a box from the shelf of the family store they were shopping in. She turned to show it to him, who winced at the packaging and looked up at her incredulously. On the front was a picture of a kid wearing a harness around their torso, with their mom holding onto the leash attached at the back, keeping them from running away. The woman was smiling at being able to keep her kid close-by, while her child was laughing, far happier and more content than Reese could ever imagine being in their place. “It looks more comfortable than the others, and it’s the closest to your size,” she added, as he looked to the small marking in the corner of the box: “3-5 years.” It would’ve been less humiliating if the harness sizes were tiered based on chest size instead of just in age groups. But it wasn’t a new feeling for Reese anyways, being compared to a kid. He obviously still hated it though.

He glared up at her, but refused to acknowledge the box or participate in any way in her decision making. She rolled her eyes, and stuffed the box underneath her shoulder, “You know it’s pretty ironic that by being a little diva about this whole thing, you’re just coming across as even more immature. Plenty of other adults way older than you do this when they go out in public, it’s just common sense considering how easy it is for someone your size to get lost.” But Reese held firm in his indignation, not willing to let Olivia evoke a response out of him. She just rolled her eyes and sighed, grabbing his hand as she led him towards the register.

She smiled politely at the staff member as they scanned the box while she inserted her credit card into the card reader. “Is he your son?” the employee asked, smiling at Reese while they tried to make kind conversation while they waited for the transaction to go through.

Reese cringed at the worker’s question; just a few minutes ago, the other store’s employee had recognized him for how old he was, but now this other person had barely glanced at him and assumed he was a child because of the harness Olivia was buying. Olivia scoffed, looking down at him beside her. She laughed a little bit at the notion as she turned back to the employee, shaking her head. “Definitely not. And I hope I don’t look that old,” she laughed anxiously.

The staff member blushed as the reader beeped and the receipt printed itself out. “No, you look like you’re in your 20’s, but you never know sometimes,” they shrugged, handing the receipt to Olivia.

“It is for him though,” she grimaced, taking the receipt and picking up the box, then turned to look down at Reese. “So can I like, open it here? Do you guys have a recycling for the box?” she asked, effortlessly ripping it open and grabbing the item inside.

“Yeah, sure thing,” they said, taking the remains and flattening it, before ducking under the counter to put it in the trash.

“Thanks,” Olivia said, smiling at the worker, and turned back down to look at Reese. “Now I won’t have to worry about anyone running away again today,” she chimed, and nudged him with her knee, indicating for him to move along. The employee felt awkward now, sensing a weird tension between the two of them.

“Oh, um, good… luck then I guess. To you guys. Have a good day,” they said.

“You too!” Olivia called back, as she walked closely behind Reese, guiding him back out into the mall, towards one of the seats. “OK, we’ll put this part on first,” she said, setting the line down on the bench so she could have two hands at her disposal, and then knelt down onto her knees to get closer to his level.

“Olivia, I get it… we don’t need to actually do this,” he told her half-heartedly, glancing at the surrounding shoppers, as some of them noticed the woman before him about to harness him up.

“No, technically we don’t need to do any of the stuff me and Mom and Dad do to help you. But it definitely makes life easier, right?”

He nervously swallowed, looking from the straps she was holding back up to her face. “Yeah, but… it’s humiliating. The box literally said it’s for fucking toddlers, and I’m 18.”

She rolled her eyes, sitting back on her haunches. “Everything’s humiliating for you…” she stated. Reese froze, shocked that she’d just outright say something like that. But… she’s kinda right, he thought, until she finished her statement. “…if you let it be. Like I said, a lot of other people do this no problem. Do you really, honestly, like actually believe that I’m lying to you and just actually wanna embarrass you, cuz…” she shrugged, throwing her arms up in exasperation, “I don’t even know. For any reason. Do you actually think that I’m that I’m being that petty, or that maybe, just possibly,” she said, leaning forward and placing both of her oversized hands on his mini shoulders, “that I might be doing this for your own good. To make things a liiiiittle easier for me.” The two of them sat in silence for several seconds, staring into each other’s eyes.

Reese broke first, looking away with a sour expression on his face. But he relented anyways. “Fine. I guess.”

Olivia nodded thankfully as she let go of him, and took a deep breath, glad that she’d gotten him to finally come around. “Good. Thank you. Now, can you turn around for me please?” she asked. Reese shook his head, unable to believe he was really going through with this, but turned around anyways, lifting up his arms so she could wrap the harness around his torso easier. “Thanks,” she acknowledged, and straightened out the harness before pressing the middle up against his back.

“If this is normally for kids, what’s to just stop them from just unbuckling themselves?” he wondered aloud as he felt her wrap it around to his front. “Like I could just put it on myself,” he started to say, until he saw a big metal ring in between the two buckles on the left side. “Wait, this is backwards. The… connector thing is up here,” he said. Olivia paused, then realized he was right; there was nowhere on his back for her to attach the cord.

“Oh, you’re right. Ok nevermind then, turn around again.” He chuckled as she held onto the harness while he spun around again, but then his expression dropped as he saw that right in front of him was Olivia’s cleavage. The neck hole of her shirt was open wide, and her boobs were hanging low from her chest as she leaned forward to reach around behind him. His face was suddenly mashed against the top of her gigantic boobs, the collar of her shirt rubbing against his mouth, as her head looked down behind his back so she could see the buckles as she clasped them together, two sturdy snaps announcing their union. Then she pulled the ends of the straps as far as they could go, attempting to tighten it as much as possible. But she couldn’t quite make it snug enough for his body. Sighing, and figuring it was gonna have to be good enough, she stood up to inspect her work.

He rolled his shoulders around, trying to get more comfortable. “Can you tighten it some more?” he asked, looking up at her.

She sighed and shook her head as she picked up the tether from the bench. “Sorry, that’s as tight as it’ll go. I think it’s cuz kids usually have a lot more body fat on them so compared to you, even a skinny one would have a bigger chest than you.” Well that’s great. Even something designed to be used by a fucking preschooler is too big for me. “Anyways, at least it’s not too loose though. Can you turn around again?” she asked, bending over with with the carabiner in her hand. He turned around for the last time, and heard the metal clasp behind him open, before snapping into place around the ring. Olivia stood back up, and he turned around again, but this time felt some resistance. As he turned, he realized it was from the cord having to wrap around his side, and he follow it up with his eyes until he saw the end of it: a handle, held firmly within her hand. Even with being against the idea from the start, he couldn’t prepare for how emasculating, seeing her actually holding it in front of him. His head slowly raised up to gauge her reaction, and he saw that she was smiling, glad that the harness fit relatively well, and that he had quit putting up a fuss about it. She lifted her hand up, and the end of the cord along with it, and he felt the slight pull of it, tugging him forward and causing him to step out so he wouldn’t fall forward. She stifled a slight giggle, causing him to blush from how easily she’d been able to control his movements. If there had been any chance or way of changing her mind before, it didn’t matter now, since the hook was behind him where he couldn’t reach. Because Olivia now had him on a leash, and with more shopping still ahead of them, he knew it wouldn’t be coming off anytime soon.


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