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Wednesday, June 2


“You know, I really wish we had a hot tub.” Reese was watching Netflix while Olivia was sitting nearby, dividing her attention between the TV and her phone. She’d been taking a break from working on the last bits of Reese’s math homework when she casually complained that their family ‘only’ had a regular pool.

“Yeah… I guess…” Reese chimed in, not fully paying attention to what she was saying. “I think the bath in Mom and Dad’s bathroom is big enough though.” Their parents had a garden-style tub in the master bathroom that they’d gotten installed a few years ago. It was triangular in shape, and allowed for a lot more room than a normal bathtub.

“Wait, what do you mean?” she asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Reese turned to face his sister, and paused the show. “Wait, did they never tell you about their new bathtub?”

“HUH?” Olivia jumped up and ran across the house, dashing up the stairs and flying into their parent’s bedroom. Reese followed up after her, laughing as he heard her voice ring throughout the house. “When did they get THIS?!”

“Uh, like a couple years ago I think?” he yelled back as he made his way up the stairs. “Like your first year of college or something.” He walked into their bathroom to find Olivia sprawled out inside the tub, her arms and legs spread wide, enjoying all the space. She liked being able to relax in a warm bath, but being 6’6 made it a cramped fit most of the time.

“And they never told me? Like I’ve been home for how many weeks now and never knew this was here the whole time?”

Reese shrugged, “Well it’s not really new to us by now. I don’t know why they never mentioned it when you came home on breaks though.”

“Do they let you use it?” she asked, and he nodded with a smile.

“Yeah, sometimes. I still prefer showers though, but it’s pretty nice.” She continued looking around at the details of the tub, with its curved shape and water jets.

“Jeez…” She laid her head back and closed her eyes, imagining herself taking a bath. But then she opened them and shot her brother a look, quickly standing up. “Go get your swim trunks on, we’re gonna take a bath together like we did when we were kids.”

“Um… OK,” he said, scratching his neck and turning around to head to his room.

“Mom has her little class or whatever til 6,” she said, predicting what was on Reese’s mind, “and Dad won’t be home from work til around then anyways. So we have plenty of time before either of them should get back.” Reese could feel Olivia walking behind him as they made their way back down the hall, before they both turned their separate ways into their rooms to change.

Reese came out of his room, dressed like he was ready to swim, and meandered back into his parents’ bathroom. He turned on the jets and watched as the hot water roared to life, slowly filling the tub. “What are you waiting for?” he heard Olivia say from above, and reflexively turned around to address her. She was standing just inches behind him, waiting for him to move out of the way. Her baby blue, high cut bikini left her bronzed hips completely bare, and the fabric rose higher than his head until it stopped at her waist and curved around to her backside. He had to lift his head until it nearly faced the sky just to see her face, but even then, her enormous tits jutted so far out from her body that he couldn’t see her head. “Reese?” she repeated, snapping him out of his trance as she put her hands on her hips impatiently, waiting for her little brother to either get in or step aside.

“Oh, sorry,” he mumbled, turning back around and climbing into the bath. He gingerly sat down in the corner, and Olivia followed suit, sitting on the opposite end of the tub.

“I don’t wanna cramp your space,” she said, setting her feet up on both sides of the tub, thereby opening her legs up wide before her brother.

He avoided looking at the narrow strip of material that covered his sister’s sex, saying “It’s fine, it’s not like I’m not used to it by now.”

She took her feet off the ledges, submerging them in the water and onto her little brother’s lap. “Thanks,” she smiled, and laid her head back as the bathwater rose around the two siblings.

After the water level evened out and the jets slowed to a more comfortable rhythm against their backs, the two of them spent a little while just silently laying in the tub, genuinely enjoying the relaxation. The jets were more soothing to Reese than the last time he’d used their parents’ tub, since it was bigger compared to his body. Another one of the rare bonuses that he could add to the list of shrinking benefits.

Olivia fell into such a relaxing state though, that she began gradually sliding further into the tub without realizing it, as her consciousness slowly drifted into a light sleep. But as her body slipped deeper into their parents’ tub, her legs slowly extended as a result. It happened steadily enough that Reese hadn’t even noticed until he tried to shift himself to get more comfortable, but realized he couldn’t since his sister’s feet were pressing against his chest and keeping him lightly pinned into his corner. She was just so tall, that she only had to be partially slumped for her long legs and feet to trap her little brother against his will.

“Um, Olivia, I think you fell asleep,” he said, hoping she’d wake up, as he gently tried to shake her large foot under the water. It wasn’t enough to wake her up, but she shifted in her sleep, gently rippling the surface of the bath as she slid a little bit further into the water. As her knees started to bend from not having enough room, her feet slid their way out of the water and up Reese’s body. He tried pulling back, but his head hit the bathroom wall, as his sister’s dripping wet foot rested against his shoulder, finally able to fully extend itself again now that it was angled slightly upwards and didn’t have a body in the way anymore. But the weight of her foot was too much on Reese’s frame, and he could feel it begin to push down on him, sending him deeper into the water like she was. Her other foot unconsciously crawled his way up his torso just like the first one had, but this time rested right on his face. The wrinkly prune texture of his sister’s sole, no longer as soft as he was used to, pressed eagerly against his face, her entire, wettened sole effortlessly covering his head as her heel rubbed against his lips and fought to extend itself even further. But with his body already pressed up against the wall, there was nowhere for him to go, and therefore no room for her legs to continue stretching out. “Olivia,” he yelled, louder and more annoyed this time, as he unsuccessfully tried to maneuver his head out from underneath his big sister’s imposing arch, pushing against her ankles in an attempt to wake her back up.

But the gently slumbering giant couldn’t notice her frustrated brother, as the weight of her feet continued bearing down on his shoulder and head, urging him deeper into the warm waters. Soon enough, the water reached his chin, and he knew he was only seconds away from it cutting off his oxygen supply. He opened up his mouth to try and scream out one last time, but the water rushed in, and he choked and coughed on the warm tub water before he could say anything. The one thing that him slipping deeper into the water allowed him to do though was crane his head back since his body had slid somewhat forward, and with a last-ditch effort, he turned his head towards the ceiling, so that his very edge of his face was the only thing above the water. “Please…” he gasped out hopelessly, speaking directly into the damp, wrinkled sole of his sister as it ignored his pleas and continued nudging him deeper into the depths. As if to seal the deal, the foot that had been on his shoulder lifted up and settled on top of the foot that was resting on his face, as she crossed her ankles in her sleep while on her desperate little brother’s head. That final movement was the straw that broke the camel’s back, as Reese’s body was sent underwater, trapped beneath Olivia’s sturdy legs and with her heavy, giant sole keeping his face from resurfacing. He felt completely and utterly powerless, as his mind started racing, wondering if this might actually be how he died. Drowned in a mere bathtub by the power of his sister’s feet. In one final hurrah, he brought his hand up above his head and pressed upwards against Olivia’s toes. Since they were the smallest part of her body that he could reach, he knew they’d be the easiest for him to manipulate, and he hoped it could be his last chance at getting her attention.

And luckily, pushing up against her toes seemed to work, as suddenly the feet on top of him retracted as the sudden pain from her toes caused her to jolt awake and reflexively pull her feet inwards. Reese shot upwards, gasping for breath as he broke the surface of the water and sighed with relief that he was able to get her attention. As he blinked the water from his eyes and looked towards his sister, he saw that her initial surprised and angry reaction softened as she realized what had happened. “Wait, did you… get trapped or something?” she asked, and he nodded, his breathing slowing as his lungs became accustomed to fresh air once more. Her eyes immediately turned to saucers, and she donned a puppy-like expression of sympathy as her body rushed forward to grab Reese for a hug. He instinctively shunned away, and she grimaced, stopping herself before she could envelope his little body in an embrace.

“Just… give me a moment,” he said. “You kinda just trapped me underwater, so I’m not like, super eager to get all wrapped up again if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, of course,” she softly reassured him. “Sorry about that.” The two of them sat in silence, with Olivia being much more alert this time around to make sure she didn’t accidentally snooze off again. After a little while, she ventured to see if he was feeling better now. “Are… you OK now?” she asked, and he sighed, nodding his head. She opened her arms to invite him in, but allowed him to decide for himself if he was comfortable enough for a hug yet. He hesitated, but decided he had calmed down enough, and shuffled across the tub into his sister’s waiting arms. It was an awkward hug, but considering she was twice as tall as him, it was actually the first time in a while that he’d been able to embrace her torso instead of just side hugging one of her legs or her waist. “Mmmm, I’m sorry Reese,” she cooed, as she held him gently against her wet, tanned body.

“It’s fine, you can stop apologizing so much,” he chuckled. “I know it was an accident.”

“Yeah…” she murmured. “Hey, I wanted to get a selfie of us in our little hot tub, is that OK?” she asked, reaching for her phone before he could even respond.

We’re practically cuddling together in out bathing suits, he thought, in what is very clearly a bathtub and not some outdoor jacuzzi. “I dunno,” he said uncomfortably as she looked down at him sitting in her lap. “I don’t wanna pose like, in my bathing suit and stuff, and have that kind of picture all over social media.”

“Hmmm, that’s understandable,” she replied, assuming that maybe her brother had some kind of body issues, and completely neglecting to realize the real reason. “Well I just won’t post it on my story then,” she decided. “I still like taking pictures just to take pictures, and to be able to look back on them after a bunch of years and be like ‘oh yeah I remember that,’ you know what I mean?” Reese shrugged; their mom did that a lot, taking pictures but just keeping them for herself and to remember the past by. “So is that OK? We can compromise?”

“Yeah, I guess,” he relented, and she grinned, being careful to tightly grip her phone above the water as she turned it on and opened up the camera app.

“Alright, lemme just get you situated,” she said, gripping his shoulder with her hand so she could position his body into the perfect place. With his butt resting in her lap and his back leaning against her toned stomach, his neck was awkwardly craned forward because of how far her boobs were jutting out from her chest. So to fix this, she just stuck the tip of her pointer finger against his forehead and gently pushed inwards. He could feel her gigantic tits behind his head begin to slowly spread apart as she forced his head right into the center, but she made sure to keep pushing until she couldn’t anymore. As soon as she retracted her finger, her boobs seemed to bounce back around the sides of his head, and ballooned so far out around him that they actually kept him securely in place instead of pushing his dome back out. As a result, Reese’s little head wound up tightly squished between his big sister’s heaving, wet breasts, each one easily bigger than his head as her bare flesh rubbed against his ears and cheeks, eclipsing the edges of his vision with their juicy flesh. With the strap from the bikini string behind his head, the parts covering her nipples became strained, but his head made sure not to budge as she tilted her head to the side and smiled for the camera. “Smile!” she encouraged, and a half-enthusiastic, toothless smile formed on his lips, as he gazed back at his reflection in the camera, completely dwarfed on either side by Olivia’s round, imposing tits. She pressed down a couple times on the camera button, then changed her idea up a bit: “OK, now a goofy one,” she instructed, and brought her free arm around and laid it against his chest, as if she was buckling his body in like a seatbelt. Her legs parted as well from beneath him, so that his own legs floated down to the bottom of the tub (but her arm made sure to keep him from slipping as well), before she brought his legs back up on top. All it took was a single one of her thick thighs to cover the width of both of his legs, but she settled both of them on top of him, squeezing them together to flex her muscles above the lower half of his body that was now lost beneath them. Between the sturdy tree trunks of her athletic thighs, her arm’s grip around his torso, and of course her mammoth-sized breasts squeezing his little head together, he felt completely trapped once more by his sister. But she was totally unaware, and snapped another couple photos with her tongue hanging out playfully as a nervous expression donned her brother’s face. She laughed as she saw the stills flash across her screen and set her phone back down outside of the tub. “I love hanging out with you,” she giggled endearingly, while he squandered in the wet and warm but intimate entwinement of his giant sister.