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The final chapter! wahoooo

also im getting my second covid shot tomorrow so apparently that means I'll have hella symptoms for a day or two so yeah might not have anything new til the weekend here's the conclusion of the story! and yes... v2, with Marcus at a whole new size, is coming soon :)


Friday, November 6 (cont.)


To end the night off, Marcus and the three girls decided to watch a movie. Jessie’s dad had already hung out with them through so much tonight, that he had a feeling the night was drawing to a close. If the girls had decided to ramp up their idea of “fun” even further than what he’d just experienced in Jessie’s room, than he would’ve had to officially call it quits. But when Paris suggested they watch something, he knew that that would likely be the last thing everyone did together before heading to bed, and he felt like he could use the relaxation that a film could provide.

Jessie had taken the floor, lying on her stomach with her head propped up in her hand while she browsed through various streaming apps to see what was new. Marcus was behind her on the couch, with Veronica sitting to his left and Paris to his right. He didn’t like having to take the middle spot, between the two giant teenagers, but Veronica needed to use the couch side table to put her drink on, and Paris was planning on eventually using the armrest to relax her head on. They came across a movie with a woman on the poster who had a shocked expression on her face and was using her arms to cover her breasts, with a bunch of pervy looking guys behind her. Jessie continued scrolling, not wanting to watch something that felt like it objectified her, but she still sighed as she thought about the well-endowed actress on the cover. “God, I can’t wait to like… grow up,” she murmured.

Paris shifted in her seat, the movie’s poster evoking a similar feeling out of her. She nuzzled her head into the cushion, “Yeah, I know what you mean.” After so many years of Jessie and her being best friends, they had started to think along the same wavelength a lot of the time. “I’ve thought about deleting Instagram a few times, just cuz of all the, you know, overload and stuff.” There was a few moments of silence, before Paris suddenly turned to Veronica. “Which wasn’t directed at you, by the way,” she added. “Just like, the culture in general, and trying to get likes and followers and stuff.”

“It’s OK, I wasn’t offended,” Veronica said. “I’m the same way. Sometimes I’ve even posted stuff in the morning, but then it doesn’t get a lot of likes and I’m like ahhhh did I make the wrong outfit choice or something? It’s definitely toxic for your mindset.”

“Yeah, but it’s probably like, a liiiiitle easier for you,” Jessie remarked, partially jealous of how popular her friend was online, and turned her head around. “Especially cuz of…” she glanced down at Veronica’s chest, “you know.”

“It’s not like I post anything inappropriate, my page pretty much looks just like everyone else’s in our class,” Veronica replied defensively. “Like I know what you mean, but it’s not like when I was born I chose to have big boobs when I grew up.”

“No I know,” Jessie said. “Sorry if what I said came across kinda jealous. I mean… I am kinda jealous though,” she laughed.

“Yeah, honestly,” Paris chimed in.

“But you haven’t done anything bad, obviously,” Jessie continued.

“My mom keeps warning me I’m gonna have a ton of back pain as I get older,” Veronica said, “so it’s not like my life’s perfect. I even went to the doctor a few weeks ago and was like ‘Hey, so are they gonna get bigger?’ And she said it was pretty rare for girls to stop growing at my age, even if they’re already pretty developed or whatever. Soooooo yeah. They’re probably just gonna keep getting even bigger.” Marcus felt like slinking into his seat. He knew it was normal for his daughter and their classmates to have these kinds of conversations, but he didn’t want to be around to hear them. I just wanted to watch a movie. “But if my back is supposed to be hurting, I haven’t really felt it yet,” Veronica went on. “So I’m kinda just vibing with them for now.” She looked down at herself with a smile, pushing her arms against the sides of her boobs and causing them to jut out from her chest a bit more as they got squeezed between her elbows.

“Yeah, I feel that,” Paris said.

Jessie mulled over Veronica’s experience at the doctor’s. “That’s kinda a relief to hear actually, cuz I was wondering the same thing but never asked a doctor about it which I guess I should’ve.” She sat up and spun around, addressing Veronica. “Like I know my boobs don’t look bad,” she said, looking down at herself like Veronica had and putting her hands against her breasts, feeling their weight and size and shape through her sports bra. “But I still wish they were bigger, you know?”

“Oh yeah, don’t worry about it,” Veronica laughed, also glancing over at Paris reassuringly since she knew Paris felt the same way. “They’ll definitely keep getting bigger, we’re still growing.”

“Yeah! That’s pretty much what my dad said,” Jessie stated, turning to look right at Marcus. “I was feeling kinda self-conscious last night so I asked him what he thought, and he told me there was nothing to worry about and that my boobs would definitely be getting bigger,” she said, never breaking eye contact with her father. “Remember Daddy?”

He nodded a little bit, scratching his head and avoiding her eyes. “Yeah, um… that’s true, I think. You guys are all still… growing up. But you don’t need to drag me into this,” he awkwardly laughed, hoping to move on. “Pick a movie already before I fall asleep watching you choose.” Jessie giggled and turned back onto her stomach, kicking her feet up behind her and continuing to browse the selection. But finally she decided on a comedy that looked interesting enough, so Marcus settled further into his seat as everyone started watching together.

Paris had already been starting to feel sleepy before the movie started, so by the time Jessie finally had picked something out, Paris could feel herself nodding off. She turned onto her side, laying her head on the armrest with her legs curled up and feet dangling off the couch. Now in a more relaxed position than before, her eyes already started drooping again within seconds. Marcus noticed her shifting beside him, and glanced over at her, before realizing that her butt was now on its side, facing him. And because of his size, he wasn’t any taller than than the width of her hips, and the dark, smooth underside of her upper thighs and lower butt sat only a few feet from his face. In fact the only bit of clothing he could see that covered any part of her bare legs was the narrow crotch of her short shorts covering her nether region. But even that was partially obscured by the fat of her thighs slightly bulging over the material.

Veronica followed suit a few minutes later, although unbeknownst to Marcus, Veronica was only turning onto her side so she could mess with him. He noticed the shape of Veronica’s butt become more evident as her sweatpants became taut from her movements. Being the responsible father he was though, he focused his attention on the TV, ignoring the fact that he was bordered on either side by the butts of his daughter’s friends. But while Paris had her feet draped off the edge of her cushion, Veronica set hers on the couch instead, between her butt and Marcus. He heard a yawn from his left as Veronica pretended to be sleepy, and then asked, “Hey Mr. Tilden? Do you mind if I stretch out a little bit?”

“Actually I would mind Veronica, sorry,” he replied, faking a polite smile in her direction.

Jessie looked behind her and assessed the situation, seeing that there was lots of space on both sides of her dad, while Veronica was curled up on the end of the couch. “You have plenty of room, Daddy, let her stretch her legs.” Then she turned back to focus on the movie, twirling her feet in the air behind her with blissful ignorance of her friend’s schemes.

Now that Veronica felt like she’d gotten permission from Jessie, she smiled mischievously and extended her legs towards Marcus. But she didn’t want to just take up some of his personal space; her feet made contact with Marcus’ body and continued moving outwards, pushing the man closer to Paris’ sleeping figure. He couldn’t stop her soles, stacked one on top of the other, as they pressed against the left side of his body and forced his meager frame to go where she wanted. Until finally he hit a roadblock in the form of Paris’ giant legs. With Veronica’s bare feet pressing against the left side of his body, and his daughter’s other friend’s thighs against the right side, he essentially became squeezed between the two girl’s bodies. And his daughter was completely unaware. Veronica continued, lifting her foot slightly so she could press it against Marcus’ face and force it against the underside of Paris’ lower butt, teasing his head with the sleeping teen’s soft, black skin. He heard Veronica try to stifle a giggle, and decided the best course of action would be to just remove himself from the situation.

“Alright, I’m gonna go make you guys some dessert, or see if there’s some ice cream,” he announced, pushing Veronica’s feet away, giving her a stern glare, before hopping off the couch to head towards the kitchen.

“Thanks Daddy!” he heard Jessie say, her eyes still glued to the TV.

Marcus headed to the freezer and found a tub of ice cream on the bottom shelf, pulling it out and climbing up his stool to put it on the counter. Next, he grabbed some bowls from the cabinet (assuming Paris wasn’t going to have any since she was sleeping). Then he got a spoon from the silverware drawer and tried to scoop some of the dessert into the bowls, but found that it was still too frozen to be able to easily scoop. He sighed, crossing his arms and staring at the food, as if his gaze might be able to melt it a little bit faster.

He heard a noise behind him, and turned to see Veronica slowly meandering into the kitchen, hopping onto the counter behind Marcus as he waited by the ice cream. He glanced at his daughter still watching the movie, easily within his line of sight, and decided there wouldn’t be anything to worry about. Even though they were technically alone in the kitchen together, his daughter was still close by, which reassured him. “You know, if you ever wanna suck on my toes again Mr. Tilden, I’d totally let you,” she giggled, causing him to blush as he remembered the embarrassing moment form earlier. “It felt kinda cool, like in a weird way.” Marcus breathed in deeply, reminding himself to stay patient and not give in to Veronica, who was clearly trying to get a rise out of him. She knew by now that he’d never agree to anything she suggested, but seeing his reactions to her comments and questions was fun enough to give her a reason to keep asking them. So the best thing he could do on his end was to just ignore her antics.

“No thanks, I—“ he started to say, turning around to confront her, but in doing so his hand knocked the spoon over onto the floor.

“Oh! I’ll get that,” she piped up, hopping off the counter before he could get off his stool. But instead of kneeling down to grab it, she bent over a full 90 degrees, giving her friend’s dad a clear view right down her thin tank top as her boobs momentarily hung from her chest. He turned back around, refusing to be a part of her games. But then she stood back up, a smile on her face as if she was completely unaware of what she’d just done to the man.

“Did you need help scooping the ice cream out?” she asked, keeping the spoon for herself as she took a step towards Marcus. “Cuz I’m guessing it’s a lot harder for you at your size,” she smirked. He suddenly felt her body at his back, trapping him against the counter, and thanks to the couple extra feet of height he had because of his stool, his head was at the exact level of her breasts, as she leaned into him and dug the spoon into the creamy dessert. Marcus gasped as her giant boobs pressed against the back of his head, straining against her tank top to envelope him while she spooned out several scoops of ice cream into the bowls.

“Veroni—ca, you c-can’t…” he started to stutter, squirming uncomfortably as she bent her head down, closer to the head that she had squashed between her squishy tits. She reached her free hand around to his mouth, easily covering it with her palm and keeping him quiet while she spoke.

“One of my friends told me she thinks I could be a “big titty goth gf” when I get older,” she whispered, her muscles slightly flexing in front of him as she dished out the frozen treat. “You know, like the meme?” She giggled softly at how cringey the statement was. “But I don’t see the point in waiting a few years, I think I already make a pretty good one right now. What do you think, Mr. Tilden?” she asked seductively, and he gulped nervously, trying even harder to worm his way out. But doing so just smushed his head further against her breasts, and her legs were blocking him on both sides. “Maybe that’s what I’ll be for Halloween next year,” she cooed, reminding him how revealing her outfit had already been this year. “You haven’t answered me,” she continued to softly whisper. “Are they big enough now? Or should I wait a couple years until I’m older, when they’ll be even bigger!” To emphasize her last point, she squeezed her elbows together, smushing Marcus’ little head even harder between her boobs. He refused to answer her, or engage with her in any way other than fight back. As she finished serving up the ice cream, she sighed, frustrated at his unwillingness to cooperate or submit to her, and rotated the hand she had on his mouth so it covered his entire face instead. With her lower palm still shutting him up, her thumb and pinky finger grabbed at the sides of his head and he felt a strong pressure against his skull as she grabbed his head, pulling him out from between her boobs by lifting his entire body up using just her hand. She turned her wrist around so her hand was facing outwards, and through the slits between her fingers she looked straight into his anxious eyes, holding him several feet above the ground so they could be at eye level with one another. “Does forbidden love not interest you, Mr. Tilden? Because I feel like that’s what makes it so exciting.” He shook his head furiously—or at least tried his best to, considering her hand was holding his head like an oversized baseball. He just wouldn’t cave. She rolled her eyes and glanced back at Jessie, still focused on the movie in the other room and completely unaware of her dad and Veronica. “Fine, I’ll just wait until I’m a little older to come back and try again,” she told him, frowning. “But until then, something to remember me by…” she added, carrying Marcus to the fridge and pinning him against its door. With her other hand, she grabbed his neck, being careful not to choke him but still applying enough pressure to keep him pinned. Then she leaned forward, puckering her lips as his eyes widened, violently squirming to no avail, and suddenly her palm left his face as her mouth rushed forward and pressed against his own. Her soft, red lips encapsulated Marcus’ for a brief second, and his heart rate spiked as he realized he was so weak, he couldn’t even keep someone half his age from kissing him. But with one final burst of energy, he brought his feet up and pushed violently against her torso, catching her off guard and successfully ripping her lips away from his own, giving him just enough time to yell.

“Jessie!” he shouted desperately, and Veronica instantly let go of her grip around his neck, taking a quick step backwards as her head whipped around to look towards the living room. Jessie simply turned to look towards the kitchen, thinking nothing of her dad and Veronica awkwardly standing next to each other by the fridge.

“Yeah?” she asked.

Marcus glanced up at Veronica, then back to his daughter. “Um… the ice cream is ready,” he said, scratching his forehead as his heart rate began to slow again. “You wanna pick out what bowl you want?”

She shrugged, “I don’t really care, whatever one you guys don’t want. Thanks for asking though,” she smiled, and turned back to face the TV. Marcus hastily grabbed one of the bowls off the counter and briskly walked into the living room, delivering it to his daughter. “Thanks!” she said, taking it from him and setting it on the floor, immediately scooping some of it into her mouth. “I’d give you a hug if I wasn’t lying on my stomach,” she gargled through a full mouth, and he chuckled at her goofiness.

“That’s OK,” he said, feeling relaxed now that he was around her again. He looked behind him, and saw that Veronica was sitting back down on the couch with her own bowl, avoiding his eyes but looking upset. With her clear of the kitchen, he ventured back in to grab his own bowl, but this time he took a seat next to his daughter instead of heading back to the couch.

Jessie turned and looked at him, then looked back at the empty spot where he’d been sitting before. “I thought you were sitting on the couch,” she noticed.

Yeah, but I think I’d rather sit next to you,” he replied, a loving smile on his lips from how much calmer he felt with his daughter compared to her friend.

“Well here, you can take my pillow then,” she said, reaching for the cushion she’d had her legs on, and set it down behind Marcus. He got down on the floor and rested his head against it, then took the bowl of ice cream into his hands, feeling warm inside from the compassion she showed him. As much as she might be a lot to handle sometimes, or tease him, he knew that ultimately she still loved him. And it was the real, genuine love a person will always have for their family, not whatever temporary infatuation Veronica felt towards him was supposed to be called. It was then that Marcus realized how fortunate he was to have a daughter who still cared for him just as much as when he was normal, in a world where so many shrunken people didn’t have that kind of support.

“Love you,” she interrupted his thoughts to say.

Filled with a sense of contentment, he snuggled further into his spot as he thanked God for the blessing that Jessie was. “Love you too.”

* * * * * *

Marcus’ eyes blinked open as he felt someone softly shaking him. His giant daughter was standing over him, still dressed in her sports bra and yoga shorts, and was nudging his leg with her foot. “You fell asleep during the movie,” she whispered, trying to disturb him as little as possible. “C’mon, it’s time for bed.” He stood up, and she reached her hand out, signaling for him to take ahold of it. He rubbed his eyes sleepily but grabbed ahold of it, and she turned to lead him towards the hallway. He looked like a kid being led by their mother, as Jessie patiently led him through their house. “Veronica and Paris are splitting your bed,” she explained, as Paris walked out of the bathroom and headed towards Marcus’ room.

“Goodnight Mr. Tilden,” she said, before closing his bedroom door. He was too tired to protest, although he didn’t have much of a problem with it anyways, as Jessie turned towards her room and ushered him inside before closing the door behind them. She pulled back the covers of her bed, motioning for him to climb in first. Just like as had been tradition for a few nights now, Jessie still wanted her dad with her while she slept. He followed along and slipped under the covers, as Jessie smiled at how cute he looked still dressed in her old baby outfit. And then she got in the bed, tugging her blankets back over their bodies. But unlike all the other nights before, she reached out and slipped her arm around his stomach, before pulling him in her closer to her as she shuffled closer as well. Marcus was so tired, he didn’t bother to object, as his giant daughter snuggled up to him and held him close inside her warm bed.

“Mmmm… night…” he mumbled.

“Goodnight Daddy,” she whispered, cuddling his little body within her own, as the two of them slowly drifted off to sleep.


Hoppa Heisann

Can´t wait for version 2. Hope it lengthens each scene - like he will be suspended from her toe for a longer period. Right now each of the scenes are cut just too early;)


the chapters are literally thousands of words long 😭 but im glad u still liked it


I think he means like he's still big enough to escape situations so they end faster. Like when he's smaller, pushing Veronica away won't be possible.

Hoppa Heisann

What I mean is that when he is put in the most embarassing situations he escapes too easily and too fast. But I love the story! He doesn´t need to get any smaller, just more taken advantage of:). Have been waiting eagerly for the next installments.


OH ok yeah I see what u mean. yes well I like having Marcus have some strength and power to him still, thats what makes scenes interesting for me is the fact that u dont really know what will happen. at smaller sizes there's a lot less suspense since u can pretty much guess what will happen. thats why I like bigger sizes in general. but it'll still be fun to try out writing smaller sizes! and also as far as being more taken


and as far as being more taken advantage of, thats pretty much why I have the spin-off story ideas. they go a lot farther than the main story does so people can have some fun with that