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ok idk if everything in this chapter is technically able to fit like i described it since olivia’s supposed to drive a camry so just use your imagination ITS PRETTY CLOSE like itd definitely work in an SUV but anyway yeah u guys will see what i mean


Monday, May 31 (cont.)


On Monday night, Reese and Olivia’s parents were planning on having guests over. Their dad’s boss and her husband, along with several other of Stuart’s coworkers, were set to come by. Rather than stay upstairs for the evening while the kitchen and living room were being used by the guests, Tracy suggested that the two siblings spend the evening hanging out together. After their dad backed up the idea, encouraging the chance for them to spend some bonding time while they’re still living under the same roof. Something that, according to him, would “only last a few more months, at the most.” And for once, neither of them actually wanted to hang out together, even though they didn’t say it. It was a standard feeling for Reese, considering how mischievous Olivia had been the past few weeks, but it was the first time Olivia had felt the same way. She’d already made plans to go somewhere that evening, and she definitely didn’t want her little brother tagging along with her. She politely informed them as much, but her opposition just seemed to strengthen their parents feelings on the matter.

“I don’t mind staying home so you can hang out with your friends or whatever,” Reese told Olivia after their parents had left the room. “I kinda wanted to just stay home anyways.”

Olivia sighed and shook her head. “But since I’m the older one, then they’re gonna think it was my idea and be passive aggressive with me all of tomorrow,” she replied. “This is one of those cases where they pretend that something’s an option but they pretty much expect you to just do what they want.”

Reese frowned and scratched his head in the shadow of his larger sibling. “Well I mean, I still don’t mind just like, waiting in the car or something on my phone while you do whatever it is you were gonna do.”

“Yeah, I guess that’ll have to do,” she sighed. “I was just gonna head over to Parker’s cuz his parents aren’t home, but that’d probably be fine.” Reese recalled the boy from Friday night who’d come over for a little bit. Oh great, so she was gonna answer a booty call; I don’t wanna wait in the car while my sister’s doing that, he thought with disgust. But it seemed like their parents weren’t giving them much of a choice anyways.

“Alright, so should we just head out now then?” he asked, looking up at her.

She was texting on her phone, not paying him any attention, but still nodded in response. “Yeah, he said his parents are probably gonna be home soon anyways.” Reese rolled his eyes, but turned towards the front door.

“Bye!” he loudly groaned, letting his parents know they were leaving, as he felt Olivia’s presence following behind him. Their parents yelled back their farewell, and the two of them headed out the door towards Oliva’s car in the driveway. “Hey, I wonder if I’d still be able to drive a car without my pedal extenders and seat booster,” he wondered aloud.

“Well… yeah, but then you wouldn’t be able to see above the dash,” his sister replied, like it was obvious.

He nodded his head, “No I know, I was gonna say though, like what if someone else was my eyes and told me when to slow down and stop and turn and stuff.”

“Sounds like a fast way to crash your car.” He rolled his eyes at her response, but was still intent on proving himself and went ahead of her to open up her car door, getting into the driver’s seat with his leg’s extended towards the pedals. With his back against the edge of the car seat, his positioning looked totally unnatural, but he was still easily able to reach the steering wheel, pretending to turn it left and right as he looked out of the car and up at Olivia.

“See? I can still operate a car normally, even a big one like yours. I just can’t see the road.”

Olivia sighed, slightly impatient, although she couldn’t help but chuckle at her little brother’s curiosity. “Well seeing the road is a pretty important part.”

“Yeah, that’s why you should do the seeing and I can do the driving!” Before he could even hear her response, he tried adding his reasoning. “You’re always putting me through little games or tests or whatever you wanna call them, and I never complain, so now I have one of my own. I wanna see how hard it’d be to drive with someone having to tell me what to do.”

“Maybe some other time Reese,” Olivia said, trying to let him down easy. “But I just wanna get to Parker’s house so we can hang out before his parents get home.”

“Come oooon, just for a few minutes,” he protested. It’s not like a few minutes is gonna make a big difference, he thought to himself.

But Olivia wasn’t having it. Because in her mind, a couple minutes wasn’t time she wanted to spare when she’d only have a small amount of time anyways when she got to Parker’s house. “Reese,” she said, more sternly now, trying to let him know that she didn’t want to waste time arguing with him.

“Olivia,” he said, parroting her seriousness with a mockingly low voice.

His sister stared at him for a few seconds, her hands on her hips, giving him one last chance to get out. But he simply didn’t take her seriously enough. “Fine, you don’t wanna get out of my car, you don’t have to,” she declared, started getting into the driver’s seat while Reese was still trying to show off how he could reach the pedals.

“Alright alright,” he said hurriedly, his mind flashing back to a few days ago when Olivia had made him sit underneath her body as a kind of ‘seatbelt.’ But Olivia ignored him, and just like the first time, her legs passed over his and he watched as her butt soared overhead. He scrambled to get out of the car in time, but his legs had already become caught underneath the weight of Olivia’s calves, and he could only watch helplessly as his sister lowered her ass right over his face. “Wait! You can’t sit—“ was all he got out, before hundreds of pounds of Olivia’s thick, rounded cheeks sat right on top of his face, muffling his cries. Before, she had merely sat on his undersized lap, or on top of his chest. But now, because of the position that he’d put himself in and only had himself to blame for, she had completely engulfed his little head between the fleshy globes of her butt, clad only in tight-fitting yoga pants that left nothing to the imagination.

She pulled the car door shut, definitively sealing Reese inside as Olivia started up her car. “Even if I wasn’t in a rush to get to Parker’s place, I wouldn’t wanna try out your little experiment with my car, we would’ve had to use yours. It wasn’t that it was a bad idea,” she explained, pulling out of the driveway. “But if something went wrong and you crashed into something or someone crash into you—which like, definitely would happen eventually—then I don’t want my car to get fucked up because of it.” Reese tried mouthing out words to respond, but it was too hard to move his mouth beneath his big sister’s massive weight. His arms were free though, so he pushed defiantly against her hips, as if a 3-foot boy like him could ever have a chance of budging the muscular 6-foot girl. “Stop, you’re gonna make me crash or something,” she warned him as they pulled to a stop at an intersection. Lifting her butt slightly, she grabbed his little left wrist and stuffed it on top his torso, seating her first asscheek down on top of it, and then grabbed his other wrist and stuffed it under her butt too.

While her glutes were lifted momentarily from his face, he took the moment to try and appeal to her better nature. “Olivia I’m gonna run out of breath if you keep your fu—“ But before he could finish his plea, her monumental cheeks came slamming back down onto his trapped head. This time, his face got wedged even further up her crack, aided by the fact that it was small enough to fit deeper than a normal sized head. Even though Olivia was a well groomed person, she hadn’t showered since early that afternoon, and couldn’t change the fact that even with her yoga pants acting as a buffer, her crack maintained a disgusting scent that belonged in a bathroom, instead of up against Reese’s nose. It definitely could’ve been worse, but when he was forced to breathe in as deeply as possible in the search for oxygen, and got a fresh whiff of his sister’s asshole as a result, it didn’t matter that she could’ve smelled worse. Because in that moment, he was still forced to smell the most repulsive part of her body, as his face started to get hotter beneath her cheeks.

But Olivia had heard what Reese was trying to say, and realized he was partially on to something. “You’re kinda right actually, obviously I don’t want you to suffocate or anything,” she laughed. “But I don’t wanna take the time to find a parking lot to pull into and let you out and everything. Especially when I gave you a warning and everything. Like, multiple times too.” Just as Reese was starting to wriggle ferociously underneath her Amazonian body, desperate for fresh air, she lifted her bum up for a moment, and he immediately gasped, sucking in as much untainted air as he could. But then, as soon as she’d heard him get enough air, her butt fell back on top of his face, sealing his head within her cushy tush once more.

The rest of the trip to Parker’s house was a rinse and repeat. Every couple minutes, once Reese felt like he was running out of air and Olivia felt him being to struggle desperately beneath her, she’d lift her butt for a few seconds before sitting back down and getting comfortable. By the time they arrived at her friend’s house and got out of the car, Reese’s head was completely red from being sat on for the last 15 minutes, and his lungs felt like they’d been partially caved in from struggling so much. “OK, I dunno if I’m gonna keep hanging out once his parents get home or if we’ll just head home at that point, but I’ll try and keep you posted on what I decide,” she told him through the open window, as he stared up at the car ceiling with widened eyes, thankful for the end of the ride as he adjusted to breathing in clean, normal air again. Olivia took his lack of response as a sign that he didn’t have any issues with her plan. “Alright then, I’ll see you later lil dude,” she teased, and turned to head towards Parker’s house as Reese closed his eyes, glad that she was finally gone and he could have some space to himself.

* * * * * *

Reese hadn’t even noticed Olivia come running down the sidewalk some time later, but he nearly dropped his phone in surprise as the car door suddenly swung open with Olivia on the other side. “Sorry I didn’t have time to text you, but we’ve gotta be fast cuz Parker’s gonna be coming out here any minute,” she stammered quickly, picking Reese up under his shoulders and pulling him out of the car faster than he’d be able to get out himself. “Just like I said, his parents came home in the middle of us… you know,” she said, effortlessly carrying her brother around to the back of the car as she popped the trunk. She wasn’t even wearing her shoes, and winced as some pebbles dug into her bare feet. “So he wanted to drive somewhere but I can’t let him know you’re with me or it’ll ruin the whole vibe for the night cuz he’ll get weirded out,” she continued, stuffing her brother into the relatively cramped space behind her back seats. “Got it?” She wasn’t panting, but her rapid breathing indicated she was clearly in a rush. It all happened so fast for Reese, and he never liked being carried around like a child, but it only lasted a few seconds anyways. At least I won’t need to be sat on for wherever she drives next, he thought. He was about to reluctantly agree to her plan, when the two of them heard a front door close from Parker’s house a few blocks down. Without waiting for his confirmation and just assuming he’d go along with her plan like the good little brother he was, she slammed the trunk shut in front of his face as her expression instantly changed from one of haste to one of sultry desire as she looked up to see Parker coming down the front steps of his house.

“Hey, whatcha gettin back there?” he called out to her, barefoot like she was and walking at a leisurely pace towards her car.

Olivia shrugged, “I thought I had a blanket back here but I guess not, I figured it could be cozy,” she lied, leaving Reese’s view as she headed towards the front of her car.

“Ooooh, that does sound cozy,” Parker said flirtatiously as he arrived at the car and put one of his arms around Olivia, pulling her closer. He grabbed Olivia’s ass and gave it a squeeze, leaning in to give her a kiss as she smiled and reciprocated his affection, sliding her fingers through the back of his hair and clenching a bundle of it. Breaking off from their kiss, he moved past her and opened up the door to the back seat, nodding for her to get in first.

“Wait, I thought you wanted me to drive us somewhere,” Olivia said, confused, and thinking about Reese stowed away in the trunk.

“I can’t wait that long,” he said, almost like he was hungry, “it’s now or never.” Olivia knew that if she tried to argue with him, that’d kill the mood just as easily. And she’d been waiting for this all day, she had needs that had to be satisfied, so if Parker wanted them to do it in her backseat, that was better than nothing to her.

Reese had heard their conversation and started to grow nervous as he heard the two of them climb into the car. He debated whether or not he should make himself known, but he was too overcome with anxiety to move a muscle as he listened to the rustle of them sliding off their pants. They were laid out horizontally along the seats, with Olivia on the bottom and Parker as the top. She was hesitant and a bit slow moving, fully aware of what was soon coming despite her brother being in the car with them. But she was so eager for the moment that she still went ahead with taking off her shirt and putting her hair into a bun so it wouldn’t get in the way in such a cramped space. Parker practically ripped her bra off her, garnering a yelp of surprise out of Olivia before she giggled, her tenseness slowly subsiding as she tried to forget about Reese. Parker tossed the bra in the backseat and it landed on Reese’s head, who almost yelped out like Olivia before quietly shaking it off as fast as he could. He tried not to think about the fact that one of his sister’s bra cups was so large on his head that it almost felt like a comically oversized army helmet, except one that blocked out his vision because of how big it was. Not wanting any other sexual paraphernalia to find its way on his head, he moved his body so he was sitting up against the back side of their seat, so at least if anything else got tossed over it would likely land at his feet instead. Behind him, Parker grabbed at Olivia’s chest now that she was fully exposed, fondling her breasts and pinching her nipples to try and initiate some kind of foreplay between them. “God, they’re so fucking big,” he moaned excitedly, bending over and biting one of her nipples as it hardened in response to his teasing. Olivia bit her lip and blushed, proudly playing along with her boobs as her friend licked her areola, completely enamored with them.

“And they’re all natural,” she whispered happily, as if it wasn’t already evident by how they felt in Parker’s hands.

“Are you OK with boobjobs?” he asked. “Like if I stick my—“

Olivia nodded encouragingly, “Yeah yeah yeah, I do it all the time!” she laughed. “I like how warm it feels,” she added giddily. Parker took it as a sign to get into position, shuffling closer over her chest, but she laughed awkwardly and shook her head. “Wait, back up. I should get in a better position so I’m not up against the car door and we both have more room. He backed off, and allowed her to turn her body so her lower back rested on the center seat while her head was on the front divider. This left her thighs propped up against the seat, and her calves hanging over the edge. With more room now, Parker lifted his right leg over Olivia’s stomach so he was straddling her torso, with her tits lying right before his dick. Meanwhile, in the trunk of the car, Reese noticed as his sister’s legs suddenly appeared overhead, and the heel of her foot hit him in the forehead on accident as her legs were draped on top of him.

“You’re right, this is way more comfortable, and we’ve got way more room,” Parker murmured, and slipped his cock between Olivia’s tits. Even though he was roughly the same size as Olivia, his dick was no match for her, as the entirety of his shaft completely disappeared within her cleavage as she squeezed them together with an excited look on her face. They hadn’t lubed anything, even including just spitting on his dick to help things out, but clearly he wasn’t having any trouble as his speed picked up, fucking Olivia’s chest like it was a pussy of its own. Reese felt like whimpering out of residual embarrassment as he listened to his sister’s friend’s excited grunting, shaking the car as he slid his cock in and out of her boobs. Olivia felt herself starting to get excited, and she squirmed a bit, enjoying the feeling of his pulsing hot dick between her giant tits. Her ankles straightened as she tensed some of her muscles, and her legs swayed back and forth in response with Parker’s momentum. A few times, one of Olivia’s feet or ankles would brush against Reese’s face, and he’d swat it aside. But it almost seemed like she was ignoring that he was even back there, since she made no attempts to get her feet out of the way and simply let them bounce against his face while Parker had his way with her.

“Holy shit,” Parker stuttered, pulling his dick out from between Olivia’s breasts. “I don’t wanna cum yet, we gotta take a break for a moment,” he panted, and she giggled, proud with how quickly her body was able to please him.

“It’s OK, no worries,” she cooed, stroking his face encouragingly. “Do you wanna try a new position?”

He nodded hastily, unmounting her torso so she could get up. “Yeah, let’s try it from the back. Try facing that way,” he said, nodding sideways to indicate the back of the car. Olivia didn’t know how she’d be able to position herself so that she wouldn’t see Reese if her head went past the headrests, but she kneeled with knees on the seat and her feet out behind her. Parker stepped over her legs and kneeled so his knees bordered hers, pushing himself roughly against her body in the cramped space. With the seat getting bumped into so much, Reese turned around again, scared that he might feel a continual bumping against his back if they went ahead that way. And he wanted to feel as little as possible, of course. Parker lightly pushed Olivia’s back forward to give himself more room. “I kinda need to fit,” he said awkwardly, and Olivia knew that he was right, and didn’t fight back. Just as she’d feared, her head popped into view above the trunk area, and she saw her little brother cowering in the back, suddenly looking right back up at her with pleading, questioning eyes that wondered why she was going along with this.

But she couldn’t bring herself to stop the oblivious Parker, not when they both were so close to finishing. All she could do was mouth out the word ‘sorry’ to her brother, the look of a half-hearted apology in her eyes, as Parker grabbed his dick and slipped a condom on, before positioning his tip against Olivia’s sex. Then as he slowly slid himself in, Olivia’s eyes widened and she gasped, forgetting how wide Parker was. Despite how big of a body Olivia had, Parker was one of the few people who could still make her feel tight because of his girth. “Yeahhh…” Parker smiled smugly, feeling good that he’d gotten her to gasp and feeling encouraged, slowly increasing his speed as he moved in and out of her. “God, your ass is even bigger than your tits,” he sighed, closing his eyes for a moment to relish in the feeling as he finally was able to bury his cock all the way inside Olivia. He gave her butt a slap, then a second and third one, mesmerized by their jiggly response. Reese felt mortified, listening to the lust-filled remarks by Olivia’s man as he heard her get spanked and fucked, all while looking up at her face. Her eyes looked away from her brother’s, for obvious reasons, as Parker began to pound her harder and harder. The car began shaking again from the two six-foot lovers using it as their bed, even more than it shook the first time, and the back seat squeaked as Olivia’s naked body was rammed over and over against it. Reese couldn’t see her nakedness, but he could still tell she was nude, since the top of her cleavage was peeking below her collarbone before the rest of her boobs were hidden behind the car seat. Even without looking at them though, his peripheral vision was still able to see her tits bob back and forth as Parker continued slamming her before her brother’s eyes. Once Parker and Olivia were in the thick of it, they stopped saying too many words, and the only noises in the car were just a mix of squeaking chairs, satisfied grunts from Parker, and fulfilled whimpers out of Olivia, as Reese’s throat froze over in abject fear and horror. Olivia was nearing orgasm, and Parker could tell he was close to climaxing, so he began practically railing Olivia’s pussy like a drill, prompting a high-pitched moan out of her as she felt her insides heat up. With one last hurrah, Parker crashed against Olivia’s ass one last time, exploding inside of her, as she felt her muscles contract around Parker’s shaft, and a wave run through her body as she let out a satisfied sigh and closed her eyes in gratitude. When she opened them again, she saw Reese with his mouth hanging open. As mortified as he’d been, there was nowhere for him to go, and he’d been too terror-prone to make a sound, and had simply stared back at Olivia as he watched and listened to his sister come to completion at the hands of someone else. For everyone in the car, it was an unforgettable experience. But Reese would be remembering it worst of all.


Alan Contreras

I haven’t even read this yet but I could tell by the length that this was worth the wait. Keep doing an amazing job.


thanks! almost split it into two chapters but glad I was able to finish both and post it for a pretty decent sized post


Woof I’m definitely not into Cuck stuff but goddamnit your writing is so good I can’t stop 🤣 But holy Christmas crackers, Batman, that first half. I felt all the feelings, Olivia’s nonchalance about it all is just so damn endearing and addicting. I do hope Reese gets a bit more... “attention” after that whole second half. Perhaps positive reinforcement is a better term... Either way great as always, I asked for dark and twisted and OH BOY I got it. I’m all aboard for more.


lol whenever people say they normally dont like a topic but then say that I write so well that they read it anyways Im always happy! and im the same way, I dont like stuff like microscopic characters or evil giants but ive still read a few stories with them before