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Jim froze in fear as the last few words of his cousin rang out over and over in his head as she lowered her foot down on top of him. “Call me Goddess… goddess… goddess…” He didn’t have time to respond, as he felt the sole of Beverly’s pink sock start to press against the top of his head as she slowly, tauntingly lowered it to the floor. He was unable to keep standing, and crumpled beneath her force. First onto his knees, and then onto his hands and knees. But she didn’t stop pressing against his back until he had fully collapsed, flat on the floor, while the soft sock warmed his body as she twisted her ankle and ground his frail body into the carpet.

“I’m sorry it had to be you, Jim, honestly,” his newest captor boomed from high above. “It’s nothing against you personally, I’ve just always wanted a little shrunken… toy, to do with as I please.” If she was being honest with herself, ‘slave’ would’ve been more in line with the sadistic dreams she’d had over the years. But she spared her cousin the truth. He at least meant enough to her that she would try to hold back on some of her more perverted dreams… for now.

She lifted her foot off of Jim and turned him over with her toes, before peeling both of her socks off to reveal her pale, arched feet. “How do they smell?” she asked, and stepped her toes right over his head, allowing the webbing between her big and second toes to expand right over Jim’s face. Little tiny specks of dirt and grim made themselves visible, but for the most part her feet were clean, and she smelled like she’d showered fairly recently.

“Uh, kinda soapy actually,” he answered. “And cotton-y, like your socks.” Beverly was surprised that he wasn’t seeming to protest any of this; she’d expected at least a little bit of pushback from the man she just told was going to be her personal pet. But Delilah and Katie had helped to “break him in,” besides the fact that he still harbored some trust in Beverly somehow just based off the fact that they were related.

“That doesn’t sound too bad, ‘soapy’ is good. So then how do they taste?” Now he was beginning to feel a bit shocked with how quickly things were escalating. Only mere minutes ago, he’d been relatively safe in Coco’s care, and now his own family member was asking him to lick her feet? It was true that he had a foot fetish, but he’d hoped it would’ve played out with someone other than his cousin.

“Beverly, I don’t—“ But he was cut off, as the giant woman swiftly lifted her foot away from his head and angrily stomped her heel down, squarely against the whole of Jim’s pathetically small body. The weight of the giant girl was as if a million pounds had instantly slammed into him, and the wind was knocked out of him as his eyes widened in fear.

“I told you, I wanted you to call me Goddess, remember? No more Beverly. That’s no fun. I don’t wanna have to do this to you Jim, but you need to learn,” she told him matter-of-factly. Sitting down on the ground, she lifted up his naked body, still struggling to breath, and jammed his face in between the tight nook between two of her toes again, before squeezing the appendages tightly around either side of his head. As soon as his diaphragm started to recover, he gasped and took in a deep breath of air—but it was a smelly, musty air that had been tainted by his cousin’s foot stench. Even if they were clean, it was still an unnatural aroma, a scent not meant to be inhaled by normal people. But Beverly was trying to make it crystal clear to Jim that he wasn’t normal, not anymore. So whether or not he liked the smell, it was what he deserved to breath in. And the sooner he learned that, the better.

His eyes lifted to see Beverly smirking down at him, as her toes effortlessly clamped around his body and made sure to force him to breath in her air. He squirmed uncomfortably in her foot’s grasp as he was suspended above the ground, frustrated at his restricted freedom and lack of mobility. Seeing that his breathing pattern had returned to normal again, Beverly dropped him back onto the floor and lay her foot down on its side a few inches away from him, and wiggled her toes as if they were waving at him. “Now, unless you want that to happen again,” she said, as his aching muscles struggled to stand back up, “I’d suggest you do as I asked of you and let your goddess know how her toes taste." He nodded feebly and trudged over to her giant sole, that from his perspective seemed to be several feet taller than him even when it was on its side. Gingerly leaning forward, he stuck out his tongue, lowered his head, and pressed it against Beverly's soft skin, before dragging it up and fully tasting everything she had to offer. The soapy scent presented itself as a kind of alkaline flavor that lightly tickled her tongue and tasted of chemicals, while the skin itself tasted just as he'd expect the lowest part of a human to taste: like skin, but slightly salty and dirty. "Awww, there you go. See, now was that so hard?" He shook his head shamefully, like a child being disciplined. "And now for the big reveal, the question you'd been too scared to answer: the taste?"

"Um... kind of bitter, I guess. The soap wasn't very good," he said.

Beverly pursed her lips as she thought about his response. "'The soap wasn't good,' hmm. I guess I can try washing my feet less in the future, maybe that'll end up tasting better to you." Then she smiled at the thought, and how gracious she felt she was by being willing to accommodate his preferences. "I guess we can have another taste test tomorrow, hm?" And Jim hung his head low, feeling a pit of anxiety in his stomach as he simply nodded his head and accepted the future his new goddess was giving him.


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