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ok sorry this ones super short, im pretty bad about planning ahead of time and I haven’t felt super well for the past few days. So yesterday’s and today’s are kinda meant to be like a single chapter’s worth, just split into two days. but I understand if people wanna downgrade to the $5 tier for a month until this one heats up. beginning's are always the slowest but they gotta get done eventually! anyways hoping I feel better soon so I can get this one going, but thank you to all my fans thus far, I definitely wouldn’t be writing this much if it weren’t for the support ive received since starting the patreon and I am truly grateful for those who enjoy my stuff :)


Wednesday, February 17


Three more inches were lost on Emma by the next day. After coming home, she avoided Katherine and the difficult conversation she feared she might have to have with the other woman regarding her rent. Since the apartment was considered a single unit, they were both equally responsible for bills being paid on time. Which meant that if Katherine paid her half but Emma couldn’t pay hers, Katherine would still have to suffer the consequences from their landlord. But the more Emma delayed the inevitable talk she’d have to eventually have, the worse it’d be for her, so she finally decided to confront Katherine that afternoon after she came home from work.

“Hey uh, I… need to talk to you,” Emma said, her hands clasped nervously in front of her. “About something kind of important.” Katherine shrugged off her purse and eyed the girl up and down with a cheeky grin, as if she was impressed for some reason. Emma was only as tall as her shoulders, and despite it being the third day of them living together, she was pretty much in a recurring state of awe every time Emma walked in the room. A condition as drastic as Emma’s was one in a million, literally, and seeing someone shrink so quickly because of it seemed unreal.

“OK, well what’s going on?” Katherine asked politely, but didn’t seem all too concerned.

“I um… they let me go at my job at the restaurant yesterday,” Emma answered, struggling to maintain eye contact. She had her moments of confidence here and there, but for the most part she considered herself fairly shy. And that was before her height loss. “I thought maybe they’d let me work for like, another week or something, to make a bit more money before I can file for disability, but I guess something to do with like, upper management? So, I kinda got screwed over, and um…” Emma looked down, twiddling her thumbs, unsure of what to say next. Katherine, a more confident woman, and someone used to dealing with tough situations, put a hand on her shoulder.

“I get it, you’re not sure how you’re gonna make rent in a few weeks. I’ve been there.” Emma looked up with hopeful eyes. “Look… if you need help paying—” Emma nodded her head frantically, “—then you can just help me out with a few things around the apartment, maybe I could even take you to work with me as a personal assistant for a day or two, mkay?”

Emma’s eyes widened, hearing only words of good news from her roommate. “Oh, yeah totally, sure, I can help with whatever you need. I’m so sorry for all of this even being an issue in the first place.” Tears were practically welling up in her eyes again; she got emotional so easily. “Thank you so much, Katherine.”

The older woman gave Emma a hug, and smiled reassuringly. “Of course darling. I’m sure you’ll be a great help around here.”


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