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Ah, yes, the final entry for the summer themed drawings. Actually, I plan on posting some sketches I made on Friday so technically it's not the last one idk

As always the download link is on the next post for subscribers

HONESTLY, I could've done much more with these but my main focus was actually trying to get faster in the rendering department and I believe I reached my goal. I was able to lay down the coloring and finish rendering some of the drawings in a single day, something I wasn't able to do before, I'm really happy with the results and with how much faster I've become :D It's actually insane how I was able to pump out 3 of these images almost every week lmao (especially since I literally do everything by hand with just the hard brush, I really need to get acquainted with other brushes ugh).  My brain is melting from the amount of sand I've painted in these lol (which is one of the things I could have done diferently: more diverse scenarios, but since the focus was just getting faster I won't dwell on this too much). 

Anyway I think that's it. I actually plan on doing another one of those next month for spooky October or something since I like the theme, but it'll be much less straining since it's just one month and not three lmao

I hope everyone had a great summer! See you later this week :)



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