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Hello everyone, this is Moshi. We are in the final hours of 2021, currently being 8:30 AM EST for me. I know that aside from a few recent posts, I have been relatively silent for about a month or two now. This update will explain what has been going on and what Cora and I have planned for the future.

To start off, to those of you that have been concerned about me recently, thank you for your concern. Admittedly, I have not been ok, both physically and mentally. I've been relatively stressed about a lot of things going on in my life, between discovering that another family member, one of my cousins, has been diagnosed with covid, after already losing my uncle to the disease and issues with...friends, so to speak. A friend I have known for a very long time ended up treating me poorly, lying to me on multiple occasions and eventually pushing me away and ignoring me despite numerous attempts to help whatever was going on with them. From that, it's made me question how some other people act towards me, specifically people that love to tell me how important I am to them, despite them only interacting with me when it benefits them or if they are in need of something. This has been going on for many months, and until recently, only Cora knew about this.

Eventually, it all came to a boiling point where I broke down in tears a few days ago and revealed this information to some close friends in detail. There is a lot more to it, but for the sake of not wishing to put all the information out in the open and the fact that most wouldn't bother to care or read, I will not say any further on it. If you are wondering, no, I am still not ok. For the past two months, I've basically taken painkillers at least once every few days to stem the headaches and pain in my nerves from this stress. I have been very fatigued and usually spend a large portion of time sleeping, which has led to me working a lot slower. And please, me telling you all this is not an invitation for you to say "You should go to a doctor if you're having such and such problems", those of you that would say that, you know who you are.

The reason I'm telling any of this is because this job requires me to interact with many of you, sometimes on a personal level to those of you that are close, and I would be remised not to inform those of you that should know. Thank God for Cora, she has been such a huge help in helping me feel better, both physically and mentally. I have not been in the mood to deal with people a lot recently, preferring to stay quiet and keep to myself, and to be honest, I do not expect that to change any time soon. I am not very trusting of others right now and I have had to deal with a lot, so hopefully you can understand why I may not act the way I usually do.

As far as work goes, I have a few things on my list I will try to finish by the end of today. Going into next month, I ask that for any of you that have patreon requests to please direct them to Cora, as I will still have other commissions I will look to completing in January. Furthermore, Cora and I will be celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary on January 5th, and we will be taking a vacation all of next week. We will still be accepting commission orders, so if there is something you would like, you can still pay us for it, just be aware that it will not be started until January 10th.

I'll repeat it here to make sure everyone sees. Cora and I will be celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary on January 5th, and we will be taking a vacation all of next week. We will still be accepting commission orders, so if there is something you would like, you can still pay us for it, just be aware that it will not be started until January 10th.

As far as what we have planned for 2022, that will be revealed after we come back from our vacation. We will still be at home and chatting on discord, just not working and taking some time to enjoy each other's company.

This year has been difficult for us, with Cora almost dying in June due to health complications, with thankfully have been solved now, as well as other things happening. However, this was not a bad year. I do not believe in bad years or bad days. Every day that you are alive to see the next is good. Some of us take that fact for granted. Millions of people have died and lost their lives to sickness or the incorrigible actions of others. I am thankful that I still have breath in my body and am able to continue doing what I love as my profession. Things have been tough for me, but I won't fold and lash out at others. To all of you that have supported us, through patreon, commissions or even just kind words, I truly do thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. It's because of you all that we're able to continue doing this.

Wherever you are right now on the final day of this year, I wish you nothing but happiness and the best for yourselves as we go into 2022. Take care everyone.



I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. It’s been a rough year and you deserve a break from everything. Take care of yourself man, I hope you get well soon. Have a happy new year and a happy anniversary.


God bless the both of you. I hope you can recover well, Moshi, and I hope the both of you have a good anniversary- here's to a long and happy marriage! Happy New Year!