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Name: Haley The Horse
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Horse
Height: 5'4
Weight: 145 lbs.
Likes: Cotton candy, chocolate, soft music, stuffed animals, reading, computers
Dislikes: Anything relating to horror, loud noises
Affinity: Electricity

Haley adores her older brother Lightning. She admires his courage, bravery, tenacity and love for others. She isn't as outgoing as her brother, usually tagging along with him but staying behind him. She's quite the bookworm, spending a large deal of time reading books in the library of Francesca's castle or studying on the computer. Recently, White took her under his wing and began teaching her about anything she wanted to know. Although her physical prowess is lacking, she wants to sharpen her intellect to be the best asset possible to her brother.

Currently as of Vol. 3, she is traveling across Alemos with Lightning.



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