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Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Plantfolk (Poppy)
Height: 5'8
Weight: 140 lbs.
Likes: Sunlight, rain, love songs, reading, spending time with family and friends
Dislikes: Feeling short compared to others, harm to her people, specific nicknames
Affinity: Wind and Nature

Francesca is one of the three daughters of Alemos' queen. She is next in line to assume the throne and rule Alemos, just as many Shineheart before her have. The Shineheart family also have the unique ability to not only see, but bring out a fraction of a person's potential power. Francesca used this ability to discern Lightning's Power of Balance, which he wants to use to protect her and the kingdom. Francesca is a peaceful plant, wishing for no harm to come toward others. She always looks for the most peaceful solution, never wanting to resort to violence. If push comes to shove, she will do what is necessary to protect her people.

Currently as of Vol. 3, she is traveling across Alemos with Lightning.



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