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Lightning isn't your typical average fighter. While he does boast average attack and defense, his speed is above average, giving him an advantage in terms of maneuverability. Every fighter in Overdrive Genesis has two special qualities that specifically set them apart from other fighters; their Quirk and their Overdrive.

Lightning's Quirk is Shock. When any of his sword or electrical attacks make contact with an opponent, they are briefly paralyzed.

Overdrives are a mechanic that boost a character's attributes and give them special abilities in certain cases when the character falls below 50% health. When Lightning's Overdrive activates, he gains increased attack and speed as well as the ability to cancel out of his attacks faster than normally. However, he loses a large amount of defense, meaning that you will want to close out a fight quickly if you are taken down to Overdrive.

Lightning's attacks are for the most part quick and deal average amounts of damage. Because of his natural high speed, he can close the gap with his opponents easily and deal high amounts of damage in a combo string. His special attacks include shooting bolts of electricity to stun his opponent, turning into electricity and dashing forward up to three times, electrical somersault kicks to extend his aerial combos and a counter that will immediately teleport Lightning behind his attacker.

When fighting against Lightning, the most important thing to keep is momentum. Lightning's speed is his greatest asset, and if he has control of the stage, it is very difficult to take back. His projectile is fairly weak uncharged and all of his damage comes from being close to his opponent, so either zone him out with projectiles of your own or close the distance and attack him first. His Overdrive makes him deceptively powerful, but also very brittle defensively. Use this to your advantage and finish him off quickly before he has a chance to turn the fight around.

On a final note; all fighters can use an Overdrive Buster. It's a one time attack that, if it connects while an opponent is in Overdrive, will disable it for the rest of the match.

Lightning Overdrive Genesis and Lightning The Horse (c) Me



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