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Werewolf animation is finally finished. When I started the project I wanted it to be something I could crank out quickly to buy more time while working on the Renamon/Impmon animation. Unfortunately I don't feel like I could reliably get sections of the werewolf animation out as fast as I needed to to make it worth it. 

So! Going back to cranking out non-animated scenes again. I got a quick breast expansion image in the works(seen above) that will be finished in a day or two. 

After that the renamon/impmon animation is getting some more attention. It's nearing the final stretch. I waaaaas going to add in a sort of Guilmon epilogue at the end, but with how long the animation is already I'm going to cut it out and put it on my to-do list as a sequel video instead.~




Hell yeah, give her some big boobers <3


Rena: "What are theeeese? How do I hump them?"