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Sorry if I have issues with the rewards, which i hope i can get used to. Patreon recently removed their old manager, and their new  'RELATIONSHIP MANAGER' is a pain in the ass to use :u. But i hope all those with tiers received their just rewards, and for the patreons and 1$ pledgers, i hope you enjoy the previews and sketches ;3


Will Martin-Foster

Patreon is slowly shooting themselves in the butthole with all these changes. First the taxing and now this

SuccubusSyndrome 18+ art

agreed, but to be fair, they don't have control over the taxing thing, its a legit law that they have to abide by if they want to keep patreon running otherwise the site will get shut down. they kinda have their hands tied on that one. but all these changes are getting to be confusing, so much new stuff popping up all within a short time frame. -_- the only new thing i like is the merch option, but there can still be a lot of tweeks made that would make it better.