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Hi everyone. I hope your countries been doing better in fighting this pandemic and everyone's been mostly restored to normal lives. There are a few things I want to talk about.

Firstly about sales tax. I have absolutely no control over it. I tried to see if separating to more benefits based on the amount you pledged help, but its still a % of the overall tax divided based on the benefits, which patreon holds 100% control over, and I don't. So if you noticed yourself being charged more, its entirely from patreon. I have not changed my tier prices, and I am not benefitting extra from those taxes. I only get the amount I write on the tiers, and reduced even in my payouts due to patreon's taxes and stuff, so I think the only one who benefits more from all this is patreon. Which brings me to the second point

I have been considering another method. I've tried to tolerate it so far, but let me tell you, when you get pledges of barely topping 1000, and you notice that almost 100+$ is taken by patreon through taxing and everything (and they put a paypal tax yet when it enters my paypal its reduced even more coz paypal takes the tax) so I've been wanting to find another website that doesn't overcharge me. It's really bad now when the amount increases, and I know patreon won't even read what I wrote here or do anything about it. Sorry guys.

So... until then, we will still use this website for now, and produce art, finish the comic and such, but when I find a better option that doesn't take so much money then we will move there.


As for poll winner, im not surprised the ceo of hell won.


Will Martin-Foster

Have you looked into Pixiv Fanbox? I don't know what their stipulations are, but that's an option. There's another site, but I can't think of them off the top of me noodle noggin.