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Due to abusing of pledges, I am now properly categorizing the art by months. So you can only get the month's rewards per month. If you want previous art, you need to be a long term pledger, like around 3-5 months at least, no matter the tier, and a minimum of 50$ pledging. even if you pledge for a month for a 30/50 dollar tier, I will only send it to u if u pledge 2 months.




A shame folks have such little respect for the people who make the content they want. Oh, well...


I'm a long term pledger.


I meant if requested. I'm also tired of just constantly giving out stuff to people and not feel appreciated for the extras :c


Definitely sad to hear that they abuse it. You and Mkon provide us with amazing works every month, and getting the batches of art each month is always the high points of the month for me at least. :3 I'm really sorry if I don't point out how much I appreciate the works each month as I'm mainly a lurker on the net and get insecure easily and think that artists will feel annoyed it I keep saying how much I like their works, but know that I truly appreciate the work both of you put in! :)