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First thing first, I think patreons bugged. I'm seeing certain patreons as okay which means paid, but their contribution is 0$. Kinda confusing, But I'll trust it for now @@

Otherwise, a few updates I wanna mention. We're almost at the end of our 30 page series, which is a very good thing. I'm so glad that it's managed this far. After that... it depends. Do you all still want me to continue as planned with the comic project? or should I close down this patreon. Any suggestions is welcomed.

Otherwise, for our RWBY poll, Yang is the winner, and was kinda expected so says mkon. okay~

And the winner of our monthly raffle is...

  1. Lyodiwing
  2. Rick Schriver
  3. Baka Sanji
  4. Joey
  5. Vincent
  6. Darren Van der Valk
  7. Rickard Lundgren
  8. TheSoaringHog

Congrats to Lyodiwing and Rick Schriver. As we have a bit of a surplus, there will be two raffle winners this month~



Ive been enjoying the comic project, but ultimately il leave that decision to others whether it should continue. Heh, Yang winning the poll I expected from a mile off, I dont think anyone's surprised she won it. Shame since the other characters get ignored a bit by comparison, but not as much as other fandoms, Il look forward to Mkon's take on the blonde bombshell. XD


Would like to see how the comic idea turns out, so i'm all for the patreon continuing


I just got here! Why stop now? :)