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Firstly regarding the rewards. There is some questions regarding how do you access the previous rewards. I understand when you suddenly start pledging at random months, you only gain access to that month's pledges and are thus clueless towards what's actually happening in the series. Although I do post the low resolution versions on my deviantart, you here do want to see the full resolution ones. So after much deliberation i've finalized that all patreons, regarding of which tier you started at, once you've reached 50$ total lifetime pledge, will gain access to the entire folder of this patreon, which includes both diaries and extra pictures.

Which brings me to the 2nd part, then what is viable for pictures to be posted here. Before i found out about the issue of pictures being stolen and posted elsewhere, i didn't really mind putting them in posts. Nowadays, it's difficult for me because of thefts. You see, I don't mind my art being spread around if it was:

a) notified to me and my artist, so that we know that it's currently being published at another site

b) accredited to me as the payee and mkonstantinov as the artist, so that people know our efforts in bringing out such content.

c) Not being used for other's intellectual purposes, like people editing pictures then claiming it as theirs.

Because it's happening regularly nowadays, all i can put up are sketches. Because even if you want to edit that, you have to start almost from scratch. Thus because of this decision, I will also post 2017's sketchbook somewhere for EVERYONE who pledges access to it.

Lastly, some people have brought to my attention that my pledges are not worthy of the rewards i gave out. Well i've seen other artists and their patreons and there are many factors in play which i will list them out.

1) I am not an artist, this patreon is a joint project between me, the story collaborator and writer, and an artist. Thus I do not earn a single cent from all this, you know. Even if say i get 10 people pledging me at the usual top dollar amount of 15$ which totals to 150$, that can afford to pay my artist a total of 2 pictures. Artists do need money, so i can't downgrade for the sake of letting him suffer either. Many people do this to artists, and that's why many artists in the industry, if they don't manage to reach top professional levels, suffer. If we all keep doing this, how do we cultivate the industry?

2) Some have compared mine to other patreons. In general i have looked at many patreons and their prices and i can consider mine 'slightly' above. Those who provide comics, are either 3d artists, in which are usually slightly faster in providing content then actual artists, or artists with either really fast speeds in making art or joined partnership with other collaborators in producing art. Also, it's way easier to produce quantity, if you know how to colour (which is way easier than drawing btw) because sketch commissions to produce art is way cheaper than asking the artist to do a complete picture. I could reduce my prices even more, but then you'd be making myself suffer a lot. And yet people blame me for posting so much commissions on deviantart. I've mentioned it a lot of times, this patreon is to help out with this series that i keep getting asks to do. If i focused on my own commissions, I could do this myself, but let's take 3 years and a budget of over 1000 USD by myself.

3) My pledges are seperated in huge groups because of multiple reasons. 

- 1$ is the cheapest, with access to all sketches, usually understandable by all means.

- 5$ only gives sketches for diaries, but for all extra content, like the polls which everyone has a say in it, and the raffle prizes, they do have access to the complete content. The reasoning for the extra content being accessible and not the diaries is because majority of the time their fan art. They have no relation to me and my persona, thus they do not have an extreme effect on me. Thus its easy access for a cheap price.

- 15$ A huge hike indeed, and if it adds only 2 diaries coloured, full resolution, with the extra content, doesn't this seem inadequate? Perhaps, but remember this is the cheapest and fastest way to the 50$ mark i mentioned earlier, thus giving you all the coloured content i posted. Which i remind you has gone throughout 2017 and now going to 2018, that's currently up to 24 diaries, and close to 20 extra pictures. thats 44 pictures of full resolution, coloured fetish art that you could keep in your computer for your own personal uses (not gonna ask what, as long as its not publisized)

- 30$ All the previous content with a chances in the raffle. The addition to this tier was that they could be further influences to all further art content that would have appeared to the patreon. An extra 15$ just for a raffle seems a lot, but please remember if you were to buy the commission yourself, they usually cost close to 70$ or more. AND I HAVE BEEN SLIGHTLY CHEATING ON THE RANDOMIZER. You see, i try my best that once a person on the 30$ tier has at least subscribed for 2 months, they deserve to win the raffle at least once, since the amount they've subscribed is like buying a commission. That's why most of them have won a chance at least once, and the longer they are there, the more times i'll give them. To the extra content i mentioned, the reason it doesn't occur much is because the amount total i'm getting this patreon overall isn't much at all. Just to cover the monthly cost of 2 diaries, 1 raffle and 1 poll is close to 200++. With the amount of patreons i have, the money i get is usually barely able to scrap the minimum. AT one point i did have extra, so i had extra polls and such, but nowadays, all i see are 1$ contributions, or frauds/declines which tend to be bots or such. That's why the patreon hasn't been doing well. This is why, when this series ends, I am considering rehauling the entire patreon, because we are going to start comics. YES COMICS. Though i can't promise how fast the content will come out. However, comics will probably be differeng in pricing, such as 5$ per page and they will be charged each time a page is posted. I don't know, this is just consideration for the future.

4) Last thing is that I've mentioned this many times. This patreon is just to support me in producing this growing series, that's appeared on my deviantart and seem to have the most favourites. A lot of people wanted to see it, thus i posted it here for people to help out. IT wasn't intended as a money making method, it wasn't intended to be a reward exclusive area. However, I'm making it a little more special for those who pledged, because you all deserve that little bit at least. (extra content has never been posted anywhere else except when it got stolen by stupid websites that even entered KOTAKU)

Basically, if you think I'm not worth your support, I'm deeply saddened to see you leave, but it is your choice in your finances. I don't force you, I don't beg you, I don't ask of you, but I do appreciate if you do help me out here. I could have saved all my commissions over the years that i posted on Deviantart to myself, but i know the community also likes these kinds of things, and I don't want to be selfish just to enjoy them myself, thus I share it to you. My only wish is that even in many years to come, if I dissapear or anything happens, that people will still remember that it is I Aliessa who is the commissioner of these arts, and that the art as well as the OC/Persona, never get abused or used by other people.

Sorry for the long rant.



Well said! I really can't wait to receive my reward in a couple months time. This series is amazing and I'm glad to support you to see it to the end.