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So here's the article in particular that they inform all of us.


Dear   patron,

  Your support is truly changing the lives of creators around the world. You   give creators a reliable paycheck that enables them to do their best work.   Thank you thank you thank you.

  In order to continue our mission of funding the creative class, we’re always   looking for ways to do what’s best for our creators. With that, we’re writing   to tell you of a change we’re making so that all Patreon creators take home   exactly 95% of every pledge, with no additional fees.

  Aside from Patreon’s existing 5% fee, a creator’s income on Patreon varies   because of processing fees every month. They can lose anywhere from 7-15% of   their earnings to these fees. This means creators actually take home a lower   percentage of your pledge than you may realize. Our goal is to make creators’   paychecks as predictable as possible, so we’re restructuring how these fees   are paid.

Starting December 18th, we will apply a new service fee of 2.9% + $0.35   that patrons will pay for each individual pledge. This service fee helps keep   Patreon up and running.

  We want you to know that we approach every change with thoughtfulness for   creators and patrons. By standardizing Patreon’s fees, we’re ensuring that   creators get paid to continue creating high quality content. If you have   questions or would like to learn more, please visit our FAQ   here.

  The Patreon team 

Basically now instead of them deducting what you pledge to me, so i get less money, their putting those charges to you all my patrons. While i appreciate the extra cash, I kinda feel heavilty guilty with this change. As of such, I will consider how much i should reduce in my pledges for next year so that it will be equal or less than what is being charged. I know i'll get less for this, but i'd rather have the support of you all, then completely lose everyone.

If you decide to leave or reduce your pledge because of this, I sincerely accept with an open heart. This is you all choosing to support me, so it is your decision entirely.

Sorry guys >w<



Thanks for keeping an open mind about it. Il stay for now, but given some of the back lash I’d hope this isn’t a permanent arrangement. I expect a lot of people are gonna be unhappy with it. It sucks for those who support a myriad of patrons as the 2.9% doesn’t do much, it’s the fixed charge that adds up for me.


For people with high pledges. 36 cents may not be much. but for 1$ pledges, paying extra's may be annoying. But I can't reduce 1$ ones anymore. that's the lowest already &gt;.&gt;


Yeah that’s gonna be the most noticeable tbh, all the various $1 and $2 pledges people have with multiple artists are gonna be the most blown out of proportion. We’ll have to see how this all plays out.


Going to wait and see. But for now my pledge to you stays the same.


As someone with about 20 pledges in the $1-3 range, I’m going to be cancelling multiple pledges today. I wonder what other means of tipping good artists might be used instead?


Perhaps Ko-fi? I've seen some people use it. Never decide to try.