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After going through each post, I think I should've unlocked all the posts previously hidden to patrons that should have access to em. Probably mistagged a few or missed some entirely since my eyes glazed over and I had to take several breaks, so please scroll through and let me know if there's anything that looks off that slipped past me!

Sorry it took so long — absurdly terrible memory is the most frustrating symptom I've been having and I've been juggling a lot trying to just get healthy. Luckily I've been doing much better lately physically and mentally and I'm in the middle of getting thoroughly evaluated. 

Not to be dramatic, but all of you that have supported me since reopening Patreon are frankly keeping me alive right now while I'm in this weird limbo of recovery, so thank you so much! I wish I could be posting new work as often as I used to, but since massive burnout was the reason for past hiatuses I'm focusing on pacing myself so that I can still keep this art thing going for you all. Hope you're all staying healthy!



And I just want to apologize to all those who messaged me and haven't heard back! To be straight up, opening emails and messages trigger severe anxiety for me recently and it's kind of the last major mental health hurdle I've been trying to overcome. I know it's super irrational and frustrating and I don't know why it psychologically does that, but I'm much better at replying to comments here or replies on Twitter at the moment!


Hey Theo! No problem dude! Your health is #1 prio so don't stress! Glad to hear you're making strides recovering & thanks for unlocking the posts! 🙌🏼


Hey Theo! Take your time and recover. I’m so proud of you for having the courage to take time out to focus on your health. It’s necessary and important. We can wait. Much love. TJ


Take the time you need to ground yourself. I have ADHD, and I know the feeling of trying to focus on something boring or having a terrible memory. I have to put little reminder notes on my phone and on sticky notes on my desk all the time. I also know how much anxiety can suck. Take breaks when you need to and reward yourself with something fun when you finish working on something.

FinFan 83

Please don't overwork or overpressure yourself. Yes we love your art, but don't push yourself to some mandatory number of pieces per week or anything like that. Don't want you to dread the idea you've got to meet the quota or something. It's art after all, not a production line.