Patreon Update: July 2020 (Patreon)
Hey Everyone,
Congrats on surviving the first half of 2020! Seriously, that's an achievement.
I'm not sure If I'm going to be furloughed longer, if I am going back to work, or if I'm being laid off. As soon as I find out, I'll be able to more appropriately plan out future videos.
Anyway, I just posted early access for 10 Artists Who Hate Their Own Songs. As for the rest of the month, here's what I have planned:
-How Did I Miss This?!
-Redoing Top 10 WORST Cover Songs In Rock
-Album Reviews
-Interviews as they are requested by publicists for me to do.
For How Did I Miss This?!, I will make a separate post asking for suggestions. DO NOT POST SUGGESTIONS ON THIS THREAD! I'll also be extending the time limit of albums I've missed to the past six months since so few albums came out during the start of the pandemic. Keep an eye out for that post to make suggestions as I'll be working on that video next.
As for redoing the Top 10 Worst Cover Songs In Rock, I'll be working on that at the end of the month. When I start doing prep work for that, I'll make a separate asking for suggestions and your input on why. The main reasons I'm redoing it is because: 1.) I want to change the ordering I have; 2.) New "covers" need to be addressed; and, 3.) I want to make the video less of me and more of the song discussion.
Finally, please check your settings on Patreon to make sure you have your donation limits set. As I'm furloughed, I might post more than two 10+ min videos and I don't want you repeatedly charged. You can set your limit to only donate once per month.
Let me know if you have any questions about anything!