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I finally managed to buy my long-awaited digital table with its own screen.
It is not one of the most well-known and award-winning brands, but according to the reviews it searches, it does everything it proposes to do.

I'm still getting used to using it and calibrating it to my liking.
Therefore, the next contents are not going to be entirely done in it (yet).
this last Chun Li that I posted, was made 80% with the help of the table ^^

And this wonderful achievement was certainly only possible 90% thanks to your support so far ^^

Thank you!
Today is my birthday and I consider this to be your gift to me! *3*




Well happy birthday my friend, be sure to take it easy today! Hope you enjoy the rest of today and your gift ^^ cool gift btw


Happy birthday Mate ^^/ hope you have a good day >.<


Happy birthday (´-ω-`)


Oooh, nice! I was always impressed on how you did the lineart with the mouse, but i also always thought you deserved a tablet to help make things easier. Glad you finally got it!


Yo! Happy Birthday!


Dude, happy birthday! Enjoy that new tablet of yours!