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Hello folks, hope you all are doing well. Unfortunately these past few days I have not. Dealing with irl and some health issues but to top it off I found out that someone has decided to leak the exclusive art I started here. It has been a real disappointment and motivation killer since I'm trying my best to provide good content to you. It's also not fair on you guys that have been tremendously supporting me with your earnings. As someone who does this full time and for a living and who has a love/passion doing this I just have to say that I'm hurt. For the time being I don't earn much and most of what I do make goes to bills and staying afloat. I was well aware of this when I decided to start this journey about a year ago so I'm not asking for pity. You guys are my lifeline and I hope to be able to continue to live and do this through your support on here and commissions but it is challenging to keep the drive to draw when there are people who don't care and who believe that you're not worth anything let alone a fool to try to make a decent living off of your content and say that you're not going to make it. In some regards maybe they're right.

Moving forward I will keep things as usual as far as posting art and the comic but I just feel like I had to address this and what's going on. I do have something else planned but will announce later. I know that it's basically pointless in trying to stop leakers so I will just have to trust you guys. I still thank you all for the support that you have given me so far and I hope to continue to make art for you. I also thank you to those who have sent dm's and checked up on me. I greatly appreciate it all. I apologize for this long rant and if I'm not as active on discord/messages as I normally am. Just need some time to myself. I hope that you understand, thank you and have a good day




I wish the best of luck stay safe


Real sad to hear this. Just hope things get better in general for you.

Kevin Salazar

That’s some fucked up shit man


That's sucks so much to hear man, hope you can get throught this


That’s lame, I hope things better better for you regarding the leaking and your health