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So I'm going to Japan next month as part of a study abroad program. But because I still have bills even when I'm out of the country (unless I want to get in trouble upon return, anyway), I'll still have monthly rewards to complete. Good thing trains will be my main mode of transport! That being said, I have two requests for y'all lovelies, one important, and one VERY important.

FIRST (important) THING: Please include your June reward(s) in your submission this month! If you've already submitted May's, please fill out another form. I'll go ahead and get an early start on them, see if I can't complete them before I leave. Just in case I don't/can't...

SECOND (VERY IMPORTANT) THING: Because I'll be spending just shy of 3 weeks constantly surrounded by my professors, fellow students, and the Japanese public, PLEASE don't ask me to draw anything kinky/diaper-related for June. I legit won't have much time alone for those 3 weeks, and I REALLY don't want to have that conversation with the people I'll be sharing hotel rooms with. PG furry/human art only, please!


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