Lost in Regression Upload Date & Rewards Update (Patreon)
Hey, it's... been a while, huh? I'm sorry for the absence, the last 40 days or so have honestly been the worst, most stressful time of my life. And it's still not over, I still go to bed every night wishing I won't wake up. I'm not doing any better than after I left that crisis center (2nd s*****e attempt), but I need to make an attempt to at least be productive.
So, Lost in Regression pages 1 and 2 will be posted to FA and my website on October 31. Additionally, just like with Youthful Bliss, pages 1-3 will be available for $5 patrons, and pages 1-4 will be available for $10+ patrons.
As for $20+ rewards... I still need more time, I'm sorry. I'm hoping I can do them next month. But for this month, I haven't been able to work on *anything* other than LiR. I've tried making little drawings even for just myself, but I can't seem to finish anything. And while this may sound snobby or pretentious of me, I really don't want to give you guys anything that's not up to my usual standard. I really don't want to look back at this time and feel ashamed for the commissioned work I did.
If you want to cancel your pledge, I will not be upset. I'll manage somehow.
For those of you still keeping your pledge despite everything, thank you. I really can't express how much it means to me. Thank you.