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omg y'all! I'm so excited for you guys to read this one because it's the end of the intro!! Once I get this page colored, we get to go into our FIRST season! How exciting! I really wanted this page and the last one to be read as one entire "Episode", but for my own mental health I didn't think I had the bandwidth to do all those panels in two weeks, plus keep up with making patreon content so I split them into two. I feel like this one answers a lot of fun questions from the last and hope you love it :) As always, don't read unless you're okay with SPOILERS for the next page! Download below!



Patricia Pedroso

I loved the whole intro and can’t wait to see all that’s next. Since the first few panels I’ve been in love with this story and the characters, you’ve done an awesome job here ❤️

Brandy Razo

Eva’s going to have the boys wrapped around her little finger! 😂