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Hew it's done.

Now I can rest entire weekend :3




Boobs! (Also rest well!)


Have a good rest my friend


Improved shading? Nice job:3

Erik B

Amazing work Dae!!

Frank Hartmann

Looks amazing!!!! Keep up the great work Daebom


Now this This is an epic gamer moment Rest well daebom


damn shes cute. and yeah. rest up brother!


Hot dang that lighting is gold!

Indominus Rex

Very nice dae :3 enjoy ur rest!


She’s beautiful 😍😍😍!!!


Dropping another banger like usual, keep up the work. Also make sure to rest, eat and relax. Have a good day!

Red Sploshon

Rest well and be sure to stay hydrated


Almost feels like you have made artwork for a sticker. (You're improving and it looks really good)

MD19892002 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 10:53:14 As an always amazing work, I'll love to see more m18 artwork next week!
2024-04-19 09:04:20 As an always amazing work, I'll love to see more m18 artwork next week!

As an always amazing work, I'll love to see more m18 artwork next week!


One thing I've always noted dae and I must say please don't take this wrong. But each time you say your art gets worse or you loose drive to make art since it doesn't look good to me isn't always the case. Even when you were on your big downhill streek of not passing for months. And it if the blue you picked up again. That art was still better than the mouse moe you made when you started YouTube. And I've only seen it improve. Ig what I'm trying to say is sometimes it's not the best to judge your new art off your old high standard. And just know you're art is sure of gel better than when ya started. I how ya keep making YouTube videos and can feel better soon. But also understand if ya wanna stop since I understand all good things do come to an end. I just hope ya get better bud. Keep it up!

Felix Argyle

The tongue poking out is very cute! enjoy your rest!


Damn this one is like a massive step up in quality, nice work

Andy Derbidge

Very beautifully done dae, take some rest and keep going steady.

nishizumi miho

Im not staring at her breasts, they're staring at me! Very well done Dae!

Erwin Matsumoto

Daebom, this is amazing! Perfect lighting, excellent body proportions. Very beautiful (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚ You are growing before our eyes. I adore you (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) And yes, didn't Dicker Max wear glasses before?




I would dick her max

Snoop Doggo

Loving this stuff, you've been doing some tough work.


So big and so cute <3

Ching Chong

Hard work payed off


looks amazing, nice work Daebom. Remember to get plenty of rest.


Busty and so So cute! My fave

