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Hiya everyone, it's the first post of this Patreon page in 2020!

2020 is off to a rough start...

I don't know if you guys have heard about it, but there was a massive flood in my country right after the year started. Rain kept pouring down from 1st Jan 1 AM until morning, which caused most parts of the city to be submerged in water... On 2nd Jan, the same thing happened once again. Rain kept pouring down from midnight to morning, which made the water level kept rising.  My city has always had flooding problem, but this one is the worst in a decade (there are death tolls of ~ 40 people...). Thankfully, I'm still safe and sound. Still, I had to start the new year without electricity and internet for around 48 hours. Me and my family also couldn't really get outside the house (we were trapped on the 2nd floor, 1st floor and the surrounding area is submerged in water) so food and stuff was also limited. So... yeah, 2020 sure has a rough start for me (and maybe to some of you as well... I'm not updated on news these days, but it seems that a lot is happening to the world right now ^^;)

Anyway, I sure hope the rest of the year will be much better for all of us! 

Ginger route funded!

Enough with the bad news! There's a delayed happy news that I couldn't really post because I didn't have internet... That good news is: Ginger route is now funded! Thanks to you guys, Ginger will officially join in the official love interest roster. 

Next goal!

Our next goal is... Hunny the bunny! 

There's $3,887 left before Hunny route is funded! I sure hope we can at least get this goal before the campaign officially ends (campaign will end this month!)

Anyway, that's it for my first post in 2020. Hope to post many more for the rest of 2020 <3 


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