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Without realizing it, it has been nearly three years since I started this Patreon page, whew! Time sure flies fast :o 

Since then, we've sure accomplished a bunch of amazing stuff!

Finished Seiyuu Danshi!

When I first made this Patreon page, I experienced cashflow problem due to the unexpected amount of taxes that needed to be paid for the Kickstarter funds. Without the additional funding made through Patreon, who knew what might have happened to Seiyuu Danshi? It might not have turned out as good as it is now, and might have had some contents stripped out due to the limited funding.

So, thank you patrons! Without you guys, my first commercial game might have resulted in a terrible failure! 

Becoming a full-time game developer!

When I was graduating university in late 2018, I needed to make a decision regarding my future career. Making games has always been my hobby since I was a kid, but I thought that was just it: a hobby. Of course, being full-time game developer had always been my dream (a childhood dream!), but if I couldn't make a living doing it, I wouldn't do it. The steady amount of income I can earn through Patreon each month eliminated the final doubt I had regarding my career, and I jumped full into this full-time game developer train a year ago! I've only finished 1 commercial game so far (I made a bunch of shitty games when I was a kid xD), but I hope to make even more in the future. 

So, thank you patrons! Without you guys, I might not be able to achieve my childhood dream to become a full-time game developer!

Started new projects!

Now that I've got a steady income each month, I get to be more daring in creating more projects. I can also commission people from the beginning of the game stage, allowing it to progress faster. The only work-in-progress I've formally announced is Banana Ranch, but I have started other projects as well! (I just haven't really announced them because bad things happen and those projects might not come to light due to various reasons and I don't want to disappoint you guys... ^^;). Comparing it to my previous work, I think I've improved a lot, and I plan to keep improving.

So, thank you patrons! Without you guys, I might not get to make new game projects!

24 episodes of Seiyuu Danshi After Story!

Under the guise of monthly reward for patrons, I get to continue making the story of Haato and the others. As to today, I've made 24 episodes for Seiyuu Danshi After Story! (Yes, it has been almost a year since I started making monthly episodes like this, time sure flies, huh? xD). 

So, thank you patrons! Thanks to you guys, Haato and the others live on even after their main story is finished! ^_^

Words of gratitude

Once again, thank you patrons! Not only for helping all the above awesome things happen, but also because of the emotional support you've given me all these years! Seriously, I wouldn't have lasted this long without you guys. 

So, yeah... For the last time in this post, #ThankyouPatrons! Also, thank you for Patreon as well for hosting this amazing opportunity to thank patrons and providing the platform for people to support creators.


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