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Sorry for being missing these past few weeks! This month (and the latter half of last month) has been full of eventful events - both good and bad ^^;

The good: 

My niece was born! The entire family is happy because she is the first grandchild of my parents. Thankfully, she was born healthily without any complication!

The bad: 

Been having sudden, uninvited, quarter life crisis (and "mild" depression too, probably) these past weeks which caused me to be sleepy all the time, unable to concentrate when working (at one point, I kept staring at the screen doing nothing because I had trouble starting work), and filled with random bouts of anxiety at nights which caused my sleeping schedule to be completely the opposite of normal people (I slept at 11PM, then wake up at like 6PM). Definitely not a fun time :(

The cause of my stress, is probably mainly because of the lack of human contact? I've been living in exclusion for the past 1+ year (maybe nearing 2 years!) because all my work is done from home. At first, it felt liberating. 1+ year later though, and it is sorta making me insane x"D I've never been the type to actively seek out friends, and most of my friends are now too busy with their work life and can rarely hang out (they also get new friends from their new work place). It doesn't help that I haven't even completely fulfilled Seiyuu Danshi's Kickstarter obligation, which just makes me feel like... I dunno, such a loser? It just sort of feels like everyone is moving on to the "next stage" of life, while I'm still stuck here walking in place, not making any visible progress. 

I've been pondering on what to do to "fix" this feeling, and while I still have no idea on what will exactly work, I'll probably start by going outside more to get sunlight (need those vitamin D because I definitely lack it), actively seek out friends to get human contact, and keep calm about work (being panicked won't make me work faster, it will just hinder progress). One step a time, and I hope next month will treat me better. 

This month's after story

Anyway, this month's after story is nearly completed! (it has been nearly completed for a while, I just struggle so much in completing task these days... x_x). Gonna finish this month's after story as soon as I can! Anyway, here's a sneakpeek of this month's episode~

Sorry once again for the mini-delay x( 


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