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Hiya guys, back with another Weekly Update! 


Did some final revamp on the GUIs because old GUIs just made my eyes hurt lol. Old GUI was mostly image-based instead of properly coded, so when you full screen & your screen is more than 1280 x 720 px, it ends up being blurry. So yeah, I'm much better at coding now, and can now properly code the GUI.

Some screenies to show the new GUIs~

Save / load screen

Preference screen

Status screen

MC room screen

(The speech bubble changes text if you hover to different area. For ex, if you hover to bookcase, he will say "Read a book?")

Town navigation screen

Also, revamped calendar screen!

If you hover on each icon, it will tell you about the event on that day. Also, you can now see future months' plan instead of being stuck to see the current month (so yeah... if you would like to plan ahead and such :D). Like before, calendar will also be updated when there are events in-game (though, you can see all the guys' birthday by default for convenience sake)

Lastly, I also did a final remake on Haato / MC's image.


I have also started to work on other characters' foreplay mode~

Done things for foreplay mode:

  • Make all characters foreplay mode clickable (you can already clicky-clicky on their body part~)
  • Insert in costumes for Hikaru, Shiba, Tocchan. Shuu's is still pending because some of his costumes graphics are still missing (asking artist to make it now)
  • Finish inserting all hand animations (the nipple pinching, stomach rubbing etc hand animations) for all the guys!

To-do-list after this - in consecutive order:

  • Insert in costumes for Shuu (after receiving the graphics)
  • Inserting in expressions for all the guys
  • Individual reactions for all the guys
  • Chibi scenes writing for all the guys
  • Dirty talk responses
  • Intro costumes for all the guys
  • Special scenes writing (the ones w/ CGs) for all the guys 
  • <To be thought of later>

Not sure what to show since I can't playtest it yet without error lol... so yeah, here's the screenshot of the game folder containing Tocchan's foreplay mode files~


Regarding beta, I've decided to let people (the one who qualified for beta access) play Toru's route first (because I need help for testing anyway) BUT I'll alpha test it first (as in, no game-breaking bugs when I play through it once). 

So yeah, give me some time to test it first (and I'll probably ask my sister to play it too)

Anyway, that's it for this week's update!

Despite some unexpected outings (needed to get outside the house for two whole days), I still managed to get a decent work done, so yay for that!


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