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Hiya guys, it's time for yet another Weekly Update!
Though, disclaimer beforehand that I didn't do much this week due to anxiety as my (bachelor) thesis defense had finally been scheduled!        *anxiety* *anxiety*
It's scheduled next week and I'm a bundle of anxiety right now. I don't think I can do anything too productive until I finish that judgment day   

As for writing progress, we hit 200K words! Yeah, like finally~! Writing of the game is still not finished yet tho, oh well x"D

I've also managed to write a scene that I've found difficult (kinda funny that I manage to write it in the anxiety mood)

I was planning to finish at least until September, but yeah... anxiety gets in the way.
Summer scene's all done, but need to finish calling scene w/ Hikaru & Shuu during training camp. 

Still can't take SS yet because I haven't playtested it yet :p

Since we've gotten closer to $1350 goal at Patreon, I had the brightest idea to give the teaser to the threesome scene. If the goal isn't reached, well at least we can imagine the scene with the sketch =)

Ending the update with random Toru facial scene because I can  B-)

Yeah that's it for this week's update.
A lackluster week, filled with anxiety because the judgment day is approaching..... *panic* *panic*


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