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- Patreon exclusive pics will be sent to each patron at the end of the month as a pack. Each pack will include pics completed between the 1st and last day of each month. Pics already posted will stay as they are. January pics will be uploaded as they have been so far. 

         -Assuming everything stays according to plan, each pack (during the soft
         launch period) should include:

                  - 2x Monthly Fan Art Pics

                   - 1x - 3x Monthly Request/Submission Pics

                   - 1x Patron group pic

                  - 1x Special Patron Contributor Pic

- During this time while I'm still working on the Nami x Robin comic project, unfortunately I cannot provide as much content as I would like. However, once the project is finished (and thus the soft launch period ending), I should be able to pump out more content for each monthly pack! Whether this means making extra poll opportunities, or accepting more requests, I'll figure that part out when the time comes. 

Sincere apologies to everyone who feels that the benefits at this time are not worth it. I really do want to provide as much value as possible for all patrons, but I do have my occupational and physical limits unfortunately :(

-Poll voting weight/power will be adjusted as follows:

        -$5+ tier polls will count 1x towards the total (no change) 

        -$10+ tier polls will count 2x towards the total (3 effective votes per patron)

        -$20+ tier polls will count 3x towards the total (6 effective votes per patron)

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions if further clarification is needed!

Thanks for all your support! I'm still trying my best to figure this all out!

Best regards :)



Just out of curiosity, does this mean the Nami x Robin draft pages would also only come in the monthly picture pack or would those still appear in the feed?


All sketches will appear on the feed as normal, including the Nami x Robin draft pages :)