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Want to start by saying thank you to all of you who signed up for my Patreon during this soft launch phase, it really does mean a lot to me. 

While it isn't perfect, I'd like to get feedback from as many patrons as possible as to what I can do better, whether it be in terms of improving benefits for certain/all tiers, regularity, etc. Granted, this is only a soft launch phase. After the soft launch is over, you can expect at least twice the amount of Patreon exclusive content! If I can provide more, I will. However I do work a regular full time job outside of drawing, so I have to pump the brakes to some degree. Maybe if this generates enough income to where I can consider this for a full time commitment, but at this point in time that is very far away. 

I understand why some may have dropped their pledges, this is still a trial/error phase for me after all so I may fall short in some areas. This is perfectly normal, I hold no ill will towards anyone who may have dropped. I can only ask that maybe in the future you consider giving me a second chance after some changes/improvements are implemented. 

If you are willing, I'd like to ask for some general feedback and suggestions as to what you like, dislike, and/or can see room for improvement in terms of your current Patron experience. 

You're free to be as critical/descriptive as you want! No offense will be taken :) 

****Below is the benefits tier system, proposed changes/additions will be in bold text:

$3 tier:

  • Access to max resolution sketches and completed art
  • Access to patron exclusive content

$5 tier: 

  • Vote in the Monthly Fan-art character Poll (1x votes)
  • Access to patron exclusive content
  • Access to max resolution sketches and completed art 
  • Vote in the second Fan-art SERIES + character selection poll(s) (1x votes)**

$10 tier:

  • More Voting Power in the Monthly Fan-art Poll (2x votes)
  • Access to patron exclusive content
  • Access to max resolution sketches and completed art 
  • Submit requests/suggestions (goal will be to do at least 2 or 3 per month after soft launch ends)
  • Vote in the second Fan-art SERIES + character selection poll(s) (2x votes)**

$20 tier: 

  • Access to patron exclusive content
  • Access to max resolution sketches and completed art
  • Max Voting Power in the Monthly Fan-art Poll (3x votes)
  • Submit requests/suggestions (goal will be to do at least 2 or 3 per month after soft launch ends)
  • Suggest characters for Monthly Fan-art Poll
  • Vote in the second Fan-art SERIES + character selection poll(s) (3x votes)**
  • Character group pic collaboration: Each patron will submit a list of characters they would like to see featured in a group pic. I will pick 2-4 characters out of the lists of all patrons (not each) to make a group pic out of. 
  • All related PSD files

$100 tier:

  • Access to patron exclusive content
  • Access to max resolution sketches and completed art
  • Max Voting Power in the Monthly Fan-art Poll (3x votes)
  • Submit requests/suggestions (goal will be to do at least 2 or 3 per month after soft launch ends)
  • Suggest characters for Monthly Fan-art Poll
  • Vote in the second Fan-art SERIES + character selection poll(s) (3x votes)**
  • Character group pic collaboration: Each patron will submit a list of characters they would like to see featured in a group pic. I will pick 2-4 characters out of the lists of all patrons (not each) to make a group pic out of.
  • All related PSD files
  • Commission! 1 Character of Your Choice to be Drawn! (Normal rules apply)
  • Special request - submit a list of characters, 1 will guaranteed to be drawn! (already in effect)

**I will list out a bunch of series that you would like to see characters from, winner of that poll will have a follow up poll to pick out 1-2 characters from that series to draw. 

The changes are tentative for the time being, I may have to cut back on some if it ends up being too much for me to handle. However after the soft launch, most if not all of these changes should be achievable. 

Thank you for reading this big block of text. Let me know what you guys think, any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated!

Have a good New Year season!


johann gudmundsson

An idea - you could send everyone the images at either the end or start of each month like many do


Is there a particular reason to do it that way? I figured most people would want the pics immediately after they're finished, but maybe I'm wrong :\


Most do that monthly reward but like having right away it's a nice surprise to see them randomly Throughout the month


As much as I like seeing your Fairy Tail, Once Piece, and MHA pieces, it can get a little repetitive seeing the same characters over and over again. To that end, I think there should be a monthly poll where patrons can suggest anime characters and/or franchises you're expressly not familiar with to get you out of your comfort zone. I think that maybe this would be a nice addition for the $20-tier patrons, or maybe a brand new tier all together. I'll come back if I can think of anything else


The only suggestion I have for now is regarding the Nami Robin comic. I know you can't release the finished product on patreon and that some may be disappointed. I have a suggestion or two. One would be to release a few completed individual panels or pages from it on patreon as a compromise. The other and maybe the more realistic would be for a few patreon only pictures starring Nami and Robin that tie into your comic. Like alternate poses or sex acts. That way people who may have come expecting the Nami and Robin comic (like me) to be available can get something similar but unique. Last is more of a question. Would you be interested in drawing characters that aren't anime per say? Like final fantasy for example? That's all I got.


I think that's what I'll be aiming for in the new $5+ series + char poll. Since I know mainstream series will likely win in a blowout vote, I'll probably alternate the series selections so that at least every other month or so (e.g, 1 month will include the normal/mainstream options, following month will exclude those oppressively dominant options, and follow that pattern)


Currently the only thing I've planned to make available in regards to the comic for Patrons is a discount code, but I think I might do something like you suggested as well (some patreon exclusive Nami/Robin pics to tie in with it once it's finished). Thanks for the feedback!