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To say Catstopher was only mildly panicked would be something of an understatement. He was not a party person in the slightest. He'd never gone to big gatherings, avoided mass-scale social events, and wouldn't be caught dead at any gathering that didn't have to do with a friend's birthday or family... and yet here he was, a Solo cup in hand filled with club soda and lemons, the only non-alcoholic things they had at the house, standing in a corner to himself. His head felt a little fuzzy, the throbbing bass of a stereo drilling into his sensitive ears, making him occasionally wince. He'd only come to this party because his friend and coworker, Asscat, had invited him... and yet he was nowhere to be seen. The feline softly sighed to himself, his ears gently lowering, his tail long since having stood, a clear indicator to anyone that he didn't feel comfortable. He softly swirled the concoction in his cup, reaching into his pant-pocket and drawing out his phone, flicking it open with one thumb and navigating to their texts. He'd had cell service, yet still no response, and he didn't understand why. He punched in a simple question, "Kie estas vi ulo???". He waited, but yet received nothing in return, sighing as he pressed the flip-phone shut and slid it back into his trousers, shifting uncomfortably as he looked around.

He'd realized he would have to find his own place at the party, nodding to himself. A party doesn't have to be bad exactly, sure, loud noise could be abrasive, but the people could be nice, he'd think. The feline paused, scanning the room, filled with smiling faces, chattering people, folk both familiar and unknown. He'd occasionally stop on a person, trying to remember their name, moving his eyes onward as he realized he wouldn't get it right, or at least reasonably close to correct. He drew the cup to his lips, pressing the perspired surface to his lips and taking a sip, cringing a little at the mixture he'd concocted earlier, lowering the drink again as he continued looking about the partygoers. His eyes darted around, soaking innocuous details. Coats, shoes, headwear, posters, the stains on the carpeting or walls around people, he looked and looked. Then, all of a sudden, a bright shimmer caught the kitty's eye... On an innocuous shelf, like most the others in the house, a metallic orb was sat, reflecting off the low light of the room. Cat excitedly huffed, giggling to himself, "Is that a Fushigi? For real?" Cat snickered, his new focus breaking him from his corner as he softly wove through the many partygoers dotting the landscape of the livingroom, soon finding himself at the shelf. He had to stand on his toes a little, the short kitty's hips waggling softly along with his tail as he struggled to reach up, eventually managing to roll it back with his pawpads, catching it in his hands and excitedly stepping back, his eyes stuck on the beautifully reflective form of the ball, nearly bumping into a passing person. "Sorry!" The kitty squeaked as he softly stepped over to the coffee table, gently brushing all manner of cans and towels aside as he rotated the orb in his hands, excitedly smiling at the object.

It really was a Fushigi! He hadn't seen one in forever! It felt just as mystical and mesmerizing as he'd always expected it to, the fact the ball was so reflective certainly helping aid this. He purred softly in excitement, his tail whipping side to side, gently thumping against the coffee table as he sat and rolled the orb about his hands. As he was staring at it, a partygoer noticed him toying with the ball, then another, and another. Pretty soon a small group was around the feline, one suddenly speaking up, "Ohhh dude, you have a Fushigi? Do some tricks, come on!" Catstopher, immediately put on the spot, felt his cheeks redenning a little. Not even thinking to mention the fact that the ball wasn't his and that he actually was feeling one for the first time, Cat felt his heart flutter, panicking a little. He didn't wanna embarrass himself, but the pressure was also mounting, the feline thinking fast without questioning his lines of thought. As another of the people was about to comment on the fact that the kitty was staring off stammering for a moment, their attention was quickly stolen as he undid the button on his pants, drawing his zipper down and yanking his jeans upward, the motion causing his fat wobbly rear to shake and jiggle, the display causing more than one of the onlookers to gasp, especially as they caught sight of his hole, a soft slightly-puffy ring that ever so gently kept his cheeks parted, the kitty's leg position doing the rest of the work, keeping his weighty pillowy ass-fat from covering up the true star of his show, his hole.

Without pause, the cat blurted out, "Magic!" Before rolling the ball along his thigh, letting it inch closer and closer to  his big loose hole with every passing second, the crowd too surprised, shocked, and excited to comment or stop the feline, His hole was barely wet, a small bit of sweat rolling down his big soft cheeks, the ceiling fan helping to slowly dry off his butt, something he'd hoped his hole would avoid, especially as the next part of his 'trick' would come to fruition. The kitty's big brown blown out pucker was very obviously used to stretching, easily big enough that even those with the biggest of hands could warm themselves in his rectum, his poor slack hole facing countless hours of abuse every week from the insatiable shy embarrassed kitty. He lowly whined, blushing and moaning as he felt the cool surface of the ball roll onto his cunt of an anus, his worn asshole softly pursing, hotly kissing the ball, a fog spreading over its surface as the cold of the metal met the absurd warmth of his butt cheeks, steam gently rising from the two as the cat's lips parted, a shiver riding up his spine as he felt his hot insides kissing at the very top of the ball, wetly squelching against his quivering pussy-lips as he continued to whine and moan, his noises starting to grow heavy enough to be noticed by some more of the partygoers, one person, not able to see it, growing confused and wandering to the DJ to ask what was with the noises. Before Cat knew or realized it, a quarter of the party's guests were poking over each other's shoulders to witness him swallow the ball. He grunted softly as he spread his digits over the orb, a few fingers lowering to his cheeks to help spread at his hole, his sphincter wetly slurping as he raised his legs, holding his booty up high as a brave onlooker stepped forward to help him hold his legs up, making the cat squeak, nearly clenching the ball out from his hole, his cheeks glowing bright red as he looked up at the man who simply nodded back, intently staring at his ruined anus as the cat drew his attention back to getting the Fushigi in.

He shivered again as he felt the ball slide deeper, most of its surface having warmed up from the heat of his insides, his position letting his hole guzzle up the outside air, filling his forced to gape rim with cool air, softly jetting and sputtering it out around the orb as he pressed it forward, the prodding and pushing forcing his anal ring to relieve the mounting pressure in his rectum. He squeaked and whined, wriggling gently as his tail whipped side to side under him, one waggle accidentally knocking an empty can over, causing him to squeak out, jumping a little as, reactively, he shoved his fingers hard against the ball, ramming it past the halfway point. He quivered adorably as he drew his fingers away from the ball, knowing from some experience that he could probably keep it in like this for long enough so that people could ogle and then push it right out. He sighed out as his hands moved up to his legs, helping the man to hold them in place, his fingers gently running over his stripy thigh-highs, their tightness helping to prevent his fattened up bottom half from jiggling too much, his chubby cheeks occasionally softly clapping as he very carefully waved his butt from side to side, his hole softly squeezing around the ball as it hypnotically drew little bit by bit in, slowly sliding over the surface of the orb. Before it could get anywhere near closing all the way, the kitty pushed gently, grunting and blushing as he gape-farted the ball back to around the halfway point, his loose noisy hole softly gurgling and giving muffled slimy sounds as anal-mucus now drooled all over the ball, ensuring its whole surface was coated in his hot slippry all natural lubricant.

Gently he looked up, his eyes widening as he was shocked to realize that, by now, not only had the music died down, but everyone was surrounding him, chattering, pointing, to his embarrassment even pointing cameras and their phones at him. He blushed bright red, squealing as he shut his legs a little, staring forward at everyone as they ogled his massive ruined asshole, so loosened that it laid slack around the ball with ease, the cat's heart skipping a beat as one of the partygoers softly pressed forward, drawing up a digital camera as they crouched down, lining up their shot for a moment before suddenly his eyes were filled with a bright flash, the person taking a photograph of his rear. He squealed softly, unable to hide how shy he felt about everything, even if he had been enjoying himself far more than he was at the beginning of the party. He shivered and squeaked, his big wet loose sphincter repeatedly trying to gobble up the ball, the kitty having to push nice and and steadily to keep the ball from sliding all the way in, his big used fuckhole doming off his ass, drooling and bubbling out frothy hot mucus as he let out a near constant stream of hot sloppy slime-farts and steam, a thick smog of kitty shitter scented musk hanging around his ass, rising and spreading out all the more as he began to sweat from all the attention, his body feeling hot as beads of sweat gently rolled down his ass, his paws gently tightening at the hands of the man who was helping to keep his legs held up. He whined, starting to push, thinking that surely the excited crowd had enough, their voices too blended together and rushed for him to pick anything in particular out from them. He bore down, softly at first, but growing harder by the moment, his sphincter wrapped surprisingly tightly over the halfpoint of the Fushigi, his slimy butthole trying to refuse to budge, causing him to press and push so hard that his big brown hole began to round out and swell up, puffing off his body as he pushed and pushed.

He grunted, feeling his guts starting to shift, his insides ready to shoot the ball out, eyes squeezed shut as he focused everything he had on farting this big huge ball out from his sore butthole, unaware of the shock that was just about to meet him. Just moments ago one of the partygoers had stepped forward, the rest of the crowd starting to cheer him on, excitedly chanting as he softly nudged the photographer, "Check this shit out~" He purred, the cameraman immediately drawing his Mavica back up, ready to keep in frame whatever he was about to witness. Everyone gasped and yelled out excitedly as he leaned forward, setting his big hands over the kitty's oversized fat ass, squeezing at his plump plush fur, fingers squishing and groping all over his gorgeous legs, Catstopher immediately beginning to shiver as shocks of excitement rolled up his spine, his fat balls twitching as he was squished, but his focus not totally drawn away as he kept pushing... Then, all of a sudden, he leaned down, the feline learning just what all the sudden cheering and camera flashes were about when his eyes shot open, his face somehow growing an even deeper shade of red as he gazed down, seeing a head bobbing between his legs as he felt the man's tongue roll over his huge slimy butthole, his fat turgid sphincter burbling and groaning, sloppily farting up mucus over his face as he dragged his tongue in circles along his ruined asshole, his butthole trembling upon the contact, all his pushing power leaving by the halfway point of the man's second rotation around his hole, his soft slimy tongue occasionally poking between his asshole and the orb, making the kitty nearly faint with pleasure as he moaned and softly bucked, trying to return to pushing.

He shivered, feeling his asshole starting to reactionarily close, quivering and whining as he pressed his ass forwards, only managing to help the ball slip further as he accidentally mushed his distended cunt against the man's face, making him purr and moan out, squeezing the kitty's chubby thighs as he groaned, whimpering in delight as he felt his anal muscles lose to his sphincter's immediate need to swallow the ball, bit by bit, lick after lick, the ball sliding and clenching deeper and deeper until, before long, the man pulled back, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he drew his thumbs down, rubbing them against the feline's domed-out asshole, softly helping to spread his gently gaped hole, showing the last little bit of that reflective ball poking out from his hole, just in need of that final little press. The man snickered, leaning forward and locking lips with his butthole, already smeared and drooling with a mix of the kitty's frothy anal slime and the man's lipstick. He kissed and sucked on his sphincter, rolling his tongue over his fat puckered wrinkly shithole, his sloppy ruined logcutter squeezing just a little tighter, still having trouble finishing the job until the man pulled the cat forward, ramming his tongue down his butthole, his snout mushing against the kitty's soft well-manicured perinieum, Catstopher immediately crying out in a flurry of moans, squeaks, and excited squeals as he began pumping his ass up and down, his clenching mushing the ball past his anal ring, keeping it heavily placed against his prostate, fat ropes of cum arcing out from his cock and over his belly and thighs,  panting as he unloaded over himself, his orgasm only clenching the ball even deeper into his poor aching rectum, his guts clenching and slurping against the ball, sucking it deeper with every pulsing throb, the cat whining and blushing as his legs trembled, the man finally pulling back, leaning his head against his thigh and facing the partygoer with the camera, slapping his hands down on the kitty's buttcheeks and drawing a squeak from him by spreading his ass as wide as he could. The feline's hole stayed clenched tight, barely showing any sign of what sat below it, making the crowd whoop and holler all the more, especially as the camera's flash lit up the fat stringy strand of saliva that still connected his tongue with Catstopher's blown-out butthole. Soon the man stepped up, the feline shivering as he felt his legs get let go, their shakiness drawing his knees up to his chest, keeping his ass on full display as he panted and moaned.

Just as the cat thought the party had their fun, and that he could try and fart the ball out, he began to lift his head up the table, squeaking as he felt something against his hole, looking upward far quicker. Around him people had begun to line up, excited cocks throbbing and pulsing, in hands, trapped below pants, bulging from underwear, and even being stroked and pressed against his tubby legs, and the cherry on top, the man who'd made out with his hole had laid his tip right against his hole, his cock easily feeling as girthy as Catstopher's forearm, making him gasp out as he looked to all the men, panting and blushing...

It was gonna be a long long night...


[Vi havas unu nelegitan mesaĝon de Askat -- 01:59 "Katstofur!!! pardonu pardonu pardonu perfavore pardonu mi, mian ĉeltelefonon ne havis pilo kaj mi bezonis iri al la kuracisto kaj mi forgesis al diri vi!!! mi alvenos en 2 aŭ 3 horoj al preni vi returne al vian domon!!! pardonu min perfavore!!!!!! <3<3<3"]


At last the piece is finished! I feel super jazzed with how this artpiece and its subsequent story came out and am super excited to see everyone's reception, because this one took a good bit of work, especially all the reflection work on the orb X3 -- hopefully everyone is doing well, thanks as always for your continued patronage, now that this piece is done progress on commissionwork resumes!

Here's an awesome song ^^ 




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