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[The ads for this episode flew overhead and crash landed in a nearby field but everyone was OK]

Love is in the air! Or it was, anyway, a week or so ago. Because it was that famous day of hearts and candy, Valentine’s. But now we’re celebrating a different kind of love…not romantic love, but rather love for our wonderful presidents of past, present, and future. Which in many ways is even better than finding a partner to share your life and a big box of candy with. Because the presidents are always there, signing documents and so forth. And trust me, a lot of them guys will eat some chocolate with you too.

On today’s show, we don’t talk about that stuff at all because we had no idea what day it was. Instead, we got some idiot who wants to fix up a helicopter on my dime, a couple of pieces of crap to tell you what’s going on with your body like you didn’t already know, and a toilet for the UPS guy. Actually I’m joking about that last one but I think it’s a good idea. Those guys gotta whiz and crap!

Music for YKS is courtesy of Howell Dawdy, Craig Dickman, Mr. Baloney, and Mark Brendle. Additional research by Zeke Golvin. YKS is edited by Producer Dan.


Neil Jones

My theory is if JF had learned to ride a bike as a child it would have set off a chain of events that would end up with him becoming a fixed gear bike courier in Williamsburg circa 2009


Real YKSheads will remember from YKS Premium S23E7: The Howell Files (Dec 16, 2022), where JF had another parking snafu while on a date with his wife.